.. _phydms_comprehensive_prog: ======================================= the ``phydms_comprehensive`` program ======================================= .. contents:: Overview ------------ ``phydms_comprehensive`` is a program that simplifies usage of ``phydms`` for standard analyses. Essentially, ``phydms_comprehensive`` runs ``phydms`` for several different models to enable model comparisons and identify selection. In its simplest usage, you simply provide ``phydms_comprehensive`` with an alignment and one or more files giving site-specific amino-acid preferences. The program then first uses ``RAxML`` to infer a tree under the *GTRCAT* model. Alternatively, you can specify the tree using ``--tree`` flag. For each set of site-specific amino-acid preferences, ``phydms_comprehensive`` optimizes the tree with the following models: * *ExpCM* * *ExpCM* with a gamma-distributed :math:`\omega` (if using the ``--gammaomega`` flag). * *ExpCM* with a gamma-distributed :math:`\beta` (if using the ``--gammabeta`` flag). * *YNGKP_M0* * *YNGKP_M5* It also runs each of these *ExpCM* with averaged preferences as a control. Finally, it creates summaries that enable comparison among the models. You could get all of this output by simply running ``phydms`` repeatedly, but using ``phydms_comprehensive`` automates this process for you. See below for information on `Command-line usage`_ and `Output files`_. Command-line usage -------------------- .. argparse:: :module: parsearguments :func: PhyDMSComprehensiveParser :prog: phydms_comprehensive outprefix This prefix can be a directory name (e.g. ``my_directory/``) if you want to create a new directory. See `Output files`_ for a description of the created files. alignment The alignment must meet the same specifications described in the ``phydms`` documentation for the argument of the same name (see :ref:`phydms_prog`). prefsfiles Provide the name of one or more files giving site-specific amino-acid preferences. These files should meet the same specifications described in the ``phydms`` documentation for the *prefsfile* that should accompany an *ExpCM* (see :ref:`phydms_prog`). \-\-raxml By default, ``phydms_comprehensive`` uses ``RAxML`` to infer a tree topology under the *Jukes Cantor* model and the command ``raxml``. Use this argument to specify a path to ``RAxML`` other than ``raxml``. The tree inferred by ``RAxML`` can be found in the same directory as the other output files. \-\-tree If you want to instead fix the tree to some existing topology, use this argument and provide the name of a file giving a valid tree in Newick format. You cannot specify both ``--tree`` and ``--raxml``. Output files -------------- Running ``phydms_comprehensive`` will create the following output files, all with the prefix specified by ``outprefix``. Log file ++++++++++++ A file with the suffix ``.log`` will be created that summarizes the overall progress of ``phydms_comprehensive``. If ``outprefix`` is just a directory name, this file will be called ``log.log``. Model comparison files +++++++++++++++++++++++++ A file with the suffix ``modelcomparison.md`` will be created that summarizes the model comparison. For each model, it reports the :math:`\Delta\rm{AIC}`, the optimized log likelihood, and the values of key parameters. This file is in Markdown format:: | Model | deltaAIC | LogLikelihood | nParams | ParamValues | |-------------------------|----------|---------------|---------|-----------------------------------------------| | ExpCM_NP_prefs | 0.00 | -3389.38 | 6 | beta=2.99, kappa=6.31, omega=0.78 | | averaged_ExpCM_NP_prefs | 2586.44 | -4682.60 | 6 | beta=0.28, kappa=6.51, omega=0.12 | | YNGKP_M5 | 2599.70 | -4683.23 | 12 | alpha_omega=0.30, beta_omega=2.41, kappa=5.84 | | YNGKP_M0 | 2679.50 | -4724.13 | 11 | kappa=5.79, omega=0.11 | ``phydms`` output for each model ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ For each individual model, there will also be all of the expected ``phydms`` output files as described in :ref:`phydms_prog`. These files will begin with the prefix specified by ``outprefix``, which will be followed by the name of the model. .. include:: weblinks.txt