Source code for dms_variants.globalepistasis


Implements global epistasis models that are based on (but extend in some
ways) those described in `Otwinoski et al (2018)`_.
See also `Sailer and Harms (2017)`_ and `Otwinoski (2018)`_.

.. contents:: Contents
   :depth: 2

.. _global_epistasis_function:

Global epistasis function

The global epistasis function is defined as follows.
Let :math:`v` be a variant. We convert
:math:`v` into a binary representation with respect to some wildtype
sequence. This representation is a vector :math:`\mathbf{b}\left(v\right)`
with element :math:`b\left(v\right)_m` equal to 1 if the variant has mutation
:math:`m` and 0 otherwise, and :math:`m` ranging over all :math:`M` mutations
observed in the overall set of variants (so :math:`\mathbf{b}\left(v\right)`
is of length :math:`M`). Variants can be converted into this binary form
using `binarymap <>`_.

We define a *latent effect* for each mutation :math:`m`, which we denote as
:math:`\beta_m`. The latent effects of mutations contribute additively to the
*latent phenotype*, and the latent phenotype of the wildtype sequence is
:math:`\beta_{\rm{wt}}`. So the *latent phenotype* of variant :math:`v` is:

.. math::
   :label: latent_phenotype

   \phi\left(v\right) = \beta_{\rm{wt}} +
                        \sum_{m=1}^M \beta_m b\left(v\right)_m.

The predicted *observed phenotype* :math:`p\left(v\right)` is a function of the
latent phenotype:

.. math::
   :label: observed_phenotype

   p\left(v\right) = g\left(\phi\left(v\right)\right)

where :math:`g` is the *global epistasis function*.

We define the following global epistasis functions:

.. _no_epistasis_function:

No epistasis function
No epistasis, so the observed phenotype is just the latent phenotype:

.. math::
   :label: noepistasis

   g\left(x\right) = x.

This function is implemented as :class:`NoEpistasis`.

.. _monotonic_spline_epistasis_function:

Monotonic spline epistasis function
This is the function used in `Otwinoski et al (2018)`_. It transforms
the latent phenotype to the observed phenotype using monotonic I-splines with
linear extrapolation outside the spline boundaries:

.. math::
   :label: monotonicspline

   c_{\alpha} + \sum_{m=1}^M \alpha_{m} I_m\left(x\right)
     & \rm{if\;} L \le x \le U, \\
   c_{\alpha} + \sum_{m=1}^M \alpha_m
     \left[I_m\left(L\right) + \left(x - L\right)
           \left.\frac{\partial I_m\left(y\right)}
                      {\partial y}\right\rvert_{y=L}
     & \rm{if\;} x < L, \\
   c_{\alpha} + \sum_{m=1}^M \alpha_m
     \left[I_m\left(U\right) + \left(x - U\right)
           \left.\frac{\partial I_m\left(y\right)}
                      {\partial y}\right\rvert_{y=U}
     & \rm{if\;} x > U,

where :math:`c_{\alpha}` is an arbitrary number giving the *minimum*
observed phenotype, the :math:`\alpha_m` coefficients are all :math:`\ge 0`,
:math:`I_m` indicates a family of I-splines defined via
:class:`dms_variants.ispline.Isplines_total`, and :math:`L` and :math:`U` are
the lower and upper bounds on the regions over which the I-splines are defined.
Note how when :math:`x` is outside the range of the I-splines, we linearly
extrapolate :math:`g` from its range boundaries to calculate.

This function is implemented as :class:`MonotonicSplineEpistasis`. By default,
the I-splines are of order 3 and are defined on a mesh of four evenly spaced
points such that the total number of I-splines is :math:`M=5` (although these
options can be adjusted when initializing a :class:`MonotonicSplineEpistasis`

The latent effects are scaled so that their mean absolute value is one,
and the latent phenotype of the wildtype is set to zero.

.. _multi_latent:

Multiple latent phenotypes
Although this package allows multiple latent phenotypes, we do **not**
recommend using them as the models generally do not seem to converge
in fitting in a useful way with multiple latent phenotypes.

Equations :eq:`latent_phenotype` and :eq:`observed_phenotype` can be
generalized to the case where multiple latent phenotypes contribute
to the observed phenotype. Specifically, let there be
:math:`k = 1, \ldots, K` different latent phenotypes, and let
:math:`\beta_m^k` denote the effect of mutation :math:`m` on latent phenotype
:math:`k`. Then we generalize Equation :eq:`latent_phenotype` to

.. math::
   :label: latent_phenotype_multi

   \phi_k\left(v\right) = \beta_{\rm{wt}}^k +
                          \sum_{m=1}^M \beta_m^k b\left(v\right)_m,

and Equation :eq:`observed_phenotype` to

.. math::
   :label: observed_phenotype_multi

   p\left(v\right) = \sum_{k=1}^K g_k\left(\phi_k\left(v\right)\right),

where :math:`\phi_k\left(v\right)` is the :math:`k`-th latent phenotype of
variant :math:`v`, and :math:`g_k` is the :math:`k`-th global epistasis

Note that it does **not** make sense to fit multiple latent phenotypes
to a non-epistatic model as a linear combination of linear effects
reduces to a simple linear model (in other words, a multi-latent
phenotype non-epistatic model is no differen than a one-latent
phenotype non-epistatic model).

.. _likelihood_calculation:

Likelihood calculation
We defined a *likelihood* capturing how well the model describes the
actual data, and then fit the models by finding the parameters that
maximize this likelihood. This means that different epistasis functions
(as described in `Global epistasis function`_) can be compared via
their likelihoods after correcting for the number of parameters
(e.g. by `AIC <>`_).

We consider several different forms for calculating the likelihood.
Note that epistasis functions can only be compared within the same form of
the likelihood on the same dataset--you **cannot** compare likelihoods
calculated using different methods, or on different datasets.

.. _gaussian_likelihood:

Gaussian likelihood
This is the form of the likelihood used in `Otwinoski et al (2018)`_. It is
most appropriate when we have functional scores for variants along with
good estimates of normally distributed errors on these functional scores.

For each variant :math:`v`, we have an experimentally measured functional
score :math:`y_v` and optionally an estimate of the error (variance)
:math:`\sigma^2_{y_v}` in this functional score measurement. If no error
estimates are available, then we set :math:`\sigma^2_{y_v} = 0`.

The goal of the fitting is to parameterize the model so the observed phenotype
:math:`p\left(v\right)` predicted by the model is as close as possible to the
measured functional score :math:`y_v`. Following `Otwinoski et al (2018)`_,
we assume the likelihood of measuring a functional score :math:`y_v` is
normally distributed around the model prediction :math:`p\left(v\right)`
with variance :math:`\sigma^2_{y_v} + \sigma^2_{\rm{HOC}}`, where
:math:`\sigma^2_{\rm{HOC}}` is the un-modeled *house-of-cards epistasis*
(although in practice it could also represent experimental noise not
capture in the variance estimates). So the overall log likelihood of
the model is

.. math::
   :label: loglik_gaussian

   \mathcal{L} = \sum_{v=1}^V \ln\left[N\left(y_v \mid p\left(v\right),
                 \sigma^2_{y_v} + \sigma^2_{\rm{HOC}}\right)\right]

where :math:`V` is the number of variants and :math:`N` is the normal
distribution defined by

.. math::
   :label: normaldist

   N\left(y \mid \mu, \sigma^2\right) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi \sigma^2}} \exp
                    \left(-\frac{\left(y - \mu\right)^2}{2 \sigma^2}\right).

This likelihood calculation is implemented as :class:`GaussianLikelihood`.

.. _cauchy_likelihood:

Cauchy likelihood
This form of the likelihood assumes that the difference between the
measured functional scores and the model's observed phenotypes follows a
`Cauchy distribution <>`_.

A potential advantage over the :ref:`gaussian_likelihood` is the
`fatter tails <>`_
of the Cauchy distribution relative to the Gaussian distribution.
This could be advantageous if some measurements are very large outliers
(either due to un-modeled epistasis or experimental factors such as
mis-calling of variant sequences) in ways that are not
capture in the functional score variance estimates :math:`\sigma^2_{y_v}`.
Such outlier measurements will have less influence on the overall model
fit for the Cauchy likelihood relative to the :ref:`gaussian_likelihood`.

Specifically, we compute the overall log likelihood as

.. math::
   :label: loglik_cauchy

   \mathcal{L} = -\sum_{v=1}^V
                 \ln\left[\pi \sqrt{\gamma^2 + \sigma^2_{y_v}}
                          \left(1 + \frac{\left[y_v - p\left(v\right)\right]^2}
                                         {\gamma^2 + \sigma^2_{y_v}}

where :math:`\gamma` is the scale parameters, and the functional score
variance estimates :math:`\sigma^2_{y_v}` are incorporated in heuristic way
(with no real theoretical basis)
that qualitatively captures the fact that larger variance estimates give a
broader distribution. If variance estimates are not available then
:math:`\sigma^2_{y_v}` is set to zero.

This likelihood calculation is implemented as :class:`CauchyLikelihood`.

.. _bottleneck_likelihood:

Bottleneck likelihood
This form of the likelihood is appropriate when most noise in the experiment
comes from a bottleneck when passaging the library from the pre-selection to
post-selection condition. This will be the case when the total pre- and post-
selection sequencing depths greatly exceed the number of variants
that were physically passaged from the pre-selection library to the post-
selection condition. At least in Bloom lab viral deep mutational scanning
experiments, this situation is quite common.

A full derivation of the log likelihood in this situation is given in
:doc:`bottleneck_likelihood`. As explained in those calculations, the
likelihood is computed from the experimental observables
:math:`f_v^{\text{pre}}` and :math:`f_v^{\text{post}}`, which represent
the pre- and post-selection frequencies of variant :math:`v`. They are
computed from the pre- and post-selection counts :math:`n_v^{\text{pre}}`
and :math:`n_v^{\text{post}}` of the variants as

.. math::
   :label: f_v_pre_post

   &=& \frac{n_v^{\text{pre}} + C}
            {\sum_{v'=1}^V \left(n_{v'}^{\text{pre}} + C \right)} \\
   &=& \frac{n_v^{\text{post}} + C}
            {\sum_{v'=1}^V \left(n_{v'}^{\text{post}} + C \right)}

where :math:`C` is a pseudocount which by default is 0.5.

Using the bottleneck likelihood also requires an estimation of the experimental
bottleneck :math:`N_{\rm{bottle}}` when passaging the library from the pre-
to post-selection conditions. A smaller bottleneck will correspond to more
"noise" in the experiment, since random bottlenecking changes the frequencies
of variants unpredictably. You can either estimate :math:`N_{\rm{bottle}}`
experimentally or from fluctuations in the relative frequencies of
wildtype or synonymous variants, such as via

Given these experimentally measured parameters, the overall log likelihood is:

.. math::
   :label: loglik_bottleneck

   \left[ n_v^{\rm{bottle}} \ln\left(N_{\rm{bottle}} f_v^{\text{pre}}\right)
          - \ln \Gamma \left(n_v^{\rm{bottle}} + 1\right)
        \right] - N_{\rm{bottle}}

where :math:`\Gamma` is the
`gamma function <>`_
and :math:`n_v^{\rm{bottle}}` is the estimated number of copies of variant
:math:`v` that made it through the bottleneck, which is defined in terms
of the phenotype :math:`p\left(v\right)` as

.. math::
   :label: n_v_bottle

   \frac{f_v^{\rm{post}} N_{\rm{bottle}}
         \sum_{v'=1}^V f_{v'}^{\text{pre}} 2^{p\left(v'\right)}}

The free parameters are therefore the :math:`p\left(v\right)` values
(the :math:`n_v^{\rm{bottle}}` values are hidden variables that are
not explicitly estimated). Note that Eq. :eq:`n_v_bottle`
uses an exponent base of 2, but it can be set to arbitrary positive values
in the actual implementation.

After fitting the observed phenotypes, the parameters are re-scaled
so that the observed phenotype of wildtype is zero
(i.e., :math:`p\left(\rm{wt}\right) = 0`).

This likelihood calculation is implemented as :class:`BottleneckLikelihood`.

The model classes
The epistasis models are defined in a set of classes. All these classes
inherit their main functionality from the :class:`AbstractEpistasis`
abstract base class.

There are subclasses of :class:`AbstractEpistasis` that implement the
global epistasis functions and likelihood calculation methods. Specifically,
the following classes implement a :ref:`global_epistasis_function`:

  - :class:`NoEpistasis`
  - :class:`MonotonicSplineEpistasis`

and the following classes each implement a :ref:`likelihood_calculation`:
  - :class:`GaussianLikelihood`
  - :class:`CauchyLikelihood`
  - :class:`BottleneckLikelihood`

However, those classes can still not be directly instantianted, as a fully
concrete model subclass must have **both** a global epistasis function and
a likelihood calculation method.
The following classes implement both, and so can be directly instantiated
for use in analyses:

  - :class:`NoEpistasisGaussianLikelihood`
  - :class:`NoEpistasisCauchyLikelihood`
  - :class:`NoEpistasisBottleneckLikelihood`
  - :class:`MonotonicSplineEpistasisGaussianLikelihood`
  - :class:`MonotonicSplineEpistasisCauchyLikelihood`
  - :class:`MonotonicSplineEpistasisBottleneckLikelihood`

Details of fitting

.. _fitting_workflow:

Fitting workflow
The fitting workflow for a single latent phenotype is similar to that described
in `Otwinoski et al (2018)`_:

 1. The latent effects are fit under an additive (non-epistatic) model
    using least squares. The residuals from this fit are then used to
    estimate :math:`\sigma^2_{\rm{HOC}}` for :ref:`gaussian_likelihood`,
    or :math:`\gamma^2` for :ref:`cauchy_likelihood`.
 2. If there are any parameters in the epistasis function, they are set
    to reasonable initial values. For :class:`MonotonicSplineEpistasis`
    this involves setting the mesh to go from 0 to 1, scaling the latent
    effects so that the latent phenotypes range from 0 to 1, setting
    :math:`c_{\alpha}` to the minimum functional score and setting the
    weights :math:`\alpha_m` to equal values such that the max of the
    epistasis function is the same as the max functional score.
 3. The overall model is fit by maximum likelihood.
 4. For :class:`MonotonicSplineEpistasis`, the latent effects and wildtype
    latent phenotype are rescaled so that the mean absolute value latent
    effect is one and the wildtype latent phenotype is zero.

.. _fitting_multi_latent:

Fitting multiple latent phenotypes
When there are multiple latent phenotypes (see :ref:`multi_latent`), the
fitting workflow changes. To fit a model with :math:`K > 1` latent phenotypes,
first fit a model of the same type to the same data with :math:`K - 1` latent
phenotype. The values from that fit for the first :math:`K - 1` latent
phenotypes are used to initialize all parameters relevant to those first
:math:`K - 1` latent phenotypes and the associated global epistasis
functions and likelihood calculations.

Then parameters relevant to latent phenotype :math:`K` are set so the initial
contribution of this phenotype to the overall observed phenotype is zero.
Specifically the latent effects :math:`\beta_m^K` for phenotype :math:`K` are
all set to zero and :math:`\beta_{\rm{wt}}^K` is chosen so that
:math:`0 = g_K \left(\beta_{\rm{wt}}^K\right)`. For a
:class:`MonotonicSplineEpistasis` model, initial parameters for :math:`g_K` are
chosen so that over the mesh, :math:`g_K` spans +/- the absolute value of
the largest residual of the model with :math:`K - 1` latent phenotypes.

After initializing the paramters in this way, the entire model (all latent
phenotypes) is fit by maximum likelihood.

Conveniently fitting and comparing several models
To conveniently fit and compare several models, use :func:`fit_models`.
This is especially useful when you are including models with multiple
latent phenotypes.

Vector representation of :math:`\beta_{\rm{wt}}`
For the purposes of the optimization (and in the equations below), we change
how :math:`\beta_{\rm{wt}}` is represented to simplify the calculations.
Specifically, to the binary encoding :math:`\mathbf{b}\left(v\right)` of
each variant, we append a 1 so that the encodings are now of length
:math:`M + 1`. We then define :math:`\beta_{M + 1} = \beta_{\rm{wt}}`.
Then Eq. :eq:`latent_phenotype` can be rewritten as

.. math::
   :label: latent_phenotype_wt_vec

   \phi\left(v\right) = \sum_{m=1}^{M+1} \beta_m b\left(v\right)_m

enabling :math:`\beta_{\rm{wt}}` to just be handled like the other
:math:`\beta_m` parameters.

The optimization is performed by :meth:``.
There are several options to that method about how to do the optimization;
by default it uses a L-BFGS-B algorithm with exact gradients
calculated as below.

Gradients used in optimization

For the optimization, we use the following gradients:

Gradient of latent phenotype with respect to latent effects:

.. math::
   :label: dlatent_phenotype_dlatent_effect

   \frac{\partial \phi_j\left(v\right)}{\partial \beta_m^k} =
   b\left(v_m\right) & \rm{if\;} j = k, \\
   0 & \rm{otherwise.} \\

Gradient of observed phenotype with respect to latent phenotypes:

.. math::
   :label: dobserved_phenotype_dlatent_effect

   \frac{\partial p\left(v\right)}{\partial \beta_m^k}
   &=& \left.\frac{\partial g_k\left(x\right)}{\partial x}
       \right\rvert_{x = \phi_k\left(v\right)} \times
       \frac{\partial \phi_k\left(v\right)}{\partial \beta_m^k} \\
   &=& \left.\frac{\partial g_k\left(x\right)}{\partial x}
       \right\rvert_{x = \phi_k\left(v\right)} \times b\left(v_m\right)

Derivative of the likelihood with respect to latent effects:

.. math::
   :label: dloglik_dlatent_effect

   \frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial \beta_m^k}
   = \sum_{v=1}^V \frac{\mathcal{L}}
                       {\partial p\left(v\right)} \times
                  \frac{\partial p\left(v\right)}{\partial \beta_m^k}.

Derivative of :ref:`gaussian_likelihood` (Eq. :eq:`loglik_gaussian`) with
respect to observed phenotype:

.. math::
   :label: dloglik_gaussian_dobserved_phenotype

   \frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial p\left(v\right)}
   = \frac{y_v - p\left(v\right)}
          {\sigma_{y_v}^2 + \sigma^2_{\rm{HOC}}}.

Derivative of :ref:`gaussian_likelihood` (Eq. :eq:`loglik_gaussian`) with
respect to house-of-cards epistasis:

.. math::
   :label: dloglik_gaussian_depistasis_HOC

   \frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial \sigma^2_{\rm{HOC}}} = \sum_{v=1}^V
   \frac{1}{2} \left[\left(\frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}
                                {\partial p\left(v\right)}\right)^2
                     - \frac{1}{\sigma_{y_v}^2 + \sigma_{\rm{HOC}}^2} \right].

Derivative of :ref:`cauchy_likelihood` (Eq. :eq:`loglik_cauchy`) with
respect to observed phenotype:

.. math::
   :label: dloglik_cauchy_dobserved_phenotype

   \frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial p\left(v\right)}
   \frac{2\left[y_v - p\left(v\right)\right]}
        {\gamma^2 + \sigma^2_{y_v} +
         \left[y_v - p\left(v\right)\right]^2}.

Derivative of :ref:`cauchy_likelihood` (Eq. :eq:`loglik_cauchy`) with
respect to scale parameter:

.. math::
   :label: dloglik_cauchy_dscale_parameter

   \frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial \gamma}
   \sum_{v=1}^{V} \frac{\gamma\left(\left[y_v - p\left(v\right)\right]^2 -
                                    \gamma^2 - \sigma^2_{y_v}
                       {\left(\gamma^2 + \sigma^2_{y_v}\right)
                        \left(\gamma^2 + \sigma^2_{y_v} +
                              \left[y_v - p\left(v\right)\right]^2\right)

Derivative of :ref:`bottleneck_likelihood` with respect to

.. math::

   \frac{\partial n_v^{\text{bottle}}}
        {\partial p\left(v'\right)}
   \frac{\left(\ln 2\right) f_v^{\text{post}} N_{\text{bottle}}
         f_{v}^{\text{pre}} 2^{p\left(v\right)}}
   - \left(\ln 2\right) n_v^{\text{bottle}}
   & \rm{if\;} v = v', \\
   \frac{\left(\ln 2\right) f_v^{\text{post}} N_{\text{bottle}}
         f_{v'}^{\text{pre}} 2^{p\left(v'\right)}}
   & \text{otherwise}
   \end{cases} \\
   \frac{\left(\ln 2\right) f_v^{\text{post}} N_{\text{bottle}}
         f_{v'}^{\text{pre}} 2^{p\left(v'\right)}}
   - \delta_{v,v'} \left(\ln 2\right) n_{v'}^{\text{bottle}}

.. math::
   :label: dloglik_bottleneck_dobserved_phenotype

   \frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}
        {\partial p\left(v'\right)}
   \frac{\partial n_v^{\text{bottle}}}{\partial p\left(v'\right)}
   \ln\left( N_{\text{bottle}} f_v^{\text{pre}} \right)
   \frac{\partial n_v^{\text{bottle}}}{\partial p\left(v'\right)}
   \psi_0\left(n_v^{\text{bottle}} + 1\right)
   \left(\ln 2\right) f_{v'}^{\text{pre}} 2^{p\left(v'\right)}
         \left[\ln\left(N_{\text{bottle}} f_v^{\text{pre}}\right) -
               \psi_0\left(n_v^{\text{bottle}} + 1\right)
   - \left(\ln 2\right) n_{v'}^{\text{bottle}}
     \left[\ln\left(N_{\text{bottle}} f_{v'}^{\text{pre}}\right) -
           \psi_0\left(n_{v'}^{\text{bottle}} + 1\right)

where :math:`\psi_0` is the
`digamma function <>`_.

Derivative of :ref:`monotonic_spline_epistasis_function` with respect to its

.. math::
   :label: dspline_epistasis_dcalpha

   \frac{\partial g_k\left(x\right)}{\partial c_{\alpha}^k} = 1

.. math::
   :label: dspline_epistasis_dalpham

   \frac{\partial g_k\left(x\right)}{\partial \alpha^k_m}
   = I^k_m\left(x\right)

Detailed documentation of models

.. _`Otwinoski et al (2018)`:
.. _`Sailer and Harms (2017)`:
.. _`Otwinoski (2018)`:


import abc
import collections
import re
import time
import warnings

import numpy

import pandas as pd

import scipy.optimize
import scipy.sparse
import scipy.special
import scipy.stats

import dms_variants.ispline
import dms_variants.utils

[docs] class EpistasisFittingError(Exception): """Error fitting an epistasis model.""" pass
[docs] class EpistasisFittingWarning(Warning): """Warning when fitting epistasis model.""" pass
[docs] class AbstractEpistasis(abc.ABC): """Abstract base class for epistasis models. Parameters ---------- binarymap : `BinaryMap <>`_ Contains the variants, their functional scores, and score variances. n_latent_phenotypes : int Number of distinct latent phenotypes. See :ref:`multi_latent`. model_one_less_latent : None or :class:`AbstractEpistasis` If `n_latent_phenotypes` > 1, should be a fit model of the same type fit the same `binarymap` for one less latent phenotype. This is used to initialize the parameters. See :ref:`fitting_multi_latent`. Note ---- This is an abstract base class. It implements most of the epistasis model functionality, but requires subclasses to define the actual :ref:`global_epistasis_function` and :ref:`likelihood_calculation`. """ _NEARLY_ZERO = 1e-8 """float: lower bound for parameters that should be > 0.""" def __init__( self, binarymap, *, n_latent_phenotypes=1, model_one_less_latent=None, ): """See main class docstring.""" self._binarymap = binarymap if not (isinstance(n_latent_phenotypes, int) and n_latent_phenotypes >= 1): raise ValueError("`n_latent_phenotypes` must be integer >= 1") self._n_latent_phenotypes = n_latent_phenotypes self._n_latent_effects = self.binarymap.binarylength self._cache = {} # cache computed values # initialize params self._latenteffects = numpy.zeros( (self.n_latent_phenotypes, self._n_latent_effects + 1), dtype="float" ) self._likelihood_calc_params = self._init_likelihood_calc_params self._epistasis_func_params = numpy.zeros( shape=(self.n_latent_phenotypes, len(self._epistasis_func_param_names)), dtype="float", ) if self.n_latent_phenotypes > 1: self._set_lower_latent_phenotype_params(model_one_less_latent) elif model_one_less_latent is not None: raise ValueError( "`n_latent_phenotypes` is 1, but " "`model_one_less_latent` is not `None`." ) def _set_lower_latent_phenotype_params(self, model_one_less_latent): """Set parameters for lower-order latent phenotypes. Parameters ---------- model_one_less_latent : :class:`AbstractEpistasis` Model like `self` but fit with one less latent phenotype. Initializes all parameters relevant to the first :math:`K - 1` latent phenotypes as described in :ref:`fitting_multi_latent`. """ assert self.n_latent_phenotypes > 1, "calling with only 1 latent pheno" if model_one_less_latent is None: raise ValueError( "`model_one_less_latent` cannot be `None` when " "fitting multiple latent phenotypes" ) if type(self) != type(model_one_less_latent): raise ValueError( "`model_one_less_latent` not same type as current" f" object: {type(self)} versus " f"{type(model_one_less_latent)}" ) if self.binarymap != model_one_less_latent.binarymap: raise ValueError( "`model_one_less_latent` has different " "`binarymap` than current object." ) if self.n_latent_phenotypes - 1 != (model_one_less_latent.n_latent_phenotypes): raise ValueError( "`model_one_less_latent` does not have 1 fewer " "latent phenotype than current object." ) self._likelihood_calc_params = model_one_less_latent._likelihood_calc_params new_latenteffects = self._latenteffects.copy() assert new_latenteffects.shape == ( self.n_latent_phenotypes, self._n_latent_effects + 1, ) new_epistasis_func_params = self._epistasis_func_params.copy() assert new_epistasis_func_params.shape == ( self.n_latent_phenotypes, len(self._epistasis_func_param_names), ) for k in range(1, self.n_latent_phenotypes): ki = k - 1 new_latenteffects[ki] = model_one_less_latent._latenteffects[ki] new_epistasis_func_params[ki] = ( model_one_less_latent._epistasis_func_params[ki] ) self._latenteffects = new_latenteffects self._epistasis_func_params = new_epistasis_func_params def __getstate__(self): """Clears the internal `_cache` before pickling. See: """ self._cache = {} return self.__dict__ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Methods / properties to set and get model parameters that are fit. # The setters must clear appropriate elements from the cache. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @property def _latenteffects(self): r"""numpy.ndarray: Latent effects of mutations and wildtype. The :math:`\beta_m` values followed by :math:`\beta_{\rm{wt}}` for the representation in Eq. :eq:`latent_phenotype_wt_vec`. """ return self._latenteffects_val @_latenteffects.setter def _latenteffects(self, val): if val.shape != (self.n_latent_phenotypes, self._n_latent_effects + 1): raise ValueError( "invalid value for `_latenteffects`:\n" f"shape should be: {self.n_latent_phenotypes} by " f"{self._n_latent_effects + 1}\n" f"but trying to set to: {val.shape}" ) if (not hasattr(self, "_latenteffects_val")) or ( self._latenteffects != val ).any(): self._cache = {} self._latenteffects_val = val.copy() self._latenteffects_val.flags.writeable = False @property def _likelihood_calc_params(self): """numpy.ndarray: Parameters for likelihood calculation.""" return self._likelihood_calc_params_val @_likelihood_calc_params.setter def _likelihood_calc_params(self, val): if val.shape != (len(self._likelihood_calc_param_names),): raise ValueError("invalid length for `_likelihood_calc_params`") if (not hasattr(self, "_likelihood_calc_params_val")) or ( val != self._likelihood_calc_params ).any(): self._cache = {} self._likelihood_calc_params_val = val.copy() self._likelihood_calc_params_val.flags.writeable = False @property def _epistasis_func_params(self): """numpy.ndarray: :meth:`AbstractEpistasis.epistasis_func` params.""" return self._epistasis_func_params_val @_epistasis_func_params.setter def _epistasis_func_params(self, val): if val.shape != ( self.n_latent_phenotypes, len(self._epistasis_func_param_names), ): raise ValueError("invalid value for `_epistasis_func_params`") if (not hasattr(self, "_epistasis_func_params_val")) or ( val != self._epistasis_func_params ).any(): self._cache = {} self._epistasis_func_params_val = val.copy() self._epistasis_func_params_val.flags.writeable = False # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Methods / properties to get model parameters in useful formats # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @property def binarymap(self): """`BinaryMap <>`_ The binary map is set during initialization of the model. """ return self._binarymap @property def n_latent_phenotypes(self): """int: number of latent phenotypes, see :ref:`multi_latent`.""" return self._n_latent_phenotypes @property def _binary_variants(self): r"""scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix: Binary variants with 1 in last column. As in Eq. :eq:`latent_phenotype_wt_vec` with :math:`\beta_{M+1}`. So this is a :math:`V` by :math:`M + 1` matrix. """ if not hasattr(self, "_binary_variants_val"): # add column as here: self._binary_variants_val = scipy.sparse.hstack( [ self.binarymap.binary_variants, numpy.ones(self.binarymap.nvariants, dtype="int8")[:, None], ], format="csr", ) return self._binary_variants_val @property def aic(self): """float: Aikake Information Criterion given current log likelihood.""" return 2 * self.nparams - 2 * self.loglik @property def nparams(self): """int: Total number of parameters in model.""" return len(self._allparams) def _process_latent_phenotype_k(self, k): """Process latent phenotype number to 0-based index. Parameters ---------- k : int or None Latent phenotype number (1 <= `k` <= `n_latent_phenotypes`) or `None`. Returns ------- int If `k` is valid latent phenotype number, return `k - 1`. If `k` is `None` and there is just one latent phenotype, return 0. If `k` is `None` and there are multiple latent phenotypes, raise an errror. """ if k is None: if self.n_latent_phenotypes == 1: return 0 else: raise ValueError( "must set numerical value for `k` when " "there are multiple latent phenotypes" ) elif (1 <= k <= self.n_latent_phenotypes) and isinstance(k, int): return k - 1 else: raise ValueError("`k` must be >= 1 and <= `n_latent_phenotypes`")
[docs] def latent_phenotype_wt(self, k=None): r"""Latent phenotype of wildtype. Parameters ---------- k : int or None Which latent phenotype to get (1 <= k <= :attr:`AbstractEpistasis.n_latent_phenotypes`). If there is just one latent phenotype, can also be `None`. Returns ------- float Wildtype latent phenotype, which is :math:`\beta_{\rm{wt}}` in Eq. :eq:`latent_phenotype` or :math:`\beta_{\rm{wt}}^k` in Eq. :eq:`latent_phenotype_multi`. """ return self._latenteffects[ self._process_latent_phenotype_k(k), self._n_latent_effects ]
@property def epistasis_func_params_dict(self): """dict: Parameters for the :ref:`global_epistasis_function`. Maps names of parameters defining the global epistasis function to their current values. """ assert self._epistasis_func_params.shape == ( self.n_latent_phenotypes, len(self._epistasis_func_param_names), ) if self.n_latent_phenotypes == 1: suffixed_names = self._epistasis_func_param_names else: suffixed_names = [] for k in range(1, self.n_latent_phenotypes + 1): for name in self._epistasis_func_param_names: suffixed_names.append(f"{name}_{k}") assert len(suffixed_names) == len(set(suffixed_names)) assert len(suffixed_names) == self._epistasis_func_params.size return dict(zip(suffixed_names, self._epistasis_func_params.ravel())) @property def likelihood_calc_params_dict(self): """dict: Parameters for the :ref:`likelihood_calculation`. Maps names of parameters defining the likelihood calculation to their current values. """ assert len(self._likelihood_calc_params) == len( self._likelihood_calc_param_names ) return dict( zip(self._likelihood_calc_param_names, self._likelihood_calc_params) ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Methods to get phenotypes / mutational effects given current model state # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def phenotypes_frombinary( self, binary_variants, phenotype, *, wt_col=False, k=None, ): """Phenotypes from binary variant representations. Parameters ---------- binary_variants : scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix or numpy.ndarray Binary variants in form used by `BinaryMap <>`_. phenotype : {'latent', 'observed'} Calculate the latent or observed phenotype. wt_col : bool Set to `True` if `binary_variants` contains a terminal column of ones to enable calculations in the form given by Eq. :eq:`latent_phenotype_wt_vec`. k : int or None If `phenotype` is 'latent', which latent phenotype to use (1 <= k (<= :attr:`AbstractEpistasis.n_latent_phenotypes`). If there is just one latent phenotype, can also be `None`. Has no meaning if `phenotype` is 'observed'. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Latent phenotypes calculated using Eq. :eq:`latent_phenotype` or observed phenotypes calculated using Eq. :eq:`observed_phenotype` (or Eqs. :eq:`latent_phenotype_multi` or :eq:`observed_phenotype_multi`). """ if len(binary_variants.shape) != 2: raise ValueError(f"`binary_variants` not 2D:\n{binary_variants}") if binary_variants.shape[1] != self._n_latent_effects + int(wt_col): raise ValueError(f"variants wrong length: {binary_variants.shape}") if phenotype == "latent": ki = self._process_latent_phenotype_k(k) if wt_col: return[ki]) else: return self._latenteffects[ki][:-1] ) + self.latent_phenotype_wt(k) elif phenotype == "observed": if wt_col: latents = self._latenteffects.transpose() assert latents.shape[0] == binary_variants.shape[1] latent_phenos = else: latents = self._latenteffects.transpose()[:-1,] assert latents.shape[0] == binary_variants.shape[1] latent_phenos = ( + [ self.latent_phenotype_wt(kj + 1) for kj in range(self.n_latent_phenotypes) ] ).transpose() assert latent_phenos.shape == ( self.n_latent_phenotypes, binary_variants.shape[0], ) observed_phenos = numpy.zeros(binary_variants.shape[0], dtype="float") for kj in range(self.n_latent_phenotypes): observed_phenos += self.epistasis_func(latent_phenos[kj], kj + 1) return observed_phenos
@property def latent_effects_df(self): """pandas.DataFrame: Latent effects of mutations. For each single mutation in :attr:`AbstractEpistasis.binarymap`, gives current predicted latent effect of that mutation. If there are multiple latent phenotypes (:attr:`AbstractEpistasis.n_latent_phenotypes` > 1), also indicates the phenotype number of the latent effect. """ assert len(self.binarymap.all_subs) == self._latenteffects.shape[1] - 1 d = { "mutation": self.binarymap.all_subs * self.n_latent_phenotypes, "latent_effect": self._latenteffects[:, :-1].ravel(), } if self.n_latent_phenotypes > 1: d["latent_phenotype_number"] = numpy.repeat( range(1, self.n_latent_phenotypes + 1), len(self.binarymap.all_subs) ) return pd.DataFrame(d)
[docs] def add_phenotypes_to_df( self, df, *, substitutions_col=None, latent_phenotype_col="latent_phenotype", observed_phenotype_col="observed_phenotype", phenotype_col_overwrite=False, unknown_as_nan=False, ): """Add predicted phenotypes to data frame of variants. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame Data frame containing variants. substitutions_col : str or None Column in `df` giving variants as substitution strings in format that can be processed by :attr:`AbstractEpistasis.binarymap`. If `None`, defaults to the `substitutions_col` attribute of that binary map. latent_phenotype_col : str Column(s) added to `df` containing predicted latent phenotypes. If there are multiple latent phenotypes, this string is suffixed with the latent phenotype number (i.e., 'latent_phenotype_1'). observed_phenotype_col : str Column added to `df` containing predicted observed phenotypes. phenotype_col_overwrite : bool If the specified latent or observed phenotype column already exist in `df`, overwrite it? If `False`, raise an error. unknown_as_nan : bool If some of the substitutions in a variant are not present in the model (not in :attr:`AbstractEpistasis.binarymap`) set the phenotypes to `nan` (not a number)? If `False`, raise an error. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame A copy of `df` with the phenotypes added. Phenotypes are predicted based on the current state of the model. """ if substitutions_col is None: substitutions_col = self.binarymap.substitutions_col if substitutions_col not in df.columns: raise ValueError("`df` lacks `substitutions_col` " f"{substitutions_col}") if self.n_latent_phenotypes == 1: latent_phenotype_cols = [latent_phenotype_col] else: latent_phenotype_cols = [ f"{latent_phenotype_col}_{k}" for k in range(1, self.n_latent_phenotypes + 1) ] if 2 + self.n_latent_phenotypes != len( {substitutions_col, observed_phenotype_col, *latent_phenotype_cols} ): raise ValueError( "repeated name among `latent_phenotype_col`, " "`observed_phenotype_col`, `substitutions_col`" ) for col in latent_phenotype_cols + [observed_phenotype_col]: if col in df.columns and not phenotype_col_overwrite: if not phenotype_col_overwrite: raise ValueError(f"`df` already contains column {col}") # build binary variants as csr matrix row_ind = [] # row indices of elements that are one col_ind = [] # column indices of elements that are one nan_variant_indices = [] # indices of variants that are nan for ivariant, subs in enumerate(df[substitutions_col].values): try: for isub in self.binarymap.sub_str_to_indices(subs): row_ind.append(ivariant) col_ind.append(isub) except ValueError: if unknown_as_nan: nan_variant_indices.append(ivariant) else: raise ValueError( "Variant has substitutions not in model:" f"\n{subs}\nMaybe use `unknown_as_nan`?" ) binary_variants = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix( (numpy.ones(len(row_ind), dtype="int8"), (row_ind, col_ind)), shape=(len(df), self.binarymap.binarylength), dtype="int8", ) df = df.copy() for col, k, phenotype in zip( latent_phenotype_cols + [observed_phenotype_col], list(range(1, self.n_latent_phenotypes + 1)) + [None], ["latent"] * self.n_latent_phenotypes + ["observed"], ): vals = self.phenotypes_frombinary(binary_variants, phenotype, k=k) assert len(vals) == len(df) vals = vals.copy() # needed because vals not might be writable vals[nan_variant_indices] = numpy.nan df[col] = vals return df
@property def phenotypes_df(self): """pandas.DataFrame: Phenotypes of variants used to fit model. For each variant in :attr:`AbstractEpistasis.binarymap`, gives the current predicted latent and observed phenotypes as well as the functional score and its variance. """ d = { self.binarymap.substitutions_col: (self.binarymap.substitution_variants), "func_score": self.binarymap.func_scores, "func_score_var": self.binarymap.func_scores_var, } if self.n_latent_phenotypes == 1: d["latent_phenotype"] = self._latent_phenotypes(k=None) else: for k in range(1, self.n_latent_phenotypes + 1): d[f"latent_phenotype_{k}"] = self._latent_phenotypes(k=k) d["observed_phenotype"] = self._observed_phenotypes() return pd.DataFrame(d)
[docs] def preferences( self, phenotype, base, *, missing="average", exclude_chars=("*",), returnformat="wide", stringency_param=1, k=None, ): r"""Get preference of each site for each character. Use the latent or observed phenotype to estimate the preference :math:`\pi_{r,a}` of each site :math:`r` for each character (e.g., amino acid) :math:`a`. These preferences can be displayed in logo plots or used as input to `phydms <>`_ in experimentally informed substitution models. The preferences are calculated from the phenotypes as follows. Let :math:`p_{r,a}` be the phenotype of the variant with the single mutation of site :math:`r` to :math:`a` (when :math:`a` is the wildtype character, then :math:`p_{r,a}` is the phenotype of the wildtype sequence). Then the preference :math:`\pi_{r,a}` is defined as .. math:: \pi_{r,a} = \frac{b^{p_{r,a}}}{\sum_{a'} b^{p_{r,a'}}} where :math:`b` is the base for the exponent. This definition ensures that the preferences sum to one at each site. The alphabet from which the characters are drawn and the site numbers are extracted from :attr:`AbstractEpistasis.binarymap`. Note ---- The "flatness" of the preferences is determined by the exponent base. A smaller `base` yields flatter preferences. There is no obvious "best" `base` as different values correspond to different linear scalings of of the phenotype. A recommended approach is simply to choose a value of `base` and then re-scale the preferences by using `phydms <>`_ to optimize a stringency parameter (`see here <>`_). The stringency parameter and the `base` chosen here both apply the same transformation to the data: linear scaling of the phenotypes. But note that `phydms <>`_ has an upper bound on the largest stringency parameter it can fit, so if you are hitting this upper bound then pre-scale the preferences to be less flat by using a larger value of `base`. In particular, the latent phenotypes from many of the epistasis models are scaled during fitting to have a relatively tight range, so you may need a large value of `base` such as 50. Parameters ---------- phenotype : {'observed', 'latent'} Calculate the preferences from observed or latent phenotypes? Note that if there are multiple latent phenotypes, you must also set `k`. base : float Base to which the exponent is taken in computing the preferences. missing : {'average', 'site_average', 'error'} What to do when there is no estimate of the phenotype for one of the single mutants? Estimate the phenotype as the average of all single mutants, as the average of all single mutants at that site, or raise an error. exclude_chars : tuple or list Characters to exclude when calculating preferences (and when averaging values for missing mutants). For instance, you might want to exclude stop codons. returnformat : {'tidy', 'wide'} Return preferences in tidy or wide format data frame. stringency_param : float Re-scale preferences by this stringency parameter. This involves raising each preference to the power of `stringency_param`, and then re-normalizes. A similar effect can be achieved by changing `base`. k : int or None Which latent phenotype to use (1 <= k <= :attr:`AbstractEpistasis.n_latent_phenotypes`). If there is just one latent phenotype, can also be `None`. Has no meaning if `phenotype` is 'observed'. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Data frame where first column is named 'site', other columns are named for each character, and rows give preferences for each site. """ effects = self.single_mut_effects( phenotype, include_wildtype=False, standardize_range=False, k=k, ) # get alphabet of non-excluded characters alphabet = [a for a in self.binarymap.alphabet if a not in exclude_chars] return dms_variants.utils.scores_to_prefs( df=effects[["mutation", "effect"]], mutation_col="mutation", score_col="effect", base=base, wt_score=0, missing=missing, alphabet=alphabet, exclude_chars=exclude_chars, returnformat=returnformat, stringency_param=stringency_param, )
[docs] def single_mut_effects( self, phenotype, *, include_wildtype=True, standardize_range=True, k=None, ): """Effects of single mutations on latent or observed phenotype. For the effects on observed phenotype, this is how much the mutation changes the observed phenotype relative to wildtype. Effects are reported only for mutations present in `AbstractEpistasis.binarymap`. Parameters ---------- phenotype : {'latent', 'observed'} Get effect on this phenotype. If there are multiple latent phenotypes, you must also set `k`. include_wildtype : bool Include the effect of "mutating" to wildtype identity at a site (always zero). standardize_range : bool Scale effects so that the mean absolute value effect is one (scaling is done before including wildtype). k : int or None Which latent phenotype to use (1 <= k <= :attr:`AbstractEpistasis.n_latent_phenotypes`). If there is just one latent phenotype, can also be `None`. Has no meaning if `phenotype` is 'observed'. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame The effects of all single mutations. Columns are: - 'mutation': mutation as str - 'wildtype': wildtype identity at site - 'site': site number - 'mutant': mutant identity at site - 'effect': effect of mutation on latent or observed phenotype """ if phenotype == "observed": phenotypecol = "observed_phenotype" elif phenotype == "latent": if self.n_latent_phenotypes == 1: phenotypecol = "latent_phenotype" else: k = self._process_latent_phenotype_k(k) + 1 phenotypecol = f"latent_phenotype_{k}" else: raise ValueError(f"invalid `phenotype` {phenotype}") # data frame with all observed single mutations and phenotypes df = self.add_phenotypes_to_df( pd.DataFrame({"mutation": self.binarymap.all_subs}), substitutions_col="mutation", ) # get wildtype phenotype wt_phenotype = self.add_phenotypes_to_df( pd.DataFrame({"mutation": [""]}), substitutions_col="mutation" )[phenotypecol].values[0] # subtract wildtype phenotype to get effects df["effect"] = df[phenotypecol] - wt_phenotype if standardize_range: df["effect"] = df["effect"] / df["effect"].abs().mean() # extract wildtype, site, mutant from mutation chars_regex = "".join(map(re.escape, self.binarymap.alphabet)) df = df.join( df["mutation"].str.extract( rf"^(?P<wildtype>[{chars_regex}])" + r"(?P<site>\-?\d+)" + rf"(?P<mutant>[{chars_regex}])$" ) )[["mutation", "wildtype", "site", "mutant", "effect"]] if include_wildtype: df = pd.concat( [ df, ( df[["wildtype", "site"]] .drop_duplicates() .assign( mutant=lambda x: x["wildtype"], mutation=lambda x: ( x["wildtype"] + x["site"] + x["mutant"] ), effect=0, ) ), ], sort=False, ) return ( df.assign(site=lambda x: x["site"].astype(int)) .sort_values(["effect", "site", "mutant"]) .reset_index(drop=True) )
[docs] def enrichments(self, observed_phenotypes, base=2): r"""Calculated enrichment ratios from observed phenotypes. Note ---- In many cases, the functional scores used to fit the model are the logarithm (most commonly base 2) of experimentally observed enrichments For example, this is how functional scores are calculated by :meth:`dms_variants.codonvarianttable.CodonVariantTable.func_scores`. In that case, the predicted enrichment value :math:`E\left(v\right)` for each variant :math:`v` can be computed from the observed phenotype :math:`p\left(v\right)` as: .. math:: E\left(v\right) = B^{p\left(v\right) - p\left(\rm{wt}\right)} where :math:`p\left(\rm{wt}\right)` is the observed phenotype of wildtype, and :math:`B` is the base for the exponent (by default :math:`B = 2`). Parameters ---------- observed_phenotypes : float or numpy.ndarray The observed phenotypes. base : float The base for the exponent used to convert observed phenotypes to enrichments. Returns ------- float or numpy.ndarray The enrichments. """ observed_phenotype_wt = self.phenotypes_frombinary( numpy.zeros((1, self._n_latent_effects)), "observed" )[0] return base ** (observed_phenotypes - observed_phenotype_wt)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Methods / properties used for model fitting. Many of these are properties # that store the current state for the variants we are fitting, using the # cache so that they don't have to be re-computed needlessly. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def fit( self, *, use_grad=True, optimize_method="L-BFGS-B", ftol=1e-7, clearcache=True ): """Fit all model params to maximum likelihood values. Parameters ---------- use_grad : bool Use analytical gradients to help with fitting. optimize_method : {'L-BFGS-B', 'TNC'} Optimization method used by `scipy.optimize.minimize`. ftol : float Function convergence tolerance for optimization, used by `scipy.optimize.minimize`. clearcache : bool Clear the cache after model fitting? This slightly increases the time needed to compute properties after fitting, but greatly saves memory usage. Returns ------- scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult The results of optimizing the full model. """ # Least squares fit of latent effects for reasonable initial values # for the first latent phenotype: if self.n_latent_phenotypes == 1: _ = self._fit_latent_leastsquares( self.n_latent_phenotypes, self.binarymap.func_scores ) self._prescale_params( k=1, g_k_range=( min(self.binarymap.func_scores), max(self.binarymap.func_scores), ), ) else: assert self.n_latent_phenotypes > 1 phenos_Kminus1 = list(range(1, self.n_latent_phenotypes)) residuals = self.binarymap.func_scores - self._observed_phenotypes( phenos_Kminus1 ) max_abs_residual = numpy.abs(residuals).max() self._prescale_params( k=self.n_latent_phenotypes, g_k_range=(-max_abs_residual, max_abs_residual), ) # optimize full model by maximum likelihood optres = scipy.optimize.minimize( fun=self._loglik_by_allparams, jac=self._dloglik_by_allparams if use_grad else None, x0=self._allparams, method=optimize_method, bounds=self._allparams_bounds, options={"ftol": ftol}, ) if not optres.success: raise EpistasisFittingError( f"Fitting of {self.__class__.__name__} failed after " f"{optres.nit} iterations. Message:\n{optres.message}\n" f"{optres}" ) self._allparams = optres.x # postscale parameters to desired range self._postscale_params() if clearcache: self._cache = {} return optres
def _loglik_by_allparams(self, allparams, negative=True): """(Negative) log likelihood after setting all parameters. Note ---- Calling this method alters the internal model parameters, so only use if you understand what you are doing. Parameters ---------- allparams : numpy.ndarray Parameters used to set :meth:`AbstractEpistasis._allparams`. negative : bool Return negative log likelihood. Useful if using a minimizer to optimize. Returns ------- float (Negative) log likelihood after setting parameters to `allparams`. """ self._allparams = allparams if negative: return -self.loglik else: return self.loglik def _dloglik_by_allparams(self, allparams, negative=True): """(Negative) derivative of log likelihood with respect to all params. Note ---- Calling this method alters the internal model parameters, so only use if you understand what you are doing. Parameters ---------- allparams: numpy.ndarray Parameters used to set :meth:`AbstractEpistasis._allparams`. negative : bool Return negative log likelihood. Useful if using a minimizer to optimize. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray (Negative) derivative of log likelihood with respect to :meth:`AbstractEpistasis._allparams`. """ self._allparams = allparams val = numpy.concatenate( ( *[ self._dloglik_dlatent(k) for k in range(1, self.n_latent_phenotypes + 1) ], self._dloglik_dlikelihood_calc_params, *[ self._dloglik_depistasis_func_params(k) for k in range(1, self.n_latent_phenotypes + 1) ], ) ) assert val.shape == (self.nparams,) if negative: return -val else: return val @property def _allparams(self): """numpy.ndarray: All model parameters in a single array. Note ---- This property should only be used for purposes in which it is necessary to get or set all params in a single vector (typically for model optimiziation), **not** to access the values of specific parameters, since the order of parameters in the array may change in future implementations. """ val = numpy.concatenate( ( self._latenteffects.ravel(), self._likelihood_calc_params, self._epistasis_func_params.ravel(), ) ) return val @_allparams.setter def _allparams(self, val): if val.shape != (self.nparams,): raise ValueError(f"invalid `_allparams`: {val}") istart = 0 ncol = self._n_latent_effects + 1 # add 1 for wt latent phenotype assert (self.n_latent_phenotypes, ncol) == self._latenteffects.shape n = ncol * self.n_latent_phenotypes assert self._latenteffects.size == n self._latenteffects = val[istart:n].reshape(self.n_latent_phenotypes, ncol) istart += n assert self._likelihood_calc_params.ndim == 1 n = len(self._likelihood_calc_params) self._likelihood_calc_params = val[istart : istart + n] istart += n ncol = len(self._epistasis_func_param_names) assert (self.n_latent_phenotypes, ncol) == self._epistasis_func_params.shape n = ncol * self.n_latent_phenotypes assert self._epistasis_func_params.size == n self._epistasis_func_params = val[istart : istart + n].reshape( self.n_latent_phenotypes, ncol ) @property def _allparams_bounds(self): """list: Bounds for :meth:`AbstractEpistasis._allparams`. Can be passed to `scipy.optimize.minimize`. """ bounds = ( [(None, None)] * self._latenteffects.size + self._likelihood_calc_param_bounds + self._epistasis_func_param_bounds * self.n_latent_phenotypes ) assert len(bounds) == len(self._allparams), ( f"len(bounds) = {len(bounds)}\n" f"_allparams.shape = {self._allparams.shape}" ) return bounds def _latent_phenotypes(self, k=None): """Latent phenotypes. Parameters ---------- k : int or None Latent phenotype number (1 <= `k` <= `n_latent_phenotypes`), or can be `None` if just one latent phenotype. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Latent phenotypes of all variants being used to fit model. """ k = self._process_latent_phenotype_k(k) + 1 key = f"_latent_phenotypes_{k}" if key not in self._cache: self._cache[key] = self.phenotypes_frombinary( binary_variants=self._binary_variants, phenotype="latent", wt_col=True, k=k, ) self._cache[key].flags.writeable = False return self._cache[key] def _observed_phenotypes(self, latent_phenos="all"): r"""Observed phenotypes of variants being fit. Parameters ---------- latent_phenos : 'all' or list The numbers (:math:`k = 1, 2, \ldots...) of the latent phenotypes used to calculate the observed phenotype. If 'all' use all latent phenotypes. Otherwise only include the terms in Eq. :eq:`observed_phenotype_multi` corresponding to the :math:`k` values listed here. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Observed phenotypes. """ if latent_phenos == "all": latent_phenos = list(range(1, self.n_latent_phenotypes + 1)) if isinstance(latent_phenos, list): if len(latent_phenos) != len(set(latent_phenos)): raise ValueError("duplicate entries in `latent_phenos`") if not set(latent_phenos).issubset( set(range(1, self.n_latent_phenotypes + 1)) ): raise ValueError("invalid entries in `latent_phenos`") if not latent_phenos: raise ValueError("empty `latent_phenos`") latent_phenos = sorted(latent_phenos) else: raise ValueError("`latent_phenos` not a list") key = f"_observed_phenotypes_{'_'.join(map(str, latent_phenos))}" if key not in self._cache: observed_phenos = self.epistasis_func( self._latent_phenotypes(latent_phenos[0]), k=latent_phenos[0] ).copy() for k in latent_phenos[1:]: observed_phenos += self.epistasis_func(self._latent_phenotypes(k), k=k) self._cache[key] = observed_phenos self._cache[key].flags.writeable = False return self._cache[key] def _dobserved_phenotypes_dlatent(self, k=None): """Derivative observed phenotype by latent effects. Parameters ---------- k : int or None Latent phenotype number (1 <= `k` <= `n_latent_phenotypes`), or can be `None` if just one latent phenotype. Returns ------- scipy.parse.csr_matrix Derivative observed pheno by latent effects for phenotype :math:`k`. See Eq. :eq:`dobserved_phenotype_dlatent_effect`. This is a :math:`M + 1` by :math:`V` matrix. """ k = self._process_latent_phenotype_k(k) + 1 key = f"_dobserved_phenotypes_dlatent_{k}" if key not in self._cache: self._cache[ key ] = self._binary_variants.transpose().multiply( # from V by M to M by V self._depistasis_func_dlatent(self._latent_phenotypes(k), k=k) ) assert self._cache[key].shape == ( self._n_latent_effects + 1, self.binarymap.nvariants, ) return self._cache[key] def _dloglik_dlatent(self, k=None): """Derivative log likelihood by latent effects. Parameters ---------- k : int or None Latent phenotype number (1 <= `k` <= `n_latent_phenotypes`), or can be `None` if just one latent phenotype. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray: Derivative log likelihood by latent effects for phenotype :math:`k`. See Eq. :eq:`dloglik_dlatent_effect`. """ k = self._process_latent_phenotype_k(k) + 1 key = f"_dloglik_dlatent_{k}" if key not in self._cache: self._cache[key] = self._dobserved_phenotypes_dlatent(k).dot( self._dloglik_dobserved_phenotype ) self._cache[key].flags.writeable = False assert self._cache[key].shape == (self._n_latent_effects + 1,) return self._cache[key] def _fit_latent_leastsquares(self, k=None, fit_to=None): """Least-squares fit latent effects for quick "reasonable" values. Parameters ---------- k : int or None Fit effects for this latent phenotype (1 <= `k` <= `n_latent_phenotypes`); can be `None` if just one latent phenotype. fit_to : numpy.ndarray or None Fit latent effects to these values. If `None`, fits to :attr:`AbstractEpistasis.binarymap.func_scores`. Returns ------- tuple Results of fitting described here: In addition to returning the fitting results, sets the latent effects to the new fit value. """ ki = self._process_latent_phenotype_k(k) if fit_to is None: fit_to = self.binarymap.func_scores else: if fit_to.shape != self.binarymap.func_scores.shape: raise ValueError("`invalid shape for `fit_to`") # fit by least squares fitres = scipy.sparse.linalg.lsqr( A=self._binary_variants, b=fit_to, x0=self._latenteffects[ki], ) # use fit result to update latenteffects new_latenteffects = self._latenteffects.copy() new_latenteffects[ki] = fitres[0] self._latenteffects = new_latenteffects return fitres # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Abstract methods for global epistasis func, must implement in subclasses # specific for that epistasis model. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def epistasis_func(self, latent_phenotype, k=None): """The :ref:`global_epistasis_function` :math:`g`. Parameters ---------- latent_phenotype : numpy.ndarray Latent phenotype(s) of one or more variants. k : int or None Latent phenotype number (1 <= `k` <= `n_latent_phenotypes`), or can be `None` if just one latent phenotype. See Eq. :ref:`multi_latent`. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Result of applying global epistasis function :math:`g_k` to latent phenotypes. """ return NotImplementedError
@abc.abstractmethod def _depistasis_func_dlatent(self, latent_phenotype, k=None): """Derivative of epistasis function by latent phenotype. Parameters ---------- latent_phenotype : numpy.ndarray Latent phenotype(s) of one or more variants. k : int or None Latent phenotype number (1 <= `k` <= `n_latent_phenotypes`), or can be `None` if just one latent phenotype. See Eq. :ref:`multi_latent`. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Derivative of :meth:`NoEpistasis.epistasis_func` for latent phenotype `k` evaluated at `latent_phenotype`. """ return NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def _dloglik_depistasis_func_params(self, k=None): """Deriv log likelihood by `_epistasis_func_params` for :math:`g_k`. Parameters ---------- k : int or None Latent phenotype number (1 <= `k` <= `n_latent_phenotypes`), or can be `None` if just one latent phenotype. See Eq. :ref:`multi_latent`. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The derivative with respect to the parameters for epistasis function :math:`g_k`. """ return NotImplementedError @property @abc.abstractmethod def _epistasis_func_param_names(self): """list: Names of :meth:`AbstractEpistasis._epistasis_func_params`. When there are multiple latent phenotypes and global epistasis functions (:ref:`multi_latent`) still just provide a list with one copy of each parameter name and they will be suffixed with :math:`k` by :meth:`AbstractEpistasis.epistasis_func_params_dict`. """ return NotImplementedError @property @abc.abstractmethod def _epistasis_func_param_bounds(self): """list: Bounds for the epistasis function parameters. For each entry in :meth:`AbstractEpistasis._epistasis_func_param_names` a 2-tuple gives the lower and upper bound for optimization by `scipy.optimize.minimize`. """ return NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def _prescale_params(self, k, g_k_range): """Set / scale parameters prior to the global fitting. This method is designed to set / re-scale parameters relevant to the latent phenotype :math:`k` and its associated global epistasis function prior to fitting. The re-scaling differs for different model classes, and is implemented in concrete subclasses. See :ref:`fitting_workflow`. Importantly, this is the method that sets initial values for `_epistasis_func_params`. Parameters ---------- k : int Latent phenotype number (1 <= `k` <= `n_latent_phenotypes`). g_k_range : tuple Gives desired min and max of :math:`g_k`. """ return NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def _postscale_params(self): """Rescale parameters after the global fitting. This is an abstract method, any actual post-scaling is done in concrete subclasses. """ return NotImplementedError # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Abstract methods for likelihood calculations, implement in subclasses # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @property @abc.abstractmethod def loglik(self): """float: Current log likelihood of model.""" raise NotImplementedError @property @abc.abstractmethod def _likelihood_calc_param_names(self): """list: Names of :meth:`AbstractEpistasis._likelihood_calc_params`.""" raise NotImplementedError @property @abc.abstractmethod def _init_likelihood_calc_params(self): """numpy.ndarray: Initial `_likelihood_calc_params` values.""" return NotImplementedError @property @abc.abstractmethod def _likelihood_calc_param_bounds(self): """list: Bounds for the likelihood calculation parameters. For entries in :meth:`AbstractEpistasis._likelihood_calc_param_names`, a 2-tuple gives the lower and upper bound for optimization by `scipy.optimize.minimize`. """ return NotImplementedError @property @abc.abstractmethod def _dloglik_dobserved_phenotype(self): """numpy.ndarray: Derivative log likelihood by observed phenotype.""" raise NotImplementedError @property @abc.abstractmethod def _dloglik_dlikelihood_calc_params(self): """numpy.ndarray: Derivative log lik by `_likelihood_calc_params`.""" raise NotImplementedError @property @abc.abstractmethod def _zero_wt_observed_pheno(self): """bool: Re-scale wildtype observed phenotype to 0 after fitting? Should be set to `False` for likelihood calculation methods that fit observed phenotypes directly to functional scores directly, and `True` for those that only fit observed phenotypes up to an arbitrary additive constant. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class CauchyLikelihood(AbstractEpistasis): """Cauchy likelihood calculation. Note ---- Subclass of :class:`AbstractEpistasis` that implements the :ref:`cauchy_likelihood`. """ @property def loglik(self): """float: Current log likelihood from Eq. :eq:`loglik_cauchy`.""" key = "loglik" if key not in self._cache: scales = numpy.sqrt(self._pseudo_variances) if not (scales > 0).all(): raise ValueError("scales not all > 0") self._cache[key] = ( scipy.stats.cauchy.logpdf( self.binarymap.func_scores, loc=self._observed_phenotypes(), scale=scales, ) ).sum() return self._cache[key] def _fit_latent_leastsquares(self, k=None, fit_to=None): r"""Also get initial value for scale parameter. Overrides :meth:`AbstractEpistasis._fit_latent_leastsquares` to make initial estimate of :math:`\gamma^2` as residual not from functional score variance. This is based on the supposition that the scale parameter can be treated like the variance for a Gaussian distribution (not sure how good this supposition is...). """ fitres = super()._fit_latent_leastsquares(k=k, fit_to=fit_to) residuals2 = fitres[3] ** 2 if self.binarymap.func_scores_var is None: scale_param2 = max(residuals2 / self.binarymap.nvariants, self._NEARLY_ZERO) else: scale_param2 = max( (residuals2 - self.binarymap.func_scores_var.sum()) / self.binarymap.nvariants, self._NEARLY_ZERO, ) self._likelihood_calc_params = numpy.sqrt([scale_param2]) @property def _likelihood_calc_param_names(self): r"""list: Likelihood calculation parameter names. For :class:`CauchyLikelihood`, this is the scale parameter :math:`\gamma`. """ return ["scale_parameter"] @property def _init_likelihood_calc_params(self): r"""numpy.ndarray: Initial `_likelihood_calc_params`. The initial scale parameter :math:`\gamma` is 1. """ init_d = {"scale_parameter": 1.0} return numpy.array( [init_d[name] for name in self._likelihood_calc_param_names], dtype="float" ) @property def _likelihood_calc_param_bounds(self): r"""list: Bounds for likelihood calculation parameters. For :class:`CauchyLikelihood`, :math:`\gamma` must be > 0. """ bounds_d = {"scale_parameter": (self._NEARLY_ZERO, None)} return [bounds_d[name] for name in self._likelihood_calc_param_names] @property def _dloglik_dobserved_phenotype(self): r"""numpy.ndarray: Derivative of log likelihood by observed phenotype. Calculated using Eq. :eq:`dloglik_cauchy_dobserved_phenotype`. """ key = "_dloglik_dobserved_phenotype" if key not in self._cache: diff = self.binarymap.func_scores - self._observed_phenotypes() self._cache[key] = 2 * diff / (self._pseudo_variances + diff**2) self._cache[key].flags.writeable = False return self._cache[key] @property def _dloglik_dlikelihood_calc_params(self): """numpy.ndarray: Derivative log lik by `_likelihood_calc_params`. See Eq. :eq:`dloglik_cauchy_dscale_parameter`. """ key = "_dloglik_dlikelihood_calc_params" if key not in self._cache: scale_param = self.likelihood_calc_params_dict["scale_parameter"] diff2 = (self.binarymap.func_scores - self._observed_phenotypes()) ** 2 self._cache[key] = numpy.array( [ ( scale_param * (diff2 - self._pseudo_variances) / (self._pseudo_variances * (self._pseudo_variances + diff2)) ).sum() ] ) self._cache[key].flags.writeable = False assert self._cache[key].shape == self._likelihood_calc_params.shape return self._cache[key] @property def _pseudo_variances(self): r"""numpy.ndarray: Functional score variance plus scale param squared. :math:`\sigma_{y_v}^2 + \gamma^2` in Eq. :eq:`loglik_cauchy`. """ key = "_pseudo_variances" if key not in self._cache: scale_param = self.likelihood_calc_params_dict["scale_parameter"] if self.binarymap.func_scores_var is not None: var = self.binarymap.func_scores_var + scale_param**2 else: var = numpy.full(self.binarymap.nvariants, scale_param**2) if (var <= 0).any(): raise ValueError("variance <= 0") self._cache[key] = var self._cache[key].flags.writeable = False return self._cache[key] @property def _zero_wt_observed_pheno(self): """False: Do not re-scale wildtype observed phenotype to 0.""" return False
[docs] class BottleneckLikelihood(AbstractEpistasis): r"""Bottleneck likelihood calculation. Note ---- Subclass of :class:`AbstractEpistasis` that implements the :ref:`bottleneck_likelihood`. Note ---- The :attr:`AbstractEpistasis.binarymap` must have non-`None` counts in its `n_pre` and `n_post` attributes, since as described in :ref:`bottleneck_likelihood`, the model is actually fit to the :attr:`BottleneckLikelihood.f_pre` and :attr:`BottleneckLikelihood.f_post` values calculated from these counts. Parameters ---------- bottleneck : float The estimated size of the experimental bottleneck between the pre- and post-selection conditions. This is the :math:`N_{\rm{bottle}}` parameter described in :ref:`bottleneck_likelihood`. pseudocount : float The pseudocount used when converting the counts to frequencies vi Eq. :eq:`f_v_pre_post`. base : float The exponent base in Eq. :eq:`n_v_bottle` used when exponentiating the observed phenotypes :math:`p\left(v\right)`. It is written as 2 in Eq. :eq:`n_v_bottle`. """ def __init__( self, binarymap, bottleneck, *, n_latent_phenotypes=1, model_one_less_latent=None, pseudocount=0.5, base=2.0, ): """See main class docstring.""" if pseudocount <= 0: raise ValueError("`pseudocount` must be > 0") for cond in ["pre", "post"]: n = getattr(binarymap, f"n_{cond}") if n is None: raise ValueError(f"`binarymap.n_{cond}` is `None`") elif n.shape != (binarymap.nvariants,): raise ValueError(f"invalid `binarymap.n_{cond}` shape") if (n < 0).any(): raise ValueError(f"negative values in `binarymap.n_{cond}`") f = n + pseudocount f = f / f.sum() if (f <= 0).any(): raise ValueError(f"non-positive values in `f_{cond}`") if (f < self._NEARLY_ZERO).any(): warnings.warn( f"`f_{cond}` has values that are nearly zero " "which *might* cause numerical issues. Consider " "increasing `pseudocount` if you have fitting " "problems", EpistasisFittingWarning, stacklevel=2, ) f.flags.writeable = False setattr(self, f"_f_{cond}", f) if base <= 0: raise ValueError(f"invalid `base` of {base}") self._base = base if bottleneck <= 0: raise ValueError("`bottleneck` must be > 0") self._bottleneck = bottleneck super().__init__( binarymap, n_latent_phenotypes=n_latent_phenotypes, model_one_less_latent=model_one_less_latent, ) @property def bottleneck(self): r"""int: Bottleneck pre- to post-selection, :math:`N_{\rm{bottle}]`.""" return self._bottleneck @property def f_pre(self): r"""numpy.ndarray: Pre-selection frequency of each variant. The :math:`f_v^{\rm{pre}}` values in Eq. :eq:`f_v_pre_post`. """ return self._f_pre @property def f_post(self): r"""numpy.ndarray: Post-selection frequency of each variant. The :math:`f_v^{\rm{post}}` values in Eq. :eq:`f_v_pre_post`. """ return self._f_post @property def loglik(self): """float: Current log likelihood from Eq. :eq:`loglik_bottleneck`.""" key = "loglik" if key not in self._cache: self._cache[key] = ( self._n_v_bottle * self._log_N_bottle_f_pre - scipy.special.loggamma(self._n_v_bottle + 1) ).sum() - self.bottleneck return self._cache[key] @property def _likelihood_calc_param_names(self): r"""list: Likelihood calculation parameter names. For :class:`BottleneckLikelihood`, there are no such parameters as :math:`N_{\rm{bottle}}` must be determined experimentally. """ return [] @property def _init_likelihood_calc_params(self): """numpy.ndarray: Initial `_likelihood_calc_params`.""" return numpy.array([], dtype="float") @property def _likelihood_calc_param_bounds(self): """list: Bounds for likelihood calculation parameters.""" return [] @property def _dloglik_dobserved_phenotype(self): """numpy.ndarray: Derivative of log likelihood by observed phenotype. Calculating using Eq. :eq:`dloglik_bottleneck_dobserved_phenotype`. """ key = "_dloglik_dobserved_phenotype" if key not in self._cache: self._cache[key] = numpy.log( 2 ) * self.f_pre * self._base_to_observed_pheno * self.bottleneck * ( self.f_post / self._base_to_observed_pheno * (self._log_N_bottle_f_pre - self._digamma_n_v_bottle_1) ).sum() - numpy.log( 2 ) * self._n_v_bottle * ( self._log_N_bottle_f_pre - self._digamma_n_v_bottle_1 ) self._cache[key].flags.writeable = False assert self._cache[key].shape == (self.binarymap.nvariants,) assert numpy.isfinite(self._cache[key]).all() return self._cache[key] @property def _dloglik_dlikelihood_calc_params(self): """numpy.ndarray: Derivative of log lik by `_likelihood_calc_params`""" return numpy.array([], dtype="float") @property def _base_to_observed_pheno(self): r"""numpy.ndarray: `base` raised to observed phenotype. This is :math:`2^{p\left(v\right)` in Eq. :eq:`n_v_bottle`. """ key = "_base_to_observed_pheno" if key not in self._cache: self._cache[key] = self._base ** self._observed_phenotypes() self._cache[key].flags.writeable = False assert self._cache[key].shape == (self.binarymap.nvariants,) assert numpy.isfinite(self._cache[key]).all() return self._cache[key] @property def _log_N_bottle_f_pre(self): r"""numpy.ndarray: Log of N_bottle * f_v_pre. :math:`\ln\left(N_{\rm{bottle}} f_v^{\rm{pre}}\right)` in Eq. :eq:`loglik_bottleneck`. """ key = "_log_N_bottle_f_pre" if key not in self._cache: self._cache[key] = numpy.log(self.bottleneck * self.f_pre) self._cache[key].flags.writeable = False assert self._cache[key].shape == (self.binarymap.nvariants,) assert numpy.isfinite(self._cache[key]).all() return self._cache[key] @property def _n_v_bottle(self): r"""numpy.ndarray: :math:`n_v^{\rm{bottle}}` (Eq. :eq:`n_v_bottle`).""" key = "_n_v_bottle" if key not in self._cache: sumterm = (self.f_pre * self._base_to_observed_pheno).sum() self._cache[key] = ( self.f_post * self.bottleneck * sumterm / self._base_to_observed_pheno ) self._cache[key].flags.writeable = False assert self._cache[key].shape == (self.binarymap.nvariants,) assert numpy.isfinite(self._cache[key]).all() assert (self._cache[key] >= 0).all() return self._cache[key] @property def _digamma_n_v_bottle_1(self): r"""numpy.ndarray: :math:`\psi_0\left(n_v^{\rm{bottle}} + 1\right)`.""" key = "_digamma_n_v_bottle_1" if key not in self._cache: self._cache[key] = scipy.special.digamma(self._n_v_bottle + 1) self._cache[key].flags.writeable = False assert self._cache[key].shape == (self.binarymap.nvariants,) assert numpy.isfinite(self._cache[key]).all() return self._cache[key] @property def _zero_wt_observed_pheno(self): """True: Re-scale wildtype observed phenotype to 0 after fitting.""" return True
[docs] class GaussianLikelihood(AbstractEpistasis): """Gaussian likelihood calculation. Note ---- Subclass of :class:`AbstractEpistasis` that implements the :ref:`gaussian_likelihood`. """ @property def loglik(self): """float: Current log likelihood from Eq. :eq:`loglik_gaussian`.""" key = "loglik" if key not in self._cache: standard_devs = numpy.sqrt(self._variances) if not (standard_devs > 0).all(): raise ValueError("standard deviations not all > 0") self._cache[key] = ( scipy.stats.norm.logpdf( self.binarymap.func_scores, loc=self._observed_phenotypes(), scale=standard_devs, ) ).sum() return self._cache[key] def _fit_latent_leastsquares(self, k=None, fit_to=None): r"""Also get initial value for HOC epistasis. Overrides :meth:`AbstractEpistasis._fit_latent_leastsquares` to make initial estimate of :math:`\sigma^2_{\rm{HOC}}` as residual not from functional score variance. """ fitres = super()._fit_latent_leastsquares(k=k, fit_to=fit_to) residuals2 = fitres[3] ** 2 if self.binarymap.func_scores_var is None: epistasis_HOC = max( residuals2 / self.binarymap.nvariants, self._NEARLY_ZERO ) else: epistasis_HOC = max( (residuals2 - self.binarymap.func_scores_var.sum()) / self.binarymap.nvariants, self._NEARLY_ZERO, ) self._likelihood_calc_params = numpy.array([epistasis_HOC]) @property def _likelihood_calc_param_names(self): r"""list: Likelihood calculation parameter names. For :class:`GaussianLikelihood`, this :math:`\sigma^2_{\rm{HOC}}`. """ return ["epistasis_HOC"] @property def _init_likelihood_calc_params(self): r"""numpy.ndarray: Initial `_likelihood_calc_params`. The initial HOC epistasis :math:`\sigma^2_{\rm{HOC}}` is 1. """ init_d = {"epistasis_HOC": 1.0} return numpy.array( [init_d[name] for name in self._likelihood_calc_param_names], dtype="float" ) @property def _likelihood_calc_param_bounds(self): r"""list: Bounds for likelihood calculation parameters. For :class:`GaussianLikelihood`, :math:`\sigma^2_{\rm{HOC}}` must be > 0. """ bounds_d = {"epistasis_HOC": (self._NEARLY_ZERO, None)} return [bounds_d[name] for name in self._likelihood_calc_param_names] @property def _dloglik_dobserved_phenotype(self): r"""numpy.ndarray: Derivative of log likelihood by observed phenotype. Calculated using Eq. :eq:`dloglik_gaussian_dobserved_phenotype`. """ key = "_dloglik_dobserved_phenotype" if key not in self._cache: self._cache[key] = ( self.binarymap.func_scores - self._observed_phenotypes() ) / self._variances self._cache[key].flags.writeable = False return self._cache[key] @property def _dloglik_dlikelihood_calc_params(self): """numpy.ndarray: Derivative log lik by `_likelihood_calc_params`. See Eq. :eq:`dloglik_gaussian_depistasis_HOC`. """ key = "_dloglik_dlikelihood_calc_params" if key not in self._cache: self._cache[key] = numpy.array( [ 0.5 * (self._dloglik_dobserved_phenotype**2 - 1 / self._variances).sum() ] ) self._cache[key].flags.writeable = False assert self._cache[key].shape == self._likelihood_calc_params.shape return self._cache[key] @property def _variances(self): r"""numpy.ndarray: Functional score variance plus HOC epistasis. :math:`\sigma_{y_v}^2 + \sigma_{\rm{HOC}}^2` in Eq. :eq:`loglik_gaussian`. """ key = "_variances" if key not in self._cache: epistasis_HOC = self.likelihood_calc_params_dict["epistasis_HOC"] if self.binarymap.func_scores_var is not None: var = self.binarymap.func_scores_var + epistasis_HOC else: var = numpy.full(self.binarymap.nvariants, epistasis_HOC) if (var <= 0).any(): raise ValueError("variance <= 0") self._cache[key] = var self._cache[key].flags.writeable = False return self._cache[key] @property def _zero_wt_observed_pheno(self): """False: Do not re-scale wildtype observed phenotype to 0.""" return False
[docs] class NoEpistasis(AbstractEpistasis): """Non-epistatic model. Note ---- Subclass of :class:`AbstractEpistasis` that implements the :ref:`no_epistasis_function`. """
[docs] def epistasis_func(self, latent_phenotype, k=None): """Global epistasis function :math:`g` in Eq. :eq:`noepistasis`. Concrete implementation of :meth:`AbstractEpistasis.epistasis_func`. """ return latent_phenotype
def _depistasis_func_dlatent(self, latent_phenotype, k=None): """Derivative of `epistasis_func` by latent phenotype. Concrete implementation of :meth:`AbstractEpistasis._depistasis_func_dlatent`. """ return numpy.ones(latent_phenotype.shape, dtype="float") def _dloglik_depistasis_func_params(self, k=None): """Implements :meth:`AbstractEpistasis._dloglik_depistasis_func_params` For :class:`NoEpistasis` models, this is just an empty array as there are no epistasis function parameters. """ assert len(self.epistasis_func_params_dict) == 0 return numpy.array([], dtype="float") @property def _epistasis_func_param_names(self): """list: Epistasis function parameter names. For :class:`NoEpistasis`, this is just an empty list as there are no epistasis function parameters. """ return [] @property def _epistasis_func_param_bounds(self): """list: Bounds for the epistasis function parameters. For :class:`NoEpistasis` models, this is just an empty list as there are no epistasis function parameters. """ bounds_d = {} return [bounds_d[name] for name in self._epistasis_func_param_names] def _prescale_params(self, k, g_k_range): """Do nothing, as no need to prescale for :class:`NoEpistasis`.""" pass def _postscale_params(self): """If `_zero_wt_observed_pheno`, all wildtype latent -> 0.""" if self._zero_wt_observed_pheno: rescaled_latenteffects = self._latenteffects.copy() oldloglik = self.loglik for ki in range(self.n_latent_phenotypes): rescaled_latenteffects[ki] = numpy.append( rescaled_latenteffects[ki][:-1], 0.0 ) self._latenteffects = rescaled_latenteffects # make sure log likelihood hasn't changed too much if not numpy.allclose(self.loglik, oldloglik): raise EpistasisFittingError( "post-scaling changed loglik " f"{oldloglik} to {self.loglik}" ) assert numpy.allclose( 0, self.phenotypes_frombinary( numpy.zeros((1, self._n_latent_effects)), "observed" ), )
[docs] class MonotonicSplineEpistasis(AbstractEpistasis): """Monotonic spline global epistasis model. Note ---- Subclass of :class:`AbstractEpistasis` that implements the :ref:`monotonic_spline_epistasis_function`. Parameters ---------- spline_order : int Order of the I-splines defining the global epistasis function. meshpoints : int Number of evenly spaced mesh points for the I-spline defining the global epistasis function. """ def __init__( self, binarymap, *, n_latent_phenotypes=1, model_one_less_latent=None, spline_order=3, meshpoints=4, **kwargs, ): """See main class docstring.""" if not (isinstance(meshpoints, int) and meshpoints > 1): raise ValueError("`meshpoints` must be int > 1") self._mesh = numpy.tile( numpy.linspace(0, 1, meshpoints), n_latent_phenotypes ).reshape(n_latent_phenotypes, meshpoints) self._spline_order = spline_order super().__init__( binarymap, n_latent_phenotypes=n_latent_phenotypes, model_one_less_latent=model_one_less_latent, **kwargs, ) def _set_lower_latent_phenotype_params(self, model_one_less_latent): """Overrides :meth:`AbstractEpistasis._set_lower_latent_phenotypes`. Augments that base method to also set mesh. """ super()._set_lower_latent_phenotype_params(model_one_less_latent) for k in range(1, self.n_latent_phenotypes): ki = k - 1 self._mesh[ki] = model_one_less_latent._mesh[ki] def _isplines_total(self, k=None): """I-splines for global epistasis function. Parameters ---------- k : int or None Which global epistasis function to get I-splines for (1 <= k <= :attr:`AbstractEpistasis.n_latent_phenotypes`). If there is just one latent phenotype, can also be `None`. Returns ------- :class:`dms_variants.ispline.Isplines_total` The I-spline family defined with the current values of the latent phenotypes as `x`. """ k = self._process_latent_phenotype_k(k) + 1 key = f"_isplines_total_{k}" if key not in self._cache: self._cache[key] = dms_variants.ispline.Isplines_total( order=self._spline_order, mesh=self._mesh[k - 1], x=self._latent_phenotypes(k), ) return self._cache[key]
[docs] def epistasis_func(self, latent_phenotype, k=None): """Global epistasis function :math:`g` in Eq. :eq:`monotonicspline`. Concrete implementation of :meth:`AbstractEpistasis.epistasis_func`. """ if not isinstance(latent_phenotype, numpy.ndarray): raise ValueError("`latent_phenotype` not numpy array") if (latent_phenotype.shape == self._latent_phenotypes(k).shape) and ( latent_phenotype == self._latent_phenotypes(k) ).all(): return self._isplines_total(k).Itotal( weights=self.alpha_ms(k), w_lower=self.c_alpha(k) ) else: return dms_variants.ispline.Isplines_total( order=self._spline_order, mesh=self._mesh[self._process_latent_phenotype_k(k)], x=latent_phenotype, ).Itotal(weights=self.alpha_ms(k), w_lower=self.c_alpha(k))
def _depistasis_func_dlatent(self, latent_phenotype, k=None): """Derivative of `epistasis_func` by latent phenotype. Concrete implementation of :meth:`AbstractEpistasis._depistasis_func_dlatent`. """ return self._isplines_total(k).dItotal_dx(weights=self.alpha_ms(k)) def _dloglik_depistasis_func_params(self, k=None): """Implements :meth:`AbstractEpistasis._dloglik_depistasis_func_params` See Eqs. :eq:`dspline_epistasis_dcalpha` and :eq:`dspline_epistasis_dalpham`. """ ki = self._process_latent_phenotype_k(k) assert self._epistasis_func_params[ki, 0] == self.c_alpha(k) assert (self._epistasis_func_params[ki, 1:] == self.alpha_ms(k)).all() dcalpha = self._isplines_total(k).dItotal_dw_lower() ) dalpham = self._isplines_total(k).dItotal_dweights(self.alpha_ms(k), self.c_alpha(k)) ) deriv = numpy.append(dcalpha, dalpham) assert deriv.shape == (len(self._epistasis_func_param_names),) return deriv @property def _epistasis_func_param_names(self): r"""list: Epistasis function parameter names. These are the :math:`c_{\alpha}` and :math:`\alpha_m` parameters in Eq. :eq:`monotonicspline`. """ return ["c_alpha"] + [ f"alpha_{m}" for m in range(1, self._isplines_total(1).n + 1) ] @property def _epistasis_func_param_bounds(self): r"""list: Bounds for the epistasis function parameters. There is no bound on :math:`c_{\alpha}`, and the :math:`\alpha_m` parameters must be > 0. """ bounds_d = {"c_alpha": (None, None)} for m in range(1, self._isplines_total(1).n + 1): bounds_d[f"alpha_{m}"] = (self._NEARLY_ZERO, None) return [bounds_d[name] for name in self._epistasis_func_param_names]
[docs] def c_alpha(self, k=None): r""":math:`c_{\alpha}` in Eq. :eq:`monotonicspline`. Parameters ---------- k : int or None Which global epistasis function to get I-splines for (1 <= k <= :attr:`AbstractEpistasis.n_latent_phenotypes`). If there is just one latent phenotype, can also be `None`. Returns ------- float :math:`c_{\alpha}` for global epistasis function `k`. """ if self.n_latent_phenotypes == 1: return self.epistasis_func_params_dict["c_alpha"] else: k = self._process_latent_phenotype_k(k) + 1 return self.epistasis_func_params_dict[f"c_alpha_{k}"]
[docs] def alpha_ms(self, k=None): r""":math:`\alpha_m` in Eq. :eq:`monotonicspline`. Parameters ---------- k : int or None Which global epistasis function to get I-splines for (1 <= k <= :attr:`AbstractEpistasis.n_latent_phenotypes`). If there is just one latent phenotype, can also be `None`. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray :math:`\alpha_m` values for global epistasis function `k`. """ if self.n_latent_phenotypes == 1: return numpy.array( [ self.epistasis_func_params_dict[f"alpha_{m}"] for m in range(1, self._isplines_total(k).n + 1) ], dtype="float", ) else: k = self._process_latent_phenotype_k(k) + 1 return numpy.array( [ self.epistasis_func_params_dict[f"alpha_{m}_{k}"] for m in range(1, self._isplines_total(k).n + 1) ], dtype="float", )
def _prescale_params(self, k, g_k_range): r"""Get latent phenotypes in mesh and :math:`g_k` with desired limits. See :meth:`AbstractEpistasis._prescale_params` for description of parameters. Specifically, if `k == 1` then the latent phenotypes are re-scaled to span the mesh. The parameters of the global epistasis function :math:`g_k` are set so that :math:`c_alpha` is :math:`g_k_range[0]`, and all :math:`\alpha_m` values are set to :math:`\left[\max\left(y_v\right) - \min\left(y_v\right)\right] / M` so that the range of :math:`g_k` over its mesh spans `g_k_range`. If `k > 1`, then the latent effects are all zero, the latent phenotype of wildtype is chosen so that :math:`g_k = 0` for wildtype, and the parameters of :math:`g_k` are chosen so that the limits on the mesh are `g_k_range` and all :math:`\alpha_m` values are equal. In addition, we require that `g_k_range[0] = -g_k_range[1]`. """ if not (isinstance(k, int) and self.n_latent_phenotypes >= k >= 1): raise ValueError(f"invalid `k` of {k}") ki = k - 1 # check g_k_range, and make sure > 0 if g_k_range[1] < g_k_range[0]: raise ValueError("invalid `g_k_range`") if g_k_range[1] - g_k_range[0] < 2 * self._NEARLY_ZERO: g_k_range = ( g_k_range[0] - self._NEARLY_ZERO, g_k_range[1] + self._NEARLY_ZERO, ) # set initial epistasis func params g_k_params = self._epistasis_func_params.copy() assert g_k_params.shape == ( self.n_latent_phenotypes, len(self._epistasis_func_param_names), ) init_d = {"c_alpha": g_k_range[0]} for m in range(1, self._isplines_total(k).n + 1): init_d[f"alpha_{m}"] = (g_k_range[1] - g_k_range[0]) / self._isplines_total( k ).n for iparam, param in enumerate(self._epistasis_func_param_names): g_k_params[ki, iparam] = init_d[param] self._epistasis_func_params = g_k_params if k == 1: rescale_min, rescale_max = min(self._mesh[ki]), max(self._mesh[ki]) rescalerange = rescale_max - rescale_min assert rescalerange > self._NEARLY_ZERO rescaled_latenteffects = self._latenteffects.copy() currentrange = ( self._latent_phenotypes(k).max() - self._latent_phenotypes(k).min() ) if currentrange <= self._NEARLY_ZERO: warnings.warn( f"range of latent phenotype {k} is nearly zero " f"({currentrange}); so cannot pre-scale. Just " "setting all latent effects to zero", EpistasisFittingWarning, stacklevel=2, ) rescaled_latenteffects[ki] = 0 rescaled_latenteffects[ki] = numpy.append( rescaled_latenteffects[ki][:-1], ( rescaled_latenteffects[ki][-1] + rescale_min - self._latent_phenotypes(k).min() ), ) self._latenteffects = rescaled_latenteffects else: # rescale so latent phenotypes span desired range rescaled_latenteffects[ki] = ( rescaled_latenteffects[ki] * rescalerange / currentrange ) self._latenteffects = rescaled_latenteffects # change wt latent phenotype so latent phenos have right min rescaled_latenteffects[ki] = numpy.append( rescaled_latenteffects[ki][:-1], ( rescaled_latenteffects[ki][-1] + rescale_min - self._latent_phenotypes(k).min() ), ) self._latenteffects = rescaled_latenteffects assert numpy.allclose(rescale_min, self._latent_phenotypes(k).min()) assert numpy.allclose(rescale_max, self._latent_phenotypes(k).max()) assert numpy.allclose( rescalerange, ( self._latent_phenotypes(k).max() - self._latent_phenotypes(k).min() ), ) else: if g_k_range[0] != -g_k_range[1]: raise ValueError(f"`g_k_range` not symmetric: {g_k_range}") assert k > 1 # midpoint of mesh, g_k should be 0 here, set to wildtype latent k mid_mesh = (self._mesh[ki].max() - self._mesh[ki].min()) / 2 assert numpy.allclose(0, self.epistasis_func(numpy.array([mid_mesh]), k=k)) latenteffects = self._latenteffects.copy() latenteffects[ki] = 0.0 latenteffects[ki, self._n_latent_effects] = mid_mesh self._latenteffects = latenteffects assert numpy.allclose(0, self._observed_phenotypes([k])) def _postscale_params(self): """Rescale parameters after global epistasis fitting. The parameters are re-scaled so that: - The mean absolute value latent effect is 1. - The latent phenotype of wildtype is 0. """ rescaled_latenteffects = self._latenteffects.copy() oldloglik = self.loglik for ki in range(self.n_latent_phenotypes): # make mean absolute latent effect equal to one mean_abs_latent_effect = numpy.abs(self._latenteffects[ki][:-1]).mean() if mean_abs_latent_effect < self._NEARLY_ZERO: warnings.warn( f"mean latent effect for phenotype {ki + 1} " f"is nearly zero ({mean_abs_latent_effect}); " "so cannot rescale", EpistasisFittingWarning, stacklevel=2, ) else: rescaled_latenteffects[ki] = ( rescaled_latenteffects[ki] / mean_abs_latent_effect ) self._mesh[ki] = self._mesh[ki] / mean_abs_latent_effect # make latent phenotype of wildtype equal to 0 self._mesh[ki] = self._mesh[ki] - rescaled_latenteffects[ki][-1] rescaled_latenteffects[ki] = numpy.append( rescaled_latenteffects[ki][:-1], 0.0 ) self._latenteffects = rescaled_latenteffects assert all( 0 == self.latent_phenotype_wt(k) for k in range(1, self.n_latent_phenotypes + 1) ) # make sure log likelihood hasn't changed too much if not numpy.allclose(self.loglik, oldloglik): raise EpistasisFittingError( "post-scaling latent effects changed " f"loglik {oldloglik} to {self.loglik}" ) if self._zero_wt_observed_pheno: rescaled_func_params = self._epistasis_func_params.copy() c_alpha_index = self._epistasis_func_param_names.index("c_alpha") for ki in range(self.n_latent_phenotypes): k = ki + 1 wt_obs_pheno_k = self.epistasis_func( numpy.array([self.latent_phenotype_wt(k)]), k=k )[0] rescaled_func_params[ki, c_alpha_index] -= wt_obs_pheno_k self._epistasis_func_params = rescaled_func_params if not numpy.allclose(self.loglik, oldloglik): raise EpistasisFittingError( "post-scaling wt observed pheno changed likelihood" f" from loglik {oldloglik} to {self.loglik}" ) assert numpy.allclose( 0, self.phenotypes_frombinary( numpy.zeros((1, self._n_latent_effects)), "observed" ), )
[docs] class MonotonicSplineEpistasisGaussianLikelihood( MonotonicSplineEpistasis, GaussianLikelihood ): """Monotonic spline global epistasis model with Gaussian likelihood. Note ---- This class implements the :ref:`monotonic_spline_epistasis_function` with a :ref:`gaussian_likelihood`. See documentation for the base classes :class:`MonotonicSplineEpistasis`, :class:`GaussianLikelihood`, and :class:`AbstractEpistasis` for details. """ pass
[docs] class MonotonicSplineEpistasisCauchyLikelihood( MonotonicSplineEpistasis, CauchyLikelihood ): """Monotonic spline global epistasis model with Cauchy likelihood. Note ---- This class implements the :ref:`monotonic_spline_epistasis_function` with a :ref:`cauchy_likelihood`. See documentation for the base classes :class:`MonotonicSplineEpistasis`, :class:`CauchyLikelihood`, and :class:`AbstractEpistasis` for details. """ pass
[docs] class MonotonicSplineEpistasisBottleneckLikelihood( MonotonicSplineEpistasis, BottleneckLikelihood ): """Monotonic spline global epistasis model with bottleneck likelihood. Note ---- This class implements the :ref:`monotonic_spline_epistasis_function` with a :ref:`bottleneck_likelihood`. See documentation for the base classes :class:`MonotonicSplineEpistasis`, :class:`BottleneckLikelihood`, and :class:`AbstractEpistasis` for details. """ def __init__( self, binarymap, bottleneck, *, n_latent_phenotypes=1, model_one_less_latent=None, spline_order=3, meshpoints=4, pseudocount=0.5, base=2, ): """See main class docstring.""" super().__init__( binarymap, bottleneck=bottleneck, n_latent_phenotypes=n_latent_phenotypes, model_one_less_latent=model_one_less_latent, spline_order=spline_order, meshpoints=meshpoints, pseudocount=pseudocount, base=base, )
[docs] class NoEpistasisGaussianLikelihood(NoEpistasis, GaussianLikelihood): """No-epistasis model with Gaussian likelihood. Note ---- This class implements the :ref:`no_epistasis_function` with a :ref:`gaussian_likelihood`. See documentation for the base classes :class:`NoEpistasis`, :class:`GaussianLikelihood`, and :class:`AbstractEpistasis` for details. """ pass
[docs] class NoEpistasisCauchyLikelihood(NoEpistasis, CauchyLikelihood): """No-epistasis model with Cauchy likelihood. Note ---- This class implements the :ref:`no_epistasis_function` with a :ref:`cauchy_likelihood`. See documentation for the base classes :class:`NoEpistasis`, :class:`CauchyLikelihood`, and :class:`AbstractEpistasis` for details. """ pass
[docs] class NoEpistasisBottleneckLikelihood(NoEpistasis, BottleneckLikelihood): """No-epistasis model with bottleneck likelihood. Note ---- This class implements the :ref:`no_epistasis_function` with a :ref:`bottleneck_likelihood`. See documentation for the base classes :class:`NoEpistasis`, :class:`BottleneckLikelihood`, and :class:`AbstractEpistasis` for details. """ pass
[docs] def fit_models( binarymap, likelihood, *, bottleneck=None, max_latent_phenotypes=1, **kwargs, ): r"""Fit and compare global epistasis models. This function is useful when you want to examine the fit of several different models to the same data. It does the following: 1. Fits a non-epistatic model to the data. 2. Fits a global epistasis model with :math:`K = 1` latent phenotypes to the data. If the global epistasis model outperforms the no- epistasis model by AIC_, proceed to next step. Otherwise stop. 3. Fit a global epistasis model with :math:`K = 2` latent phenotypes. If this model outperforms (by AIC_) the model with :math:`K - 1` latent phenotypes, repeat for :math:`K = 3` etc until adding more latent phenotypes no longer improves fit. Note that it only does continues this process while :math:`K \le` `max_latent_phenotypes`, so set `max_latent_phenotypes` > 1 if you want to fit multiple latent phenotypes. .. _AIC: Note ---- All of the fitting is done with the same likelihood-calculation method because you can **not** compare models fit with different likelihood- calculation methods. Parameters ---------- binarymap : `BinaryMap <>`_ Contains the variants, their functional scores, and score variances. The models are fit to these data. likelihood : {'Gaussian', 'Cauchy', 'Bottleneck'} Likelihood calculation method to use when fitting models. See :ref:`likelihood_calculation`. bottleneck : float or None Required if using 'Bottleneck' `likelihood`. In that case, is the experimentally estimated bottleneck between the pre- and post-selection conditions. max_latent_phenotypes : int Maximum number of latent phenotypes that are potentially be fit. See the :math:`K` parameter in :ref:`multi_latent`. **kwargs Keyword args for :func:``. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Summarizes the results of the model fitting and contains the fit models. Columns are: - 'description': description of model - 'n_latent_phenotypes': number of latent phenotypes in model - 'AIC': AIC_ - 'nparams': number of parameters - 'log_likelihood': log likelihood - 'model': the actual model (subclass of :class:`AbstractEpistasis`) - 'fitting_time': time in seconds that it took to fit model The data frame is sorted from best to worst model by AIC_. """ if not (isinstance(max_latent_phenotypes, int) and max_latent_phenotypes >= 1): raise ValueError("`max_latent_phenotypes` must be int >= 1") if likelihood == "Gaussian": NoEpistasisClass = NoEpistasisGaussianLikelihood EpistasisClass = MonotonicSplineEpistasisGaussianLikelihood bottleneck_args = {} elif likelihood == "Cauchy": NoEpistasisClass = NoEpistasisCauchyLikelihood EpistasisClass = MonotonicSplineEpistasisCauchyLikelihood bottleneck_args = {} elif likelihood == "Bottleneck": NoEpistasisClass = NoEpistasisBottleneckLikelihood EpistasisClass = MonotonicSplineEpistasisBottleneckLikelihood if not bottleneck: raise ValueError("specify `bottleneck` for Bottleneck likelihood") bottleneck_args = {"bottleneck": bottleneck} else: raise ValueError(f"invalid `likelihood` {likelihood}") FitData = collections.namedtuple( "FitData", [ "description", "n_latent_phenotypes", "AIC", "nparams", "log_likelihood", "model", "fitting_time", ], ) def fit(modelclass, description, k=1, model_one_less_latent=None): model = modelclass( binarymap, n_latent_phenotypes=k, model_one_less_latent=model_one_less_latent, **bottleneck_args, ) start = time.time() _ =**kwargs) return FitData( description=description, n_latent_phenotypes=model.n_latent_phenotypes, AIC=model.aic, nparams=model.nparams, log_likelihood=model.loglik, model=model, fitting_time=time.time() - start, ) fitlist = [fit(NoEpistasisClass, "no epistasis")] for k in range(1, max_latent_phenotypes + 1): if max_latent_phenotypes == 1: description = "global epistasis" else: description = f"global epistasis with {k} latent phenotypes" fitlist.append( fit( EpistasisClass, description, k, model_one_less_latent=None if k == 1 else fitlist[-1].model, ) ) if fitlist[-1].AIC > fitlist[-2].AIC: break return ( pd.DataFrame.from_records(fitlist, columns=FitData._fields) .sort_values("AIC") .reset_index(drop=True) )
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()