.. _acknowledgments: ================================== Acknowledgments and citations ================================== Acknowledgments ----------------- `phydms`_ is written by the `Bloom lab`_ (see the `full list of contributors`_). Citations ------------ The current citation for `phydms`_ is `Hilton, Doud, and Bloom, PeerJ, 2017`_. **Please cite this paper if you use phydms!** The following references are also relevant to the *ExpCM* implemented by `phydms`_: * `Bloom, Biology Direct, 12:1`_ * `Bloom, Mol Biol Evol, 31:1956-1978`_ * `Bloom, Mol Biol Evol, 31:2753-2769`_ If you use any of the simulation capabilities of `phydms`_, please also cite `pyvolve`_: * `Spielman and Wilke, PLoS One, 10:e0139047`_ If you use ``phydms_logoplot`` to create logo plots, please also cite `weblogo`_: * `Crooks et al, Genome Research, 14:1188-1190`_ Finally, if you use `dms_tools2`_ to process your deep mutational scanning data before feeding it into `phydms`_, please cite: * `Bloom, BMC Bioinformatics, 16:168`_ .. include:: weblinks.txt