.. dms_tools2 documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Fri Jul 28 17:39:58 2017. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Documentation for ``dms_tools2`` ====================================== `dms_tools2`_ is a software package for analyzing `deep mutational scanning `_ data. It is tailored to analyze libraries created using `comprehensive codon mutagenesis`_ of protein-coding genes, and perform analyses that are common to the `Bloom lab`_, such as: * Process deep-sequencing data from :ref:`bcsubamp`. * Estimate the :ref:`prefs` of a protein. * Estimate :ref:`diffsel` when imposing a pressure such as antibody selection. * Estimate the :ref:`fracsurvive` for each mutation when imposing a strong pressure such as antibody selection. * Processing PacBio CCS sequencing of defined amplicons using the :py:mod:`dms_tools2.pacbio` module. The `dms_tools2 source code`_ is freely available under a `GPLv3`_ license. `dms_tools2`_ is a re-write of the earlier `dms_tools `_ package. If you use `dms_tools2`_ for your work, **please cite the references** in :ref:`citations`. :ref:`installation` of `dms_tools2`_ installs a collection of :ref:`programs` as well as a :ref:`api`. The easiest way to learn to use `dms_tools2`_ is to look at the :ref:`examples`. Contents ---------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 installation examples bcsubamp prefs diffsel fracsurvive programs api citations Indices and tables --------------------- * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` .. include:: weblinks.txt