Source code for dmslogo.line


Draw line plots of site-level properties.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker

import numpy

import dmslogo.colorschemes
import dmslogo.utils

[docs] def data_units_from_linewidth(linewidth, ax, reference): """Convert linewidth in points to data units. Args: `linewidth` (float) Linewidth in points. `ax` (matplotlib axis) The axis used to extract the relevant transformation (data limits and size must not change afterwards). `reference` (str) The axis that is taken as a reference for the data width. Possible values: 'x' and 'y'. Returns Linewidth in data units. Function is the inverse of the one defined here: """ fig = ax.get_figure() if reference == "x": length = fig.bbox_inches.width * ax.get_position().width value_range = numpy.diff(ax.get_xlim())[0] elif reference == "y": length = fig.bbox_inches.height * ax.get_position().height value_range = numpy.diff(ax.get_ylim())[0] else: raise ValueError(f"invalid `ax` of {ax}") # Convert length to points length *= 72 # Scale linewidth to value range return linewidth / (length / value_range)
[docs] def draw_line( data, *, x_col, height_col, height_col2=None, xtick_col=None, show_col=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, title=None, color="black", color2="gray", show_color=dmslogo.colorschemes.CBPALETTE[1], linewidth=1, widthscale=1, heightscale=1, axisfontscale=1, hide_axis=False, ax=None, ylim_setter=None, fixed_ymin=None, fixed_ymax=None, ): """Draw line plot. Args: `data` (pandas DataFrame) Holds data to plot. If there are duplicate rows for the columns of interest, removes duplicates. `height_col` (str) Column in `data` with line height. `height_col2` (str or `None`) Optional second column in `data` giving second line height. This is typically useful when `height_col` has positive values and you also want to plot negative values: those can be in `height_col2`. `x_col` (str) Column in `data` with integer site numbers. Must be full set of sequential numbers, gaps in numbering not allowed. `xtick_col` (`None` or str) Column in `data` used to label sites if not using `x_col`. `show_col` (`None` or str) Underline sites where this column is True. Useful for marking selected sites that are zoomed in logo plots. `xlabel` (`None` or str) Label for x-axis if not using `xtick_col` or `x_col`. `ylabel` (`None` or str) Label for y-axis if not using `height_col`. `title` (`None` or str) Title to place above plot. `color` (str) Color of line plotting data in `height_col`. `color2` (str) Color of line plotting any data in `height_col2`. `show_color` (str or `None`) Color of underlines specified by `show_col`, or `None` if you don't want to show underlines. `linewidth` (float) Width of line. `widthscale` (float) Scale width by this much. `heightscale` (float) Scale height by this much. `axisfontscale` (float) Scale size of font for axis ticks and labels by this much. `hide_axis` (bool) Do we hide the axis and tick labels? `ax` (`None` or matplotlib axes.Axes object) Use to plot on an existing axis. `ylim_setter` (`None` or :class:`dmslogo.utils.AxLimSetter`) Object used to set y-limits. If `None`, a :class:`dmslogo.utils.AxLimSetter` is created using default parameters). If `fixed_ymin` and/or `fixed_ymax` are set, they override the limits from this setter. `fixed_ymin` (`None` or float) If not `None`, then fixed y-axis minimum. `fixed_ymax` (`None` or float) If not `None`, then fixed y-axis maximum. Returns: The 2-tuple `(fig, ax)` giving the figure and axis. """ # set default values of arguments that can be None if xtick_col is None: xtick_col = x_col if xlabel is None: xlabel = xtick_col if ylabel is None: ylabel = height_col cols = list({x_col, xtick_col, height_col}) if height_col2 is not None: cols.append(height_col2) if show_col: cols.append(show_col) if not data[show_col].dtype == bool: raise ValueError("`show_col` is not bool") for col in cols: if col not in data.columns: raise ValueError(f"`data` lacks column {col}") data = data[cols].drop_duplicates().sort_values(x_col) if any(data[x_col] != data[x_col].astype(int)): raise ValueError("`x_col` does not have integer values") xmin = data[x_col].min() xmax = data[x_col].max() xlen = xmax - xmin + 1 if (xlen != data[x_col].nunique()) or any( list(range(xmin, xmax + 1)) != data[x_col].unique() ): raise ValueError("`x_col` not sequential unbroken integers") if len(data[x_col]) != len(data[x_col].unique()): raise ValueError(f"not unique mapping of `x_col` to other cols {cols}") assert len(data) == xlen # set y-limits if ylim_setter is None: ylim_setter = dmslogo.utils.AxLimSetter() ymin, ymax = ylim_setter.get_lims(data[height_col]) ydata_min = data[height_col].min() ydata_max = data[height_col].max() if ylim_setter.include_zero: ydata_min = min(0, ydata_min) ydata_max = max(0, ydata_max) if height_col2 is not None: ymin2, ymax2 = ylim_setter.get_lims(data[height_col2]) ymin = min(ymin, ymin2) ymax = max(ymax, ymax2) ydata_min = min(ydata_min, data[height_col2].min()) ydata_max = max(ydata_max, data[height_col2].max()) if fixed_ymax is not None: if fixed_ymax < ydata_max: raise ValueError("`fixed_ymax` less then max of data") ymax = fixed_ymax if fixed_ymin is not None: if fixed_ymin > ydata_min: raise ValueError("`fixed_ymin` greater then min of data") ymin = fixed_ymin # setup axis for plotting if not ax: fig, ax = plt.subplots() # width per site ranges from 0.02 for xlen <= 100 to # 0.07 for xlen > 700 xwidth = 0.02 - 0.013 * (min(700, max(100, xlen)) - 100) / (700 - 100) fig.set_size_inches( ( widthscale * xwidth * xlen + 0.5 * int(not hide_axis), heightscale * (2 + 0.5 * int(not hide_axis) + 0.5 * int(bool(title))), ) ) else: fig = ax.get_figure() if title: ax.set_title(title, fontsize=17 * axisfontscale) ax.set_xlim(xmin - 0.5 - 0.02 * xlen, xmax + 0.5 + 0.02 * xlen) ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) if not hide_axis: xbreaks, xlabels = dmslogo.utils.breaksAndLabels( data[x_col].tolist(), data[xtick_col].tolist(), max(4, xlen // 50) ) ax.set_xticks(xbreaks) ax.tick_params(length=5, width=1) ax.set_xticklabels(xlabels, rotation=90, ha="center", va="top") ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.MaxNLocator(4)) ax.tick_params("both", labelsize=12 * axisfontscale) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=17 * axisfontscale) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=17 * axisfontscale) dmslogo.utils.despine(ax=ax, trim=False, top=True, right=True) else: ax.axis("off") xdata = data[x_col].tolist() ydata = data[height_col].tolist() # plot with 0.5 before / after last points so steps full length ax.step( [xmin - 0.5] + xdata + [xmax + 0.5], [ydata[0]] + ydata + [ydata[-1]], color=color, where="mid", linewidth=linewidth, ) if height_col2 is not None: ydata2 = data[height_col2].tolist() ax.step( [xmin - 0.5] + xdata + [xmax + 0.5], [ydata2[0]] + ydata2 + [ydata2[-1]], color=color2, where="mid", linewidth=linewidth, ) if show_col and show_color is not None: lw_to_xdata = data_units_from_linewidth(linewidth, ax, "x") lw_to_ydata = data_units_from_linewidth(linewidth, ax, "y") for x in data.query(f"{show_col}")[x_col].tolist(): ax.add_patch( plt.Rectangle( xy=(x - 0.5 - lw_to_xdata, ymin), width=2 + 1 * lw_to_xdata, height=(ydata_min - ymin) - lw_to_ydata, edgecolor="none", facecolor=show_color, ) ) return fig, ax
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()