Source code for dms_variants.binarymap


Defines :class:`BinaryMap` objects for handling binary representations
of variants and their functional scores.


import collections
import re

import numpy

import pandas as pd  # noqa: F401

import scipy.sparse

import dms_variants.constants

[docs]class BinaryMap: r"""Binary representations of variants and their functional scores. Note ---- These maps represent variants as arrays of 0 and 1 integers indicating whether a particular variant has a substitution. The wildtype is all 0. Such representations are useful for fitting estimates of the effect of each substitution. Unless you are using the `expand` option, the binary maps only cover substitutions relative to wildtype that are present in at least one of the variants used to create the map. Parameters ---------- func_scores_df : pandas.DataFrame Data frame of variants and their functional scores. Each row is a different variant, defined by space-delimited list of substitutions. Data frames of this type are returned by :meth:`dms_variants.codonvarianttable.CodonVariantTable.func_scores`. substitutions_col : str Column in `func_scores_df` giving substitutions for each variant. func_score_col : str or None Column in `func_scores_df` giving functional score for each variant, or `None` if no functional scores available. func_score_var_col : str or None Column in `func_scores_df` giving variance on functional score estimate, or `None` if no variance available. n_pre_col : str or None Column in `func_scores_df` giving pre-selection counts for each variant, or `None` if counts not available. n_post_col : str or None Column in `func_scores_df` giving post-selection counts for each variant, or `None` if counts not available. cols_optional : True All of the `*_col` parameters are optional except `substitutions_col`. If `cols_optional` is `True`, the absence of any of these columns is taken the same as setting that column's parameter to zero: the corresponding attribute is set to `None`. alphabet : list or tuple Allowed characters (e.g., amino acids or codons). expand : bool If `False` (the default) the encoding only covers substitutions relative to wildtype that are observed in the set of variants. If `True` then the encoding covers all allowed characters at each site regardless of whether they are wildtype or observed. In this latter case, each binary representation is of length (alphabet size) :math:`\times` (sequence length), and sums to the sequence length. wtseq : None or str Only set this option if `expand` is `True`. In that case, it should be the wildtype sequence. Attributes ---------- binarylength : int Length of the binary representation of each variant. nvariants : int Number of variants. binary_variants : scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix of dtype int8 Sparse matrix of shape `nvariants` by `binarylength`. Row `binary_variants[ivariant]` gives the binary representation of variant `ivariant`, and `binary_variants[ivariant, i]` is 1 if the variant has the substitution :meth:`BinaryMap.i_to_sub` and 0 otherwise. To convert to dense `numpy.ndarray`, use `toarray` method of the sparse matrix. substitution_variants : list All variants as substitution strings as provided in `substitutions_col` of `func_scores_df`. func_scores : numpy.ndarray of floats A 1D array of length `nvariants` giving score for each variant. func_scores_var : numpy.ndarray of floats, or None A 1D array of length `nvariants` giving variance on score for each variant, or `None` if no variance estimates provided. n_pre : numpy.dnarray of integers, or None A 1D array of length `nvariants` giving pre-selection counts for each variant, or `None` if counts not provided. n_post : numpy.dnarray of integers, or None A 1D array of length `nvariants` giving post-selection counts for each variant, or `None` if counts not provided. alphabet : tuple Allowed characters (e.g., amino acids or codons). substitutions_col : str Value set when initializing object. Example ------- Create a binary map: >>> func_scores_df = pd.DataFrame.from_records( ... [('', 0.0, 0.2), ... ('M1A', -0.2, 0.1), ... ('M1C K3A', -0.4, 0.3), ... ('', 0.01, 0.15), ... ('A2C K3A', -0.05, 0.1), ... ('A2*', -1.2, 0.4), ... ], ... columns=['aa_substitutions', 'func_score', 'func_score_var']) >>> binmap = BinaryMap(func_scores_df) The length of the binary representation equals the number of unique substitutions: >>> binmap.binarylength 5 >>> binmap.all_subs ['M1A', 'M1C', 'A2*', 'A2C', 'K3A'] Scores, score variances, binary and string representations: >>> binmap.nvariants 6 >>> binmap.func_scores array([ 0. , -0.2 , -0.4 , 0.01, -0.05, -1.2 ]) >>> binmap.func_scores_var array([0.2 , 0.1 , 0.3 , 0.15, 0.1 , 0.4 ]) >>> type(binmap.binary_variants) <class 'scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix'> >>> binmap.binary_variants.toarray() array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0]], dtype=int8) >>> binmap.substitution_variants ['', 'M1A', 'M1C K3A', '', 'A2C K3A', 'A2*'] >>> binmap.substitutions_col 'aa_substitutions' Validate binary map interconverts binary representations and substitutions: >>> for ivar in range(binmap.nvariants): ... binvar = binmap.binary_variants.toarray()[ivar] ... subs_from_df =[ivar, 'aa_substitutions'] ... assert subs_from_df == binmap.binary_to_sub_str(binvar) ... assert all(binvar == binmap.sub_str_to_binary(subs_from_df)) Demonstrate :meth:`BinaryMap.sub_str_to_indices`: >>> for sub in binmap.substitution_variants: ... print(binmap.sub_str_to_indices(sub)) [] [0] [1, 4] [] [3, 4] [2] Now do similar operation but using `expand` to include full alphabet (although to keep size manageable, we use an alphabet smaller than all amino acids): >>> wtseq = 'MAKG' >>> alphabet = ['A', 'C', 'G', 'K', 'M', '*'] >>> binmap_expand = BinaryMap(func_scores_df, ... alphabet=alphabet, ... expand=True, ... wtseq=wtseq) >>> binmap_expand.binarylength == len(wtseq) * len(alphabet) True >>> binmap_expand.all_subs ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ['M1A', 'M1C', 'M1G', 'M1K', 'M1*', 'A2C', 'A2G', 'A2K', 'A2M', 'A2*', 'K3A', 'K3C', 'K3G', 'K3M', 'K3*', 'G4A', 'G4C', 'G4K', 'G4M', 'G4*'] >>> binmap_expand.binary_variants.toarray() ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]], dtype=int8) >>> all(numpy.sum(binmap_expand.binary_variants.toarray(), axis=1) == ... numpy.full(binmap_expand.nvariants, len(wtseq))) True >>> binmap_expand.substitution_variants ['', 'M1A', 'M1C K3A', '', 'A2C K3A', 'A2*'] >>> for ivar in range(binmap_expand.nvariants): ... binvar = binmap_expand.binary_variants.toarray()[ivar] ... subs_from_df =[ivar, 'aa_substitutions'] ... assert subs_from_df == binmap_expand.binary_to_sub_str(binvar) ... assert all(binvar == binmap_expand.sub_str_to_binary(subs_from_df)) Note that `binamp` does not have `n_pre` and `n_post` attributes set: >>> binmap.n_pre == binmap.n_post == None True We would not have been able to initialize `binmap` if we weren't using the `cols_optional` flag: >>> BinaryMap(func_scores_df, alphabet=alphabet, cols_optional=False) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: `func_scores_df` lacks column pre_count Now assign values to `n_pre` and `n_post` attributes: >>> func_scores_df_counts = ( ... func_scores_df.assign(pre_count=[10, 20, 15, 5, 6, 8], ... post_count=[0, 3, 12, 11, 9, 8]) ... ) >>> binmap_counts = BinaryMap(func_scores_df_counts, alphabet=alphabet) >>> binmap_counts.n_pre array([10, 20, 15, 5, 6, 8]) >>> binmap_counts.n_post array([ 0, 3, 12, 11, 9, 8]) """ def __eq__(self, other): """Test if equal to object `other`. >>> df = pd.DataFrame({'aa_substitutions': ['', 'M1A'], ... 'func_score': [0.0, -1.2], ... 'func_score_var': [0.1, 0.15]}) >>> df2 = df.copy() >>> df3 = df.assign(func_score=lambda x: x['func_score'] + 0.1) >>> bmap1 = BinaryMap(df) >>> bmap2 = BinaryMap(df2) >>> bmap3 = BinaryMap(df3) >>> bmap1 == bmap2 True >>> bmap1 == bmap3 False """ # following here: if type(other) != type(self): return False elif self.__dict__.keys() != other.__dict__.keys(): return False else: for key, val in self.__dict__.items(): val2 = getattr(other, key) if type(val) != type(val2): return False elif isinstance(val, numpy.ndarray): if not numpy.array_equal(val, val2): return False elif isinstance(val, scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix): if (val - val2).nnz: return False elif isinstance(val, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)): if not val.equals(val2): return False else: if val != val2: return False return True def __init__(self, func_scores_df, *, substitutions_col='aa_substitutions', func_score_col='func_score', func_score_var_col='func_score_var', n_pre_col='pre_count', n_post_col='post_count', cols_optional=True, alphabet=dms_variants.constants.AAS_WITHSTOP, expand=False, wtseq=None, ): """Initialize object; see main class docstring.""" self.nvariants = len(func_scores_df) self.alphabet = tuple(alphabet) for col, attr, dtype, lim_min, lim_max in [ (func_score_col, 'func_scores', float, None, None), (func_score_var_col, 'func_scores_var', float, 0, None), (n_pre_col, 'n_pre', int, 0, None), (n_post_col, 'n_post', int, 0, None), ]: if col not in func_scores_df.columns: if cols_optional: setattr(self, attr, None) else: raise ValueError(f"`func_scores_df` lacks column {col}") else: vals = func_scores_df[col].values.astype(dtype) if not all(vals == func_scores_df[col].values): raise ValueError(f"{col} not of type {dtype}") assert vals.shape == (self.nvariants,) if any(numpy.isnan(vals)): raise ValueError(f"some entries in {col} are NaN") if (lim_min is not None) and any(vals < lim_min): raise ValueError(f"some entries in {col} < {lim_min}") if (lim_max is not None) and any(vals > lim_max): raise ValueError(f"some entries in {col} < {lim_min}") setattr(self, attr, vals) # get list of substitution strings for each variant if substitutions_col not in func_scores_df.columns: raise ValueError('`func_scores_df` lacks `substitutions_col` ' + substitutions_col) substitutions = func_scores_df[substitutions_col].tolist() if not all(isinstance(s, str) for s in substitutions): raise ValueError('values in `substitutions_col` not all str') self.substitution_variants = substitutions self.substitutions_col = substitutions_col # regex that matches substitution chars = [] for char in alphabet: if char.isalpha(): chars.append(char) elif char == '*': chars.append(r'\*') else: raise ValueError(f"invalid alphabet character: {char}") chars = '|'.join(chars) self._sub_regex = (rf"(?P<wt>{chars})" rf"(?P<site>\d+)" rf"(?P<mut>{chars})") # build mapping from substitution to binary map index wts = {} muts = collections.defaultdict(set) for subs in substitutions: for sub in subs.split(): m = re.fullmatch(self._sub_regex, sub) if not m: raise ValueError(f"could not match substitution: {sub}") site = int('site')) if site not in wts: wts[site] ='wt') elif'wt') != wts[site]: raise ValueError(f"different wildtypes at {site}:\n" f"{'wt')} versus {wts[site]}") if'mut') == wts[site]: raise ValueError(f"wildtype and mutant the same in {sub}") muts[site].add('mut')) self._i_to_sub = {} self._wt_indices = {} # keyed by site, values wildtype indices if expand: if not isinstance(wtseq, str): raise ValueError('`wtseq` must be str if `expand` is True') if not set(wtseq).issubset(set(alphabet)): raise ValueError('`wtseq` has characters not in alphabet') if min(wts.keys()) < 1: raise ValueError('if `expand`, site numbers must start at 1') if max(wts.keys()) > len(wtseq): raise ValueError('`wtseq` not long enough given site numbers') for site, wt in wts.items(): if wtseq[site - 1] != wt: raise ValueError('`wtseq` and `func_scores_df` differ on ' f"identity at site {site}") i = 0 for site, wt in enumerate(wtseq, start=1): assert (site not in wts) or (wts[site] == wt) for char in self.alphabet: self._i_to_sub[i] = f"{wt}{site}{char}" if char == wt: assert site not in self._wt_indices self._wt_indices[site] = i i += 1 else: if wtseq is not None: raise ValueError('`wtseq` should be None if `expand` is False') i = 0 for site, wt in sorted(wts.items()): for mut in sorted(muts[site]): self._i_to_sub[i] = f"{wt}{site}{mut}" i += 1 self.binarylength = len(self._i_to_sub) self._sub_to_i = {sub: i for i, sub in self._i_to_sub.items()} self._wt_index_set = set(self._wt_indices.values()) assert len(self._sub_to_i) == len(self._i_to_sub) == self.binarylength # build binary_variants row_ind = [] # row indices of elements that are one col_ind = [] # column indices of elements that are one for ivariant, subs in enumerate(substitutions): for isub in self.sub_str_to_indices(subs): row_ind.append(ivariant) col_ind.append(isub) self.binary_variants = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix( (numpy.ones(len(row_ind), dtype='int8'), (row_ind, col_ind)), shape=(self.nvariants, self.binarylength), dtype='int8')
[docs] def sub_str_to_binary(self, sub_str): """Convert space-delimited substitutions to binary representation. Parameters ---------- sub_str : str Space-delimited substitutions. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray of dtype `int8` Binary representation. """ binrep = numpy.zeros(self.binarylength, dtype='int8') binrep[self.sub_str_to_indices(sub_str)] = 1 return binrep
[docs] def sub_str_to_indices(self, sub_str): """Convert space-delimited substitutions to list of non-zero indices. Parameters ----------- sub_str : str Space-delimited substitutions. Returns ------- list Contains binary representation index for each mutation, so wildtype is an empty list. """ sites = set() indices = [] for sub in sub_str.split(): m = re.fullmatch(self._sub_regex, sub) if not m: raise ValueError(f"substitution {sub} in {sub_str} invalid " f"for alphabet {self.alphabet}") if'site') in sites: raise ValueError("multiple subs at same site in {sub_str}") sites.add('site')) indices.append(self.sub_to_i(sub)) sites = {int(site) for site in sites} for site, i in self._wt_indices.items(): if site not in sites: indices.append(i) return sorted(indices)
[docs] def binary_to_sub_str(self, binary): """Convert binary representation to space-delimited substitutions. Note ---- This method is the inverse of :meth:`BinaryMap.sub_str_to_binary`. Parameters ---------- binary : numpy.ndarray Binary representation. Returns ------- str Space-delimited substitutions. """ if binary.shape != (self.binarylength,): raise ValueError(f"`binary` not length {self.binarylength}:\n" + str(binary)) if not set(binary).issubset({0, 1}): raise ValueError(f"`binary` not all 0 or 1:\n{binary}") subs = [s for s in map(self.i_to_sub, numpy.flatnonzero(binary)) if s] sites = [re.fullmatch(self._sub_regex, sub) for sub in subs] if len(sites) != len(set(sites)): raise ValueError('`binary` specifies multiple substitutions ' f"at same site:\n{binary}\n{' '.join(subs)}") return ' '.join(subs)
[docs] def i_to_sub(self, i): """Substitution corresponding to index in binary representation. Parameters ---------- i : int Index in binary representation, 0 <= `i` < `binarylength`. Returns ------- str The substitution corresponding to that index. """ try: if i in self._wt_index_set: return '' else: return self._i_to_sub[i] except KeyError: if i < 0 or i >= self.binarylength: raise ValueError(f"invalid i of {i}. Must be >= 0 and " f"< {self.binarylength}") else: raise ValueError(f"unexpected error, i = {i} should be in map")
[docs] def sub_to_i(self, sub): """Index in binary representation corresponding to substitution. Parameters ---------- sub : str The substitution. Returns ------- int Index in binary representation, will be >= 0 and < `binarylength`. """ try: return self._sub_to_i[sub] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"sub of {sub} is not in the binary map. The map " 'only contains substitutions in the variants.')
@property def all_subs(self): """list: Substitutions in order encoded in binary map.""" if not hasattr(self, '_all_subs'): self._all_subs = [self.i_to_sub(i) for i in range(self.binarylength) if self.i_to_sub(i)] return self._all_subs
if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod()