Installation -------------- Installing ``pdb_prot_align`` itself +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ``pdb_prot_align`` requires Python 3.6 or higher. The easiest way to install ``pdb_prot_align`` is from `PyPI `_ using `pip `_ with:: pip install pdb_prot_align You also need to ensure that `mafft `_ is installed so it is available at the command line as ``mafft``. The source code for ``pdb_prot_align`` is available on GitHub at Installing PyMol and nglview ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In some cases, you may want to visualize the results on protein structures using pymol_ or nglview_. This can be done as described in the :doc:`pymol_example` and the :doc:`nglview_example` examples by taking advantage of the :mod:`pdb_prot_align.pymol_struct` and :mod:`pdb_prot_align.nglview_struct` modules. In order to uses these, you must install pymol_ or nglview_, which is substantially more complex than the simple instructions above to install ``pdb_prot_align``. pymol_ can be installed a number of ways, as can nglview_. We suggest doing it via conda_. The environment.yml_ file in the `pdb_prot_align GitHub repo`_ can be used to install pymol_ and nglview_. To do this, just follow the `instructions to create a conda environment from a YAML file `_. However assuming that you're not building from the source in the `pdb_prot_align GitHub repo`_, you should change the lines in the environment.yml_ file that read:: - pip: - -e . to instead read:: - pip: - pdb_prot_align For nglview_, after building and activating the conda_ environment, you then need to run the following command (see `here `_):: jupyter-nbextension enable nglview --py --sys-prefix If you are using `mybinder `_, this can be done via a `postBuild `_ file with the `following contents `_ placed in ``./binder/postBuild``. Note that if you do not want your pymol_ images to have a watermark, you'll also have to manually install a pymol_ license. Note also note that the current version of nglview_ may only work in a Jupyter **notebook**, if you want to run through Jupyter **lab** you may have to `follow the extra steps here `_. .. _pymol: .. _nglview: .. _conda: .. _environment.yml: .. _`pdb_prot_align GitHub repo`: