.. _examples: ======== Examples ======== The ``dmslogo`` package is designed to aid in the visualization of deep mutational scanning via line and logo plots of site- and mutation-wise measurements of mutationsl effects. It provides several Python functions that you can use in scripts or Jupyter notebooks. Major functionality includes: - The :py:mod:`dmslogo.logo.draw_logo` function for creating highly customizable logo plots. - The :py:mod:`dmslogo.line.draw_line` function for creating line plots. - The :py:mod:`dmslogo.facet.facet_plot` function for faceting together combinations of line and logo plots. Below are examples that illustrate usage of this functionality and other aspects of the ``dmslogo`` package. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 basic_example overlays negative_values set_ylims The above examples can be run as interactive Jupyter notebooks on `mybinder `_ by going to the `following link `_ (it may take a minute to load) and then opening the notebook you want to run.