
Facet multiple plots on the same figure.

dmslogo.facet.facet_plot(data, *, x_col, show_col, height_per_ax=2.5, gridrow_col=None, gridcol_col=None, draw_line_kwargs=None, draw_logo_kwargs=None, line_titlesuffix='', logo_titlesuffix='', hspace=0.8, wspace=1.1, lmargin=1, rmargin=0.2, tmargin=0.4, bmargin=1.3, share_xlabel=False, share_ylabel=False, share_ylim_across_rows=True, set_ylims=False)[source]

Facet together plots of different types on same figure.

Useful for combining multiple instances of the plots you could create with dmslogo.logo.draw_logo and dmslogo.line.draw_line.

data (pandas DataFrame)

The data to plot.

x_col (str)

Column in data with x-axis values, as for dmslogo.logo.draw_logo and dmslogo.line.draw_line.

show_col (str or None)

Column in data with x-axis values to highlight in line plots and to show in logo plots.

height_per_ax (float)

Height of each axis in the faceted plot.

gridrow_col (str or None)

Column in data to facet over for rows of plot.

gridcol_col (str or None)

Column in data to facet over for columns of plot.

draw_line_kwargs (dict)

All arguments to be passed to dmslogo.line.draw_line except x_col, show_col, and title. These are passed separately or come from faceting variables.


Like draw_line_kwargs but for dmslogo.logo.draw_logo.

line_titlesuffix (str or None)

String suffixed to titles for line plots.


String suffixed to titles for logo plots.

hspace (float)

Vertical space between axes in same units as height_per_ax.

wspace (float)

Horizontal space between axes.

lmargin (float)

Left margin in same units as height_per_ax.

rmargin (float)

Right margin in same units as height_per_ax.

tmargin (float)

Top margin in same units as height_per_ax.

bmargin (float)

Bottom margin in same units as height_per_ax.

share_xlabel (bool)

Share the x-labels across the line and logo plots.

share_ylabel (bool)

Share the y-labels across the line and logo plots.

share_ylim_across_rows (bool)

Do we share y-limits across rows?

set_ylims (False or 2-tuple or dict)

To set y-limits for all axes, specify the 2-tuple (ymin, ymax). To set y-limits differently for each row, specify a dict keyed by the possible values of gridrow_col with the values being 2-tuples (ymin, ymax).


The 2-tuple fig, axes where fig is the matplotlib Figure and axes is a numpy ndarray of the figure axes.

x_col and show_col must have the same unique entries in data for all groups in being faceted over.

dmslogo.facet.height_params(nrows, height_per_ax, hspace, tmargin, bmargin)[source]

Values to set vertical figure subplots parameters.

nrow (int)

Number of rows

height_per_ax, hspace, tmargin, bmargin

Same meaning as for facet_plot().

A dict keyed by:
  • height: height of figure;

  • hspace, top, bottom: values for subplots_adjust.