Source code for dms_variants.utils


Miscellaneous utility functions.


import re

import matplotlib.ticker

import pandas as pd  # noqa: F401

import dms_variants._cutils
from dms_variants.constants import (

[docs] def reverse_complement(s, *, use_cutils=True): """Get reverse complement of DNA sequence. Parameters ---------- s : str DNA sequence. use_cutils : bool Use faster C-extension implementation. Returns ------- str Reverse complement of `s`. Example ------- >>> s = 'ATGCAAN' >>> reverse_complement(s) 'NTTGCAT' >>> reverse_complement(s, use_cutils=False) == reverse_complement(s) True """ if use_cutils: return dms_variants._cutils.reverse_complement(s) else: return "".join(reversed([NT_COMPLEMENT[nt] for nt in s]))
[docs] def translate(codonseq): """Translate codon sequence. Parameters ---------- codonseq : str Codon sequence. Gaps currently not allowed. Returns ------- str Amino-acid sequence. Example ------- >>> translate('ATGGGATAA') 'MG*' """ if len(codonseq) % 3 != 0: raise ValueError("length of `codonseq` not multiple of 3") aaseq = [] for icodon in range(len(codonseq) // 3): codon = codonseq[3 * icodon : 3 * icodon + 3] aaseq.append(CODON_TO_AA[codon]) return "".join(aaseq)
[docs] def latex_sci_not(xs): r"""Convert list of numbers to LaTex scientific notation. Parameters ---------- xs : list Numbers to format. Returns ------- list Formatted strings for numbers. Examples -------- >>> latex_sci_not([0, 3, 3120, -0.0000927]) ['$0$', '$3$', '$3.1 \\times 10^{3}$', '$-9.3 \\times 10^{-5}$'] >>> latex_sci_not([0.001, 1, 1000, 1e6]) ['$0.001$', '$1$', '$10^{3}$', '$10^{6}$'] >>> latex_sci_not([-0.002, 0.003, 0.000011]) ['$-0.002$', '$0.003$', '$1.1 \\times 10^{-5}$'] >>> latex_sci_not([-0.1, 0.0, 0.1, 0.2]) ['$-0.1$', '$0$', '$0.1$', '$0.2$'] >>> latex_sci_not([0, 1, 2]) ['$0$', '$1$', '$2$'] """ formatlist = [] for x in xs: xf = f"{x:.2g}" if xf[:2] == "1e": xf = f"$10^{{{int(xf[2 : ])}}}$" elif xf[:3] == "-1e": xf = f"$-10^{{{int(xf[3 : ])}}}$" elif "e" in xf: d, exp = xf.split("e") xf = f"${d} \\times 10^{{{int(exp)}}}$" else: xf = f"${xf}$" formatlist.append(xf) return formatlist
[docs] def cumul_rows_by_count( df, *, count_col="count", n_col="n_rows", tot_col="total_rows", group_cols=None, group_cols_as_str=False, ): """Cumulative number of rows with >= each count. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame Data frame with rows to analyze. count_col : str Column in `df` with count for row. n_col : str Name of column in result giving cumulative count threshold. tot_col : str Name of column in result giving total number of rows. group_cols : None or list Group by these columns and analyze each group separately. group_cols_as_str : bool Convert any `group_cols` columns to str. This is needed if calling in ``R`` using `reticulate <>`_. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Give cumulative counts. For each count in `count_col`, column `n_col` gives number of rows with >= that many counts, and `tot_col` gives total number of counts. Examples -------- >>> df = pd.DataFrame({'sample': ['a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'a', 'a'], ... 'count': [9, 0, 1, 4, 3, 3]}) >>> cumul_rows_by_count(df) count n_rows total_rows 0 9 1 6 1 4 2 6 2 3 4 6 3 1 5 6 4 0 6 6 >>> cumul_rows_by_count(df, group_cols=['sample']) sample count n_rows total_rows 0 a 9 1 4 1 a 3 3 4 2 a 0 4 4 3 b 4 1 2 4 b 1 2 2 """ if count_col not in df.columns: raise ValueError(f"df does not have column {count_col}") if not group_cols: drop_group_cols = True group_cols = ["dummy_col"] df[group_cols[0]] = "_" else: drop_group_cols = False if isinstance(group_cols, str): group_cols = [group_cols] if not set(group_cols).issubset(set(df.columns)): raise ValueError(f"invalid `group_cols` {group_cols}") for col in [count_col, n_col, tot_col]: if col in group_cols: raise ValueError(f"`group_cols` cannot contain {col}") df = ( df # get number of rows with each count .assign(**{n_col: 1}) .groupby(group_cols + [count_col], observed=True) .aggregate({n_col: "count"}) .reset_index() .sort_values( group_cols + [count_col], ascending=[True] * len(group_cols) + [False] ) .reset_index(drop=True) # get cumulative number with <= number of counts .assign(**{n_col: lambda x: x.groupby(group_cols)[n_col].cumsum()}) # add new column that is total number of rows .assign( **{ tot_col: lambda x: ( x.groupby(group_cols, sort=False)[n_col].transform("max") ) } ) ) assert df[tot_col].notnull().all() if drop_group_cols: df = df.drop(group_cols, axis="columns") elif group_cols_as_str: for col in group_cols: df[col] = df[col].astype("str") return df
[docs] def tidy_to_corr( df, sample_col, label_col, value_col, *, group_cols=None, return_type="tidy_pairs", method="pearson", ): """Pairwise correlations between samples in tidy data frame. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame Tidy data frame. sample_col : str Column in `df` with name of sample. label_col : str Column in `df` with labels for variable to correlate. value_col : str Column in `df` with values to correlate. group_cols : None, str, or list Additional columns used to group results. return_type : {'tidy_pairs', 'matrix'} Return results as tidy dataframe of pairwise correlations or correlation matrix. method : str A correlation metho passable to `pandas.DataFrame.corr`. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Holds pairwise correlations in format specified by `return_type`. Correlations only calculated among values with shared label among samples. Example ------- Define data frame with data to correlate: >>> df = pd.DataFrame({ ... 'sample': ['a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'c'], ... 'barcode': ['A', 'C', 'G', 'G', 'A', 'C', 'T', 'G', 'C', 'A'], ... 'score': [1, 2, 3, 3, 1.5, 2, 4, 1, 2, 3], ... 'group': ['x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'y', 'y', 'y'], ... }) Pairwise correlations between all samples ignoring group: >>> tidy_to_corr(df, sample_col='sample', label_col='barcode', ... value_col='score') sample_1 sample_2 correlation 0 a a 1.000000 1 b a 0.981981 2 c a -1.000000 3 a b 0.981981 4 b b 1.000000 5 c b -0.981981 6 a c -1.000000 7 b c -0.981981 8 c c 1.000000 The same but as a matrix rather than in tidy format: >>> tidy_to_corr(df, sample_col='sample', label_col='barcode', ... value_col='score', return_type='matrix') sample a b c 0 a 1.000000 0.981981 -1.000000 1 b 0.981981 1.000000 -0.981981 2 c -1.000000 -0.981981 1.000000 Now group before computing correlations: >>> tidy_to_corr(df, sample_col='sample', label_col='barcode', ... value_col='score', group_cols='group') group sample_1 sample_2 correlation 0 x a a 1.000000 1 x b a 0.981981 2 x a b 0.981981 3 x b b 1.000000 4 y c c 1.000000 >>> tidy_to_corr(df, sample_col='sample', label_col='barcode', ... value_col='score', group_cols='group', ... return_type='matrix') group sample a b c 0 x a 1.000000 0.981981 NaN 1 x b 0.981981 1.000000 NaN 2 y c NaN NaN 1.0 """ if isinstance(group_cols, str): group_cols = [group_cols] elif group_cols is None: group_cols = [] cols = [sample_col, value_col, label_col] + group_cols if set(cols) > set(df.columns): raise ValueError(f"`df` missing some of these columns: {cols}") if len(set(cols)) != len(cols): raise ValueError(f"duplicate column names: {cols}") if "correlation" in cols: raise ValueError("cannot have column named `correlation`") if sample_col + "_2" in group_cols: raise ValueError(f"cannot have column named `{sample_col}_2`") for _, g in df.groupby([sample_col] + group_cols): if len(g[label_col]) != g[label_col].nunique(): raise ValueError( f"Entries in `df` column {label_col} not unique " "after grouping by: " + ", ".join(c for c in [sample_col] + group_cols) ) df = df.pivot_table( values=value_col, columns=sample_col, index=[label_col] + group_cols, ).reset_index() if group_cols: df = df.groupby(group_cols) corr = ( df.corr(method=method, numeric_only=True) .dropna(how="all", axis="index") .reset_index() ) = None # remove name of columns index if return_type == "tidy_pairs": corr = ( corr.melt( id_vars=group_cols + [sample_col], var_name=sample_col + "_2", value_name="correlation", ) .rename(columns={sample_col: sample_col + "_1"}) .dropna() .reset_index(drop=True) ) elif return_type != "matrix": raise ValueError(f"invalid `return_type` of {return_type}") return corr
[docs] def tidy_split(df, column, sep=" ", keep=False): """Split values of column and expand into new rows. Note ---- Taken from Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame Data frame with the column to split and expand. column : str Name of column to split and expand. sep : str The string used to split the column's values. keep : bool Retain the presplit value as it's own row. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Data frame with the same columns as `df`. Rows lacking `column` are filtered. Example ------- >>> df = pd.DataFrame({'col1': ['A', 'B', 'C'], ... 'col2': ['d e', float('nan'), 'f']}) >>> tidy_split(df, 'col2') col1 col2 0 A d 0 A e 2 C f """ indexes = [] new_values = [] df = df.dropna(subset=[column]) for i, presplit in enumerate(df[column].astype(str)): values = presplit.split(sep) if keep and len(values) > 1: indexes.append(i) new_values.append(presplit) for value in values: indexes.append(i) new_values.append(value) new_df = df.iloc[indexes, :].copy() new_df[column] = new_values return new_df
[docs] def integer_breaks(x): """Integer breaks for axes labels. Note ---- The breaks can be passed to `plotnine <>`_ as in:: scale_x_continuous(breaks=integer_breaks) Parameters ---------- x : array-like Numerical data values. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Integer tick locations. Example ------- >>> integer_breaks([0.5, 0.7, 1.2, 3.7, 7, 17]) array([ 0., 2., 4., 6., 8., 10., 12., 14., 16., 18.]) """ return matplotlib.ticker.MaxNLocator(integer=True).tick_values(min(x), max(x))
[docs] def scores_to_prefs( df, mutation_col, score_col, base, wt_score=0, missing="average", alphabet=AAS_NOSTOP, exclude_chars=("*",), returnformat="wide", stringency_param=1, ): r"""Convert functional scores to amino-acid preferences. Preferences are calculated from functional scores as follows. Let :math:`y_{r,a}` be the score of the variant with the single mutation of site :math:`r` to :math:`a` (when :math:`a` is the wildtype character, then :math:`p_{r,a}` is the score of the wildtype sequence). Then the preference :math:`\pi_{r,a}` is .. math:: \pi_{r,a} = \frac{b^{y_{r,a}}}{\sum_{a'} b^{y_{r,a'}}} where :math:`b` is the base for the exponent. This definition ensures that the preferences sum to one at each site. These preferences can be displayed in logo pltos or used as input to `phydms <>`_ Note ---- The "flatness" of the preferences is determined by the exponent base. A smaller `base` yields flatter preferences. There is no obvious "best" `base` as different values correspond to different linear scalings of the scores. A recommended approach is simply to choose a value of `base` (such as 10) and then re-scale the preferences by using `phydms <>`_ to optimize a stringency parameter as `described here <>`_. One thing to note is that `phydms <>`_ has an upper bound on the largest stringency parameter it can fit, so if you are hitting this upper bound then pre-scale the preferences to be less flat by using a larger value of `base`. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame Data frame holding the functional scores. mutation_col : str Column in `df` with mutations, in this format: 'M1A'. score_col : str Column in `df` with functional scores. base : float Base to which the exponent is taken in computing the preferences. Make sure not to choose an excessively small value if using in `phydms <>`_ or the preferences will be too flat. In the examples below we use 2, but you may want a larger value. wt_score : float Functional score for wildtype sequence. missing : {'average', 'site_average', 'error'} What to do when there is no estimate of the score for a mutant? Estimate the phenotype as the average of all single mutants, the average of all single mutants at that site, or raise an error. alphabet : list or tuple Characters (e.g., amino acids) for which we compute preferences. exclude_chars : tuple or list Characters to exclude when calculating preferences (and when averaging values for missing mutants). For instance, you might want to exclude stop codons even if they are in `df`. returnformat : {'tidy', 'wide'} Return preferences in tidy or wide format data frame. stringency_param : float Re-scale preferences by this stringency parameter. This involves raising each preference to the power of `stringency_param`, and then re-normalizes. A similar effect can be achieved by changing `base`. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Data frame where first column is named 'site', other columns are named for each character, and rows give preferences for each site. Example ------- >>> func_scores_df = pd.DataFrame( ... {'aa_substitutions': ['M1A', 'M1C', 'A2M', 'A2C', 'M1*'], ... 'func_score': [-0.1, -2.3, 0.8, -1.2, -3.0,]}) >>> (scores_to_prefs(func_scores_df, 'aa_substitutions', 'func_score', 2, ... alphabet=['M', 'A', 'C'], exclude_chars=['*']) ... ).round(2) site M A C 0 1 0.47 0.44 0.10 1 2 0.55 0.31 0.14 >>> (scores_to_prefs(func_scores_df, 'aa_substitutions', 'func_score', 2, ... alphabet=['M', 'A', 'C', '*'], exclude_chars=[]) ... ).round(2) site M A C * 0 1 0.44 0.41 0.09 0.06 1 2 0.48 0.28 0.12 0.12 >>> (scores_to_prefs(func_scores_df, 'aa_substitutions', 'func_score', 2, ... alphabet=['M', 'A', 'C', '*'], exclude_chars=[], ... missing='site_average') ... ).round(2) site M A C * 0 1 0.44 0.41 0.09 0.06 1 2 0.43 0.25 0.11 0.22 >>> scores_to_prefs(func_scores_df, 'aa_substitutions', 'func_score', 2, ... alphabet=['M', 'A', 'C', '*'], exclude_chars=[], ... missing='error') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: missing functional scores for some mutations >>> (scores_to_prefs(func_scores_df, 'aa_substitutions', 'func_score', 2, ... alphabet=['M', 'A', 'C'], exclude_chars=['*'], ... returnformat='tidy') ... ).round(2) wildtype site mutant preference 0 M 1 C 0.10 1 A 2 C 0.14 2 A 2 A 0.31 3 M 1 A 0.44 4 M 1 M 0.47 5 A 2 M 0.55 >>> (scores_to_prefs(func_scores_df, 'aa_substitutions', 'func_score', 2, ... alphabet=['M', 'A', 'C'], exclude_chars=['*'], ... stringency_param=3) ... ).round(2) site M A C 0 1 0.55 0.45 0.00 1 2 0.83 0.16 0.01 >>> (scores_to_prefs(func_scores_df, 'aa_substitutions', 'func_score', 2, ... alphabet=['M', 'A', 'C', '*'], exclude_chars=[], ... returnformat='tidy') ... ).round(2) wildtype site mutant preference 0 M 1 * 0.06 1 M 1 C 0.09 2 A 2 C 0.12 3 A 2 * 0.12 4 A 2 A 0.28 5 M 1 A 0.41 6 M 1 M 0.44 7 A 2 M 0.48 """ if not isinstance(exclude_chars, (list, tuple)): raise ValueError("`exclude_chars` must be list, tuple (can be empty)") exclude_chars = list(exclude_chars) alphabet = list(alphabet) if [a for a in alphabet if a in exclude_chars]: raise ValueError( f"character in `exclude_chars` of {exclude_chars} " f" in `alphabet` of {alphabet}. These lists must be " "mutually exclusive" ) if score_col == mutation_col: raise ValueError("`score_col` and `mutation_col` must be different") for colname, col in [("mutation", mutation_col), ("score", score_col)]: if col not in df.columns: raise ValueError(f"`df` lacks `{colname}_col` of {col}") if col in {"wildtype", "site", "mutant"}: raise ValueError(f"`{colname}_col` cannot be named {score_col}") if len(df[mutation_col]) != df[mutation_col].nunique(): raise ValueError("duplicated entries in `mutation_col` of `df`") # extract wildtype, site, mutant from mutation chars_regex = "".join(re.escape(a) for a in alphabet + exclude_chars) df = df.join( df[mutation_col] .str.extract( rf"^(?P<wildtype>[{chars_regex}])" + r"(?P<site>\-?\d+)" + rf"(?P<mutant>[{chars_regex}])$" ) .assign(site=lambda x: x["site"].astype(int)) )[["site", "wildtype", "mutant", score_col, mutation_col]] if df.isnull().any().any(): raise ValueError( "unparseable mutations given specified alphabet:\n" + ", ".join(df[mutation_col].tolist()) ) if len(df.query("wildtype == mutant")): raise ValueError("`df` contains mutations with same wildtype & mutant") # remove any excluded characters df = ( df[["site", "wildtype", "mutant", score_col]] .query("wildtype not in @exclude_chars") .query("mutant not in @exclude_chars") ) # get missing values for later use if missing == "average": missing_val = df[score_col].mean() elif missing == "site_average": missing_val = df.groupby("site")[score_col].mean().to_dict() elif missing != "error": raise ValueError(f"invalid `missing` of {missing}") # add wildtype to data frame wt_df = ( df[["wildtype", "site"]] .drop_duplicates() .assign(mutant=lambda x: x["wildtype"]) .assign(**{score_col: wt_score}) ) df = pd.concat([df, wt_df], sort=False) # add missing characters from alphabet for each site as here: # mux = pd.MultiIndex.from_product( [df["site"].unique(), alphabet], names=["site", "mutant"] ) df = ( mux.to_frame(index=False) .assign( wildtype=lambda x: x["site"].map(df.set_index("site")["wildtype"].to_dict()) ) .merge(df, on=["site", "wildtype", "mutant"], how="outer") ) # fill missing values if missing == "average": df = df.fillna(missing_val) elif missing == "site_average": df_notmissing = df[df.notnull().all(axis=1)] df_missing = df[df.isnull().any(axis=1)] assert len(df) == len(df_notmissing) + len(df_missing) df_missing = df_missing.assign( **{score_col: lambda x: (x["site"].map(missing_val))} ) df = pd.concat([df_notmissing, df_missing], sort=False) elif df.isnull().any().any(): raise ValueError("missing functional scores for some mutations") # convert to prefs df = df.assign( unscaled_prefs=lambda x: (base ** x[score_col]) ** stringency_param, preference=lambda x: ( x["unscaled_prefs"] / (x.groupby("site", sort=False)["unscaled_prefs"].transform("sum")) ), ) # pivot to wide form if returnformat == "wide": df = df.pivot_table(index="site", columns="mutant", values="preference") df = df[alphabet] = None df = df.reset_index() elif returnformat == "tidy": df = ( df[["wildtype", "site", "mutant", "preference"]] .sort_values("preference") .reset_index(drop=True) ) else: raise ValueError(f"invalid `returnformat` {returnformat}") assert not df.isnull().any().any(), df return df
[docs] def single_nt_accessible(codon, aa, codon_encode_aa="raise"): """Is amino acid accessible from codon by single-nucleotide change? Parameters ---------- codon : str The codon. aa : str The amino acid. codon_encode_aa : {'raise', 'true', 'false'} If `codon` encodes `aa`, raise an error, return `True`, or return `False`. Returns ------- bool Example ------- >>> single_nt_accessible('GGG', 'E') True >>> single_nt_accessible('GGC', 'E') False >>> single_nt_accessible('GGG', 'G') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: `codon` GGG already encodes `aa` G (see `codon_encode_aa`) >>> single_nt_accessible('GGG', 'G', codon_encode_aa='true') True >>> single_nt_accessible('TTT', 'L') True """ if CODON_TO_AA[codon] == aa: if codon_encode_aa == "raise": raise ValueError( f"`codon` {codon} already encodes `aa` {aa} " "(see `codon_encode_aa`)" ) elif codon_encode_aa == "false": return False elif codon_encode_aa == "true": return True else: raise ValueError(f"invalid `codon_encode_aa` {codon_encode_aa}") elif aa in SINGLE_NT_AA_MUTS[codon]: return True else: return False
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()