Source code for dms_variants.barcodes


Utility functions to process and analyze barcodes.


import collections
import math
import random  # noqa: F401

import numpy

import pandas as pd

import scipy.special

[docs]def inverse_simpson_index( barcodecounts, *, barcodecol="barcode", countcol="count", groupcols="library", ): """Inverse Simpson index (reciprocal probability two barcodes are same). Parameters ---------- barcodecounts: pandas.DataFrame Data frame with barcode counts barcodecol : str Column in ``barcodecounts`` listing all unique barcodes. countcol : str Column in ``barcodecounts`` with counts of each barcode. groupcols : str, list, or None Columns in ``barcodecounts`` by which we group for calculations. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Example ------- >>> barcodecounts = pd.DataFrame.from_records( ... [('lib1', 'AA', 10), ... ('lib1', 'AT', 20), ... ('lib1', 'AC', 30), ... ('lib2', 'AA', 5)], ... columns=['library', 'barcode', 'count']) >>> inverse_simpson_index(barcodecounts) library inverse_simpson_index 0 lib1 2.571429 1 lib2 1.000000 """ # based on here: reserved_cols = ["dummy", "p2", "simpson_index", "inverse_simpson_index"] for col in reserved_cols: if col in barcodecounts.columns: raise ValueError(f"`barcodecounts` cannot have column {col}") if groupcols: if isinstance(groupcols, str): groupcols = [groupcols] else: groupcols = ["dummy"] barcodecounts["dummy"] = "dummy" req_cols = [barcodecol, countcol, *groupcols] if not set(barcodecounts.columns).issuperset(req_cols): raise ValueError(f"`barcodecounts` lacks columns {req_cols}") if len(barcodecounts) != len(barcodecounts.groupby(req_cols)): raise ValueError("`barcodecol` and `groupcols` not unique rows") df = ( barcodecounts.assign( p2=lambda x: ( x[countcol] / (x.groupby(groupcols)[countcol].transform("sum")) ) ** 2 ) .groupby(groupcols, as_index=False) .aggregate(simpson_index=pd.NamedAgg("p2", "sum")) .assign(inverse_simpson_index=lambda x: 1 / x["simpson_index"]) ) if groupcols == ["dummy"]: groupcols = [] return df[[*groupcols, "inverse_simpson_index"]]
[docs]def rarefyBarcodes( barcodecounts, *, barcodecol="barcode", countcol="count", maxpoints=100000, logspace=True, ): """Rarefaction curve of barcode observations. Note ---- Uses analytical formula for rarefaction defined here: Parameters ---------- barcodecounts : pandas.DataFrame Data frame with counts to rarefy. barcodecol : str Column in `barcodecounts` listing all unique barcodes. countcol : str Column in `barcodecounts` with observed counts of each barcode. maxpoints : int Only calculate rarefaction curve at this many points. Benefit is that it is costly to calculate the curve for many points. logspace : bool Logarithmically space the points. If `False`, space linearly. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame A data frame with columns 'ncounts' and 'nbarcodes' giving number of unique barcodes observed for each total number of observed counts. Example ------- >>> barcodecounts = pd.DataFrame({'barcode': ['A', 'G', 'C', 'T'], ... 'count': [4, 2, 1, 0]}) >>> rarefaction_curve = rarefyBarcodes(barcodecounts) >>> rarefaction_curve ncounts nbarcodes 0 1 1.000000 1 2 1.666667 2 3 2.114286 3 4 2.428571 4 5 2.666667 5 6 2.857143 6 7 3.000000 Verify this result matches what is obtained by random sampling: >>> random.seed(1) >>> barcodelist = [] >>> for tup in barcodecounts.itertuples(index=False): ... barcodelist += [tup.barcode] * tup.count >>> nrand = 10000 >>> ncounts = list(range(1, barcodecounts['count'].sum() + 1)) >>> nbarcodes = [] >>> for ncount in ncounts: ... nbarcodes.append(sum(len(set(random.sample(barcodelist, ncount))) ... for _ in range(nrand)) / nrand) >>> sim_rarefaction_curve = pd.DataFrame({'ncounts': ncounts, ... 'nbarcodes': nbarcodes}) >>> numpy.allclose(rarefaction_curve, sim_rarefaction_curve, atol=1e-2) True """ if len(barcodecounts) != len(barcodecounts[barcodecol].unique()): raise ValueError("non-unique barcodes in `barcodecounts`") # follow nomenclature at # Ni = barcodecounts.set_index(barcodecol)[countcol].to_dict() N = sum(Ni.values()) K = len(barcodecounts) Mj = collections.Counter(Ni.values()) Nk, num = map(numpy.array, zip(*Mj.items())) # use simplification that (N - Ni)Cr(n) / (N)Cr(n) = # [(N - Ni)! * (N - n)!] / [N! * (N - Ni - n)!] # # Also use fact that gamma(x + 1) = x! nbarcodes = [] lnFactorial_N = scipy.special.gammaln(N + 1) if logspace and N > maxpoints: ncounts = list( numpy.unique( numpy.logspace( math.log10(1), math.log10(N), num=min(N, maxpoints) ).astype("int") ) ) else: ncounts = list( numpy.unique(numpy.linspace(1, N, num=min(N, maxpoints)).astype("int")) ) for n in ncounts: lnFactorial_N_minus_n = scipy.special.gammaln(N - n + 1) i = numpy.nonzero(N - Nk - n >= 0) # indices where this is true nbarcodes.append( K - ( num[i] * numpy.exp( scipy.special.gammaln(N - Nk[i] + 1) + lnFactorial_N_minus_n - lnFactorial_N - scipy.special.gammaln(N - Nk[i] - n + 1) ) ).sum() ) return pd.DataFrame({"ncounts": ncounts, "nbarcodes": nbarcodes})
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()