Installation -------------- `alignparse `_ requires Python 3.8 or higher and is currently tested on Python 3.9. A Mac OS X or Linux operating system is also required. The easiest way to install `alignparse `_ is from `PyPI `_ using `pip `_ with:: pip install alignparse Note that installing the dependency `pysam `_ may require additional packages on the host system. See the `pysam documentation `_ for more details. In order to use the :mod:`alignparse.minimap2` module, you need to install the `minimap2 `_ executable (version 2.17 or higher). You can do that via the `bioconda recipe `_ or from the program's release page `as described here `_. An ``environment.yml`` file is provided with the source code. This can be used to create a `conda environment `_ that installs `alignparse `_ and its dependencies using:: conda env create -f environment.yml