.. dms_tools documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Tue Oct 28 08:12:23 2014. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Documentation for ``dms_tools`` ===================================== Quick overview ----------------- `dms_tools`_ is a software package for analyzing and visualizing **d**\eep **m**\utational **s**\canning data. The :ref:`programs` installed as part of `dms_tools`_ allow you to easily analyze and visualize deep mutational scanning data; `dms_tools`_ also comes with a :ref:`pythonapi`. `dms_tools`_ is suited for the following analyses: 1) If you have sequenced a gene using barcoded subamplicon sequencing, you can process the FASTQ files to count the mutations using :ref:`dms_barcodedsubamplicons`. If you are using subassembly, you can process the FASTQ files using :ref:`dms_subassemble` and then count the frequencies of variants / mutations using :ref:`dms_matchsubassembledbarcodes`. In either case, you can summarize the results for multiple samples with :ref:`dms_summarizealignments`. 2) You have subjected a library of mutant genes to selection under two conditions, and wish to identify mutations that are favored under one versus the other. You can do this using :ref:`dms_diffselection` or :ref:`dms_inferdiffprefs`, and visualize the results using :ref:`dms_logoplot`. 3) You have measured the effects of all single codon (or amino-acid or nucleotide) mutations to a gene, and wish to quantify the *preference* of each site for each identity. You can do this using :ref:`dms_inferprefs`, and visualize the results using :ref:`dms_logoplot`. 4) You have subjected a library of mutant genes to selection under two conditions, and wish to identify mutations that are favored under one versus the other. You can do this using :ref:`dms_inferdiffprefs`, and visualize the results using :ref:`dms_logoplot`. 5) You have performed several `biological replicates`_ of deep mutational scanning, and wish to compare and combine the results. You can do this using :ref:`dms_correlate` and :ref:`dms_merge`. The `dms_tools source code`_ is freely available on GitHub; however, you will probably have an easier time you just follow the :ref:`installation` instructions rather than building from this source. Contents ------------------------ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 installation programs fileformats examples algorithms pythonapi citations Indices and tables -------------------- * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` .. include:: weblinks.txt