Source code for dms_variants.ispline


Implements :class:`Isplines`, which are monotonic spline functions that are
defined in terms of :class:`Msplines`. Also implements :class:`Isplines_total`
for the weighted sum of a :class:`Isplines` family.

See `Ramsay (1988)`_ for details about these splines, and also note the
corrections in the `Praat manual`_ to the errors in the I-spline formula
by `Ramsay (1988)`_.

.. _`Ramsay (1988)`:
.. _`Praat manual`:


import numpy

[docs] class Isplines_total: r"""Evaluate the weighted sum of an I-spline family (see `Ramsay (1988)`_). Parameters ---------- order : int Sets :attr:`Isplines_total.order`. mesh : array-like Sets :attr:`Isplines_total.mesh`. x : numpy.ndarray Sets :attr:`Isplines_total.x`. Attributes ---------- order : int See :attr:`Isplines.order`. mesh : numpy.ndarray See :attr:`Isplines.mesh`. n : int See :attr:`Isplines.n`. lower : float See :attr:`Isplines.lower`. upper : float See :attr:`Isplines.upper`. Note ---- Evaluates the full interpolating curve from the I-splines. When :math:`x` falls within the lower :math:`L` and upper :math:`U` bounds of the range covered by the I-splines (:math:`L \le x \le U`), then this curve is defined as: .. math:: I_{\rm{total}}\left(x\right) = w_{\rm{lower}} + \sum_i w_i I_i\left(x\right). When :math:`x` is outside the range of the mesh covered by the splines, the values are linearly extrapolated from first derivative at the bounds. Specifically, if :math:`x < L` then: .. math:: I_{\rm{total}}\left(x\right) = I_{\rm{total}}\left(L\right) + \left(x - L\right) \left.\frac{\partial I_{\rm{total}}\left(y\right)} {\partial y}\right\rvert_{y=L}, and if :math:`x > U` then: .. math:: I_{\rm{total}}\left(x\right) = I_{\rm{total}}\left(U\right) + \left(x - U\right) \left.\frac{\partial I_{\rm{total}}\left(y\right)} {\partial y}\right\rvert_{y=U}. Note also that: .. math:: I_{\rm{total}}\left(L\right) &=& w_{\rm{lower}}, \\ I_{\rm{total}}\left(U\right) &=& w_{\rm{lower}} + \sum_i w_i Example ------- Short examples to demonstrate and test :class:`Isplines_total`: .. plot:: :context: reset >>> import itertools >>> import numpy >>> import pandas as pd >>> import scipy.optimize >>> from dms_variants.ispline import Isplines_total >>> order = 3 >>> mesh = [0.0, 0.3, 0.5, 0.6, 1.0] >>> x = numpy.array([0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.8, 0.99999]) >>> isplines_total = Isplines_total(order, mesh, x) >>> weights = numpy.array([1.2, 2, 1.2, 1.2, 3, 0]) / 6 >>> numpy.round(isplines_total.Itotal(weights, w_lower=0), 2) array([0. , 0.38, 0.54, 0.66, 1.21, 1.43]) Now calculate using some points that require linear extrapolation outside the mesh and also have a nonzero `w_lower`: >>> x2 = numpy.array([-0.5, -0.25, 0, 0.01, 1.0, 1.5]) >>> isplines_total2 = Isplines_total(order, mesh, x2) >>> numpy.round(isplines_total2.Itotal(weights, w_lower=1), 3) array([0. , 0.5 , 1. , 1.02 , 2.433, 2.433]) Test :meth:`Isplines_total.dItotal_dx`: >>> x_deriv = numpy.array([-0.5, -0.25, 0, 0.01, 0.5, 0.7, 1.0, 1.5]) >>> for xval in x_deriv: ... xval = numpy.array([xval]) ... def func(xval): ... return Isplines_total(order, mesh, xval).Itotal(weights, 0) ... def dfunc(xval): ... return Isplines_total(order, mesh, xval).dItotal_dx(weights) ... err = scipy.optimize.check_grad(func, dfunc, xval) ... if err > 1e-5: ... raise ValueError(f"excess err {err} for {xval}") >>> (isplines_total.dItotal_dw_lower() == numpy.ones(x.shape)).all() True Test :meth:`Isplines_total.dItotal_dweights`: >>> isplines_total3 = Isplines_total(order, mesh, x_deriv) >>> wl = 1.5 >>> (isplines_total3.dItotal_dweights(weights, wl).shape == ... (len(x_deriv), len(weights))) True >>> weightslist = list(weights) >>> for ix, iw in itertools.product(range(len(x_deriv)), ... range(len(weights))): ... w = numpy.array([weightslist[iw]]) ... def func(w): ... iweights = numpy.array(weightslist[: iw] + ... list(w) + ... weightslist[iw + 1:]) ... return isplines_total3.Itotal(iweights, wl)[ix] ... def dfunc(w): ... iweights = numpy.array(weightslist[: iw] + ... list(w) + ... weightslist[iw + 1:]) ... return isplines_total3.dItotal_dweights(iweights, wl)[ix, ... iw] ... err = scipy.optimize.check_grad(func, dfunc, w) ... if err > 1e-6: ... raise ValueError(f"excess err {err} for {ix, iw}") Plot the total of the I-spline family shown in Fig. 1 of `Ramsay (1988)`_, adding some linear extrapolation outside the mesh range: >>> xplot = numpy.linspace(-0.2, 1.2, 1000) >>> isplines_totalplot = Isplines_total(order, mesh, xplot) >>> df = pd.DataFrame({'x': xplot, ... 'Itotal': isplines_totalplot.Itotal(weights, 0)}) >>> _ = df.plot(x='x', y='Itotal') .. _`Ramsay (1988)`: """ def __init__(self, order, mesh, x): """See main class docstring.""" if not (isinstance(order, int) and order >= 1): raise ValueError(f"`order` not int >= 1: {order}") self.order = order self.mesh = numpy.array(mesh, dtype="float") if self.mesh.ndim != 1: raise ValueError(f"`mesh` not array-like of dimension 1: {mesh}") if len(self.mesh) < 2: raise ValueError(f"`mesh` not length >= 2: {mesh}") if not numpy.array_equal(self.mesh, numpy.unique(self.mesh)): raise ValueError(f"`mesh` elements not unique and sorted: {mesh}") self.lower = self.mesh[0] self.upper = self.mesh[-1] assert self.lower < self.upper self.n = len(self.mesh) - 2 + self.order self._x = x.copy() self._x.flags.writeable = False # indices of `x` in, above, or below I-spline range self._index = { "lower": numpy.flatnonzero(self.x < self.lower), "upper": numpy.flatnonzero(self.x > self.upper), "in": numpy.flatnonzero((self.x >= self.lower) & (self.x <= self.upper)), } # values of x in each range self._x_byrange = { rangename: self.x[index] for rangename, index in self._index.items() } # Isplines for each range: for lower and upper it is value at bound self._isplines = { "in": Isplines(self.order, self.mesh, self._x_byrange["in"]), "lower": Isplines(self.order, self.mesh, numpy.array([self.lower])), "upper": Isplines(self.order, self.mesh, numpy.array([self.upper])), } # for caching values self._cache = {} self._max_cache_size = 100 @property def x(self): """numpy.ndarray: Points at which spline is evaluated.""" return self._x
[docs] def Itotal(self, weights, w_lower): r"""Weighted sum of spline family at points :attr:`Isplines_total.x`. Parameters ---------- weights : array-like Nonnegative weights :math:`w_i` of members :math:`I_i` of spline family, should be of length equal to :attr:`Isplines.n`. w_lower : float The value at the lower bound :math:`L` of the spline range, :math:`w_{\rm{lower}}`. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray :math:`I_{\rm{total}}` for each point in :attr:`Isplines_total.x`. """ args = (tuple(weights), w_lower, "Itotal") if args not in self._cache: if len(self._cache) > self._max_cache_size: self._cache = {} self._cache[args] = self._calculate_Itotal_or_dItotal(*args) return self._cache[args]
def _calculate_Itotal_or_dItotal(self, weights, w_lower, quantity): """Calculate :meth:`Isplines.Itotal` or derivatives. Parameters have same meaning as for :meth:`Isplines.Itotal` except for `quantity`, which should be - 'Itotal' to compute :meth:`Isplines.Itotal` - 'dItotal_dx' to compute :meth:`Isplines.dItotal_dx` - 'dItotal_dweights` to compute :meth:`Isplines.dItotal_dweights` Also, `weights` must be hashable (e.g., a tuple). """ # check validity of `weights` if len(weights) != self.n: raise ValueError(f"invalid length of `weights`: {weights}") if any(weight < 0 for weight in weights): raise ValueError(f"`weights` not all non-negative: {weights}") # compute return values for each category of indices returnvals = {} if quantity == "Itotal": returnshape = len(self.x) if len(self._index["in"]): returnvals["in"] = ( numpy.sum( [ self._isplines["in"].I(i) * weights[i - 1] for i in range(1, self.n + 1) ], axis=0, ) + w_lower ) # values of Itotal at limits Itotal_limits = {"lower": w_lower, "upper": w_lower + sum(weights)} for name, limit in [("lower", self.lower), ("upper", self.upper)]: if not len(self._index[name]): continue returnvals[name] = Itotal_limits[name] + ( self._x_byrange[name] - limit ) * sum( self._isplines[name].dI_dx(i) * weights[i - 1] for i in range(1, self.n + 1) ) elif quantity == "dItotal_dx": returnshape = len(self.x) if len(self._index["in"]): returnvals["in"] = numpy.sum( [ self._isplines["in"].dI_dx(i) * weights[i - 1] for i in range(1, self.n + 1) ], axis=0, ) for name in ["lower", "upper"]: if not len(self._index[name]): continue returnvals[name] = sum( self._isplines[name].dI_dx(i) * weights[i - 1] for i in range(1, self.n + 1) ) elif quantity == "dItotal_dweights": returnshape = (len(self.x), len(weights)) if len(self._index["in"]): returnvals["in"] = ( numpy.vstack( [self._isplines["in"].I(i) for i in range(1, self.n + 1)] ) ).transpose() # values of I at limits I_limits = {"lower": 0.0, "upper": 1.0} for name, limit in [("lower", self.lower), ("upper", self.upper)]: if not len(self._index[name]): continue returnvals[name] = numpy.vstack( [ I_limits[name] + (self._x_byrange[name] - limit) * self._isplines[name].dI_dx(i) for i in range(1, self.n + 1) ] ).transpose() else: raise ValueError(f"invalid `quantity` {quantity}") # reconstruct single return value from indices and returnvalues returnval = numpy.full(returnshape, fill_value=numpy.nan) for name, name_index in self._index.items(): if len(name_index): returnval[name_index] = returnvals[name] assert not numpy.isnan(returnval).any() returnval.flags.writeable = False return returnval
[docs] def dItotal_dx(self, weights): r"""Deriv :meth:`Isplines_total.Itotal` by :attr:`Isplines_total.x`. Note ---- Derivatives calculated from equations in :meth:`Isplines_total.Itotal`: .. math:: \frac{\partial I_{\rm{total}}\left(x\right)}{\partial x} = \begin{cases} \sum_i w_i \frac{\partial I_i\left(x\right)}{\partial x} & \rm{if\;} L \le x \le U, \\ \left.\frac{\partial I_{\rm{total}}\left(y\right)} {\partial y}\right\rvert_{y=L} & \rm{if\;} x < L, \\ \left.\frac{\partial I_{\rm{total}}\left(y\right)} {\partial y}\right\rvert_{y=U} & \rm{otherwise}. \end{cases} Note that .. math:: \left.\frac{\partial I_{\rm{total}}\left(y\right)} {\partial y}\right\rvert_{y=L} &=& \sum_i w_i \left.\frac{\partial I_i\left(y\right)}{\partial y} \right\rvert_{y=L} \\ \left.\frac{\partial I_{\rm{total}}\left(y\right)} {\partial y}\right\rvert_{y=U} &=& \sum_i w_i \left.\frac{\partial I_i\left(y\right)}{\partial y} \right\rvert_{y=U} Parameters ---------- weights : array-like Same meaning as for :meth:`Isplines_total.Itotal`. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Derivative :math:`\frac{\partial I_{\rm{total}}}{\partial x}` for each point in :attr:`Isplines_total.x`. """ args = (tuple(weights), None, "dItotal_dx") if args not in self._cache: if len(self._cache) > self._max_cache_size: self._cache = {} self._cache[args] = self._calculate_Itotal_or_dItotal(*args) return self._cache[args]
[docs] def dItotal_dweights(self, weights, w_lower): r"""Derivative of :meth:`Isplines_total.Itotal` by :math:`w_i`. Parameters ---------- weights : array-like Same meaning as for :meth:`Isplines.Itotal`. w_lower : float Same meaning as for :meth:`Isplines.Itotal`. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array is of shape `(len(x), len(weights))`, and element `ix, iweight` gives derivative with respect to weight `weights[iweight]` at element `[ix]` of :attr:`Isplines_total.x`. Note ---- The derivative is: .. math:: \frac{\partial I_{\rm{total}}\left(x\right)}{\partial w_i} = \begin{cases} I_i\left(x\right) & \rm{if\;} L \le x \le U, \\ I_i\left(L\right) + \left(x-L\right) \left.\frac{\partial I_i\left(y\right)}{\partial y}\right\vert_{y=L} & \rm{if\;} x < L, \\ I_i\left(U\right) + \left(x-U\right) \left.\frac{\partial I_i\left(y\right)}{\partial y}\right\vert_{y=U} & \rm{if\;} x > U. \end{cases} Note that: .. math:: I_i\left(L\right) &=& 0 \\ I_i\left(U\right) &=& 1. """ return self._calculate_Itotal_or_dItotal( tuple(weights), w_lower, "dItotal_dweights" )
[docs] def dItotal_dw_lower(self): r"""Deriv of :meth:`Isplines_total.Itotal` by :math:`w_{\rm{lower}}`. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray :math:`\frac{\partial{I_{\rm{total}}}}{\partial w_{\rm{lower}}}`, which is just one for all :attr:`Isplines_total.x`. """ res = numpy.ones(self.x.shape, dtype="float") res.flags.writeable = False return res
[docs] class Isplines: r"""Implements I-splines (see `Ramsay (1988)`_). Parameters ---------- order : int Sets :attr:`Isplines.order`. mesh : array-like Sets :attr:`Isplines.mesh`. x : numpy.ndarray Sets :attr:`Isplines.x`. Attributes ---------- order : int Order of spline, :math:`k` in notation of `Ramsay (1988)`_. Note that the degree of the I-spline is equal to :math:`k`, while the associated M-spline has order :math:`k` but degree :math:`k - 1`. mesh : numpy.ndarray Mesh sequence, :math:`\xi_1 < \ldots < \xi_q` in the notation of `Ramsay (1988)`_. This class implements **fixed** mesh sequences. n : int Number of members in spline, denoted as :math:`n` in `Ramsay (1988)`_. Related to number of points :math:`q` in the mesh and the order :math:`k` by :math:`n = q - 2 + k`. lower : float Lower end of interval spanned by the splines (first point in mesh). upper : float Upper end of interval spanned by the splines (last point in mesh). Note ---- The methods of this class cache their results and return immutable numpy arrays. Do **not** make these arrays mutable and change their values, as this will lead to invalid caching. Example ------- Short examples to demonstrate and test :class:`Isplines`: .. plot:: :context: reset >>> import itertools >>> import numpy >>> import pandas as pd >>> import scipy.optimize >>> from dms_variants.ispline import Isplines >>> order = 3 >>> mesh = [0.0, 0.3, 0.5, 0.6, 1.0] >>> x = numpy.array([0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.8, 0.99999]) >>> isplines = Isplines(order, mesh, x) >>> isplines.order 3 >>> isplines.mesh array([0. , 0.3, 0.5, 0.6, 1. ]) >>> isplines.n 6 >>> isplines.lower 0.0 >>> isplines.upper 1.0 Evaluate the I-splines at some selected points: >>> for i in range(1, isplines.n + 1): ... print(f"I{i}: {numpy.round(isplines.I(i), 2)}") ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE I1: [0. 0.96 1. 1. 1. 1. ] I2: [0. 0.52 0.84 0.98 1. 1. ] I3: [0. 0.09 0.3 0.66 1. 1. ] I4: [0. 0. 0. 0.02 0.94 1. ] I5: [0. 0. 0. 0. 0.58 1. ] I6: [0. 0. 0. 0. 0.13 1. ] Check that gradients are correct for :meth:`Isplines.dI_dx`: >>> for i, xval in itertools.product(range(1, isplines.n + 1), x): ... xval = numpy.array([xval]) ... def func(xval): ... return Isplines(order, mesh, xval).I(i) ... def dfunc(xval): ... return Isplines(order, mesh, xval).dI_dx(i) ... err = scipy.optimize.check_grad(func, dfunc, xval) ... if err > 1e-5: ... raise ValueError(f"excess err {err} for {i}, {xval}") Plot the I-splines in Fig. 1 of `Ramsay (1988)`_: >>> xplot = numpy.linspace(0, 1, 1000) >>> isplines_xplot = Isplines(order, mesh, xplot) >>> data = {'x': xplot} >>> for i in range(1, isplines.n + 1): ... data[f"I{i}"] = isplines_xplot.I(i) >>> df = pd.DataFrame(data) >>> _ = df.plot(x='x') .. _`Ramsay (1988)`: """ def __init__(self, order, mesh, x): """See main class docstring.""" if not (isinstance(order, int) and order >= 1): raise ValueError(f"`order` not int >= 1: {order}") self.order = order self.mesh = numpy.array(mesh, dtype="float") if self.mesh.ndim != 1: raise ValueError(f"`mesh` not array-like of dimension 1: {mesh}") if len(self.mesh) < 2: raise ValueError(f"`mesh` not length >= 2: {mesh}") if not numpy.array_equal(self.mesh, numpy.unique(self.mesh)): raise ValueError(f"`mesh` elements not unique and sorted: {mesh}") self.lower = self.mesh[0] self.upper = self.mesh[-1] assert self.lower < self.upper self.n = len(self.mesh) - 2 + self.order if not (isinstance(x, numpy.ndarray) and x.ndim == 1): raise ValueError("`x` is not numpy.ndarray of dimension 1") if (x < self.lower).any() or (x > self.upper).any(): raise ValueError(f"`x` outside {self.lower} and {self.upper}: {x}") self._x = x.copy() self._x.flags.writeable = False self._msplines = Msplines(order + 1, mesh, self.x) # for caching values self._cache = {} self._max_cache_size = 100 @property def x(self): """numpy.ndarray: Points at which spline is evaluated.""" return self._x
[docs] def I(self, i): # noqa: E743,E741 r"""Evaluate spline :math:`I_i` at point(s) :attr:`Isplines.x`. Parameters ---------- i : int Spline member :math:`I_i`, where :math:`1 \le i \le` :attr:`Isplines.n`. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The values of the I-spline at each point in :attr:`Isplines.x`. Note ---- The spline is evaluated using the formula given in the `Praat manual`_, which corrects some errors in the formula provided by `Ramsay (1988)`_: .. math:: I_i\left(x\right) = \begin{cases} 0 & \rm{if\;} i > j, \\ 1 & \rm{if\;} i < j - k, \\ \sum_{m=i+1}^j \left(t_{m+k+1} - t_m\right) M_m\left(x \mid k + 1\right) / \left(k + 1 \right) & \rm{otherwise}, \end{cases} where :math:`j` is the index such that :math:`t_j \le x < t_{j+1}` (the :math:`\left\{t_j\right\}` are the :attr:`Msplines.knots` for a M-spline of order :math:`k + 1`) and :math:`k` is :attr:`Isplines.order`. .. _`Ramsay (1988)`: .. _`Praat manual`: """ args = (i, "I") if args not in self._cache: if len(self._cache) > self._max_cache_size: self._cache = {} self._cache[args] = self._calculate_I_or_dI(*args) return self._cache[args]
@property def j(self): """numpy.ndarray: :math:`j` as defined in :meth:`Isplines.I`.""" if not hasattr(self, "_j"): self._j = numpy.searchsorted(self._msplines.knots, self.x, "right") assert (1 <= self._j).all() and (self._j <= len(self._msplines.knots)).all() assert self.x.shape == self._j.shape return self._j @property def _sum_terms_I(self): """numpy.ndarray: sum terms for :meth:`Isplines.I`. Row `m - 1` has summation term for `m`. """ if not hasattr(self, "_sum_terms_I_val"): k = self.order self._sum_terms_I_val = numpy.vstack( [ (self._msplines.knots[m + k] - self._msplines.knots[m - 1]) * self._msplines.M(m, k + 1) / (k + 1) for m in range(1, self._msplines.n + 1) ] ) assert self._sum_terms_I_val.shape == (self._msplines.n, len(self.x)) return self._sum_terms_I_val @property def _sum_terms_dI_dx(self): """numpy.ndarray: sum terms for :meth:`Isplines.dI_dx`. Row `m - 1` has summation term for `m`. """ if not hasattr(self, "_sum_terms_dI_dx_val"): k = self.order self._sum_terms_dI_dx_val = numpy.vstack( [ (self._msplines.knots[m + k] - self._msplines.knots[m - 1]) * self._msplines.dM_dx(m, k + 1) / (k + 1) for m in range(1, self._msplines.n + 1) ] ) assert self._sum_terms_dI_dx_val.shape == (self._msplines.n, len(self.x)) return self._sum_terms_dI_dx_val def _calculate_I_or_dI(self, i, quantity): """Calculate :meth:`Isplines.I` or :meth:`Isplines.dI_dx`. Parameters ---------- i : int Same meaning as for :meth:`Isplines.I`. quantity : {'I', 'dI'} Calculate :meth:`Isplines.I` or :meth:`Isplines.dI_dx`? Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The return value of :meth:`Isplines.I` or :meth:`Isplines.dI_dx`. Note ---- Most calculations for :meth:`Isplines.I` and :meth:`Isplines.dI_dx` are the same, so this method implements both. """ if quantity == "I": sum_terms = self._sum_terms_I i_lt_jminusk = 1.0 elif quantity == "dI": sum_terms = self._sum_terms_dI_dx i_lt_jminusk = 0.0 else: raise ValueError(f"invalid `quantity` {quantity}") if not (1 <= i <= self.n): raise ValueError(f"invalid spline member `i` of {i}") k = self.order # create `binary_terms` where entry (m - 1, x) is 1 if and only if # the corresponding `sum_terms` entry is part of the sum. binary_terms = numpy.vstack( [ numpy.zeros(len(self.x)) if m < i + 1 else (m <= self.j).astype(int) for m in range(1, self._msplines.n + 1) ] ) assert binary_terms.shape == sum_terms.shape # compute sums from `sum_terms` and `binary_terms` sums = numpy.sum(sum_terms * binary_terms, axis=0) assert sums.shape == self.x.shape # return value with sums, 0, or 1 res = numpy.where( i > self.j, 0.0, numpy.where(i < self.j - k, i_lt_jminusk, sums) ) res.flags.writeable = False return res
[docs] def dI_dx(self, i): r"""Derivative of :meth:`Isplines.I` by :attr:`Isplines.x`. Parameters ---------- i : int Same meaning as for :meth:`Isplines.I`. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Derivative of I-spline with respect to :attr:`Isplines.x`. Note ---- The derivative is calculated from the equation in :meth:`Isplines.I`: .. math:: \frac{\partial I_i\left(x\right)}{\partial x} = \begin{cases} 0 & \rm{if\;} i > j \rm{\; or \;} i < j - k, \\ \sum_{m=i+1}^j\left(t_{m+k+1} - t_m\right) \frac{\partial M_m\left(x \mid k+1\right)}{\partial x} \frac{1}{k + 1} & \rm{otherwise}. \end{cases} """ args = (i, "dI") if args not in self._cache: if len(self._cache) > self._max_cache_size: self._cache = {} self._cache[args] = self._calculate_I_or_dI(*args) return self._cache[args]
[docs] class Msplines: r"""Implements M-splines (see `Ramsay (1988)`_). Parameters ---------- order : int Sets :attr:`Msplines.order`. mesh : array-like Sets :attr:`Msplines.mesh`. x : numpy.ndarray Sets :attr:`Msplines.x`. Attributes ---------- order : int Order of spline, :math:`k` in notation of `Ramsay (1988)`_. Polynomials are of degree :math:`k - 1`. mesh : numpy.ndarray Mesh sequence, :math:`\xi_1 < \ldots < \xi_q` in the notation of `Ramsay (1988)`_. This class implements **fixed** mesh sequences. n : int Number of members in spline, denoted as :math:`n` in `Ramsay (1988)`_. Related to number of points :math:`q` in the mesh and the order :math:`k` by :math:`n = q - 2 + k`. knots : numpy.ndarray The knot sequence, :math:`t_1, \ldots, t_{n + k}` in the notation of `Ramsay (1988)`_. lower : float Lower end of interval spanned by the splines (first point in mesh). upper : float Upper end of interval spanned by the splines (last point in mesh). Note ---- The methods of this class cache their results and return immutable numpy arrays. Do **not** make those arrays mutable and change their values as this will lead to invalid caching. Example ------- Demonstrate and test :class:`Msplines`: .. plot:: :context: reset >>> import functools >>> import itertools >>> import numpy >>> import pandas as pd >>> import scipy.optimize >>> from dms_variants.ispline import Msplines >>> order = 3 >>> mesh = [0.0, 0.3, 0.5, 0.6, 1.0] >>> x = numpy.array([0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.8, 0.99999]) >>> msplines = Msplines(order, mesh, x) >>> msplines.order 3 >>> msplines.mesh array([0. , 0.3, 0.5, 0.6, 1. ]) >>> msplines.n 6 >>> msplines.knots array([0. , 0. , 0. , 0.3, 0.5, 0.6, 1. , 1. , 1. ]) >>> msplines.lower 0.0 >>> msplines.upper 1.0 Evaluate the M-splines at some selected points: >>> for i in range(1, msplines.n + 1): ... print(f"M{i}: {numpy.round(msplines.M(i), 2)}") ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE M1: [10. 1.11 0. 0. 0. 0. ] M2: [0. 3.73 2.4 0.6 0. 0. ] M3: [0. 1.33 3. 3.67 0. 0. ] M4: [0. 0. 0. 0.71 0.86 0. ] M5: [0. 0. 0. 0. 3.3 0. ] M6: [0. 0. 0. 0. 1.88 7.5 ] Check that the gradients are correct: >>> for i, xval in itertools.product(range(1, msplines.n + 1), x): ... xval = numpy.array([xval]) ... def func(xval): ... return Msplines(order, mesh, xval).M(i) ... def dfunc(xval): ... return Msplines(order, mesh, xval).dM_dx(i) ... err = scipy.optimize.check_grad(func, dfunc, xval) ... if err > 1e-5: ... raise ValueError(f"excess err {err} for {i}, {xval}") Plot the M-splines in in Fig. 1 of `Ramsay (1988)`_: >>> xplot = numpy.linspace(0, 1, 1000, endpoint=False) >>> msplines_plot = Msplines(order, mesh, xplot) >>> data = {'x': xplot} >>> for i in range(1, msplines_plot.n + 1): ... data[f"M{i}"] = msplines_plot.M(i) >>> df = pd.DataFrame(data) >>> _ = df.plot(x='x') .. _`Ramsay (1988)`: """ def __init__(self, order, mesh, x): """See main class docstring.""" if not (isinstance(order, int) and order >= 1): raise ValueError(f"`order` not int >= 1: {order}") self.order = order self.mesh = numpy.array(mesh, dtype="float") if self.mesh.ndim != 1: raise ValueError(f"`mesh` not array-like of dimension 1: {mesh}") if len(self.mesh) < 2: raise ValueError(f"`mesh` not length >= 2: {mesh}") if not numpy.array_equal(self.mesh, numpy.unique(self.mesh)): raise ValueError(f"`mesh` elements not unique and sorted: {mesh}") self.lower = self.mesh[0] self.upper = self.mesh[-1] assert self.lower < self.upper self.knots = numpy.array( [self.lower] * self.order + list(self.mesh[1:-1]) + [self.upper] * self.order, dtype="float", ) self.n = len(self.knots) - self.order assert self.n == len(self.mesh) - 2 + self.order if not (isinstance(x, numpy.ndarray) and x.ndim == 1): raise ValueError("`x` is not numpy.ndarray of dimension 1") if (x < self.lower).any() or (x > self.upper).any(): raise ValueError(f"`x` outside {self.lower} and {self.upper}: {x}") self._x = x.copy() self._x.flags.writeable = False self._ti_le_x_lt_tiplusk_cache = {} # for caching values self._M_cache = {} self._dM_cache = {} self._max_cache_size = 100 def _ti_le_x_lt_tiplusk(self, ti, tiplusk): r"""Indices where :math:`t_i \le x \le t_{i+k}`. Parameters ---------- ti : float :math:`t_i` tiplusk : float :math:`t_{i+k}` Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array of booleans of same length as :attr:`Msplines.x` indicating if :math:`t_i \le x \le t_{i+k}`. """ key = (ti, tiplusk) if key not in self._ti_le_x_lt_tiplusk_cache: val = (ti <= self.x) & (self.x < tiplusk) val.flags.writeable = False assert val.dtype == bool if len(self._ti_le_x_lt_tiplusk_cache) > self._max_cache_size: self._ti_le_x_lt_tiplusk_cache = {} self._ti_le_x_lt_tiplusk_cache[key] = val return self._ti_le_x_lt_tiplusk_cache[key] @property def x(self): """numpy.ndarray: Points at which spline is evaluated.""" return self._x
[docs] def M(self, i, k=None, invalid_i="raise"): r"""Evaluate spline :math:`M_i` at point(s) :attr:`Msplines.x`. Parameters ---------- i : int Spline member :math:`M_i`, where :math:`1 \le i \le` :attr:`Msplines.n`. k : int or None Order of spline. If `None`, assumed to be :attr:`Msplines.order`. invalid_i : {'raise', 'zero'} If `i` is invalid, do we raise an error or return 0? Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The values of the M-spline at each point in :attr:`Msplines.x`. Note ---- The spline is evaluated using the recursive relationship given by `Ramsay (1988) <>`_: .. math:: M_i\left(x \mid k=1\right) &=& \begin{cases} 1 / \left(t_{i+1} - t_i\right), & \rm{if\;} t_i \le x < t_{i+1} \\ 0, & \rm{otherwise} \end{cases} \\ M_i\left(x \mid k > 1\right) &=& \begin{cases} \frac{k\left[\left(x - t_i\right) M_i\left(x \mid k-1\right) + \left(t_{i+k} -x\right) M_{i+1}\left(x \mid k-1\right) \right]} {\left(k - 1\right)\left(t_{i + k} - t_i\right)}, & \rm{if\;} t_i \le x < t_{i+k} \\ 0, & \rm{otherwise} \end{cases} """ args = (i, k, invalid_i) if args not in self._M_cache: if len(self._M_cache) > self._max_cache_size: self._M_cache = {} self._M_cache[args] = self._calculate_M(*args) return self._M_cache[args]
def _calculate_M(self, i, k, invalid_i): """Calculate :meth:`Msplines.M` with result caching.""" if not (1 <= i <= self.n): if invalid_i == "raise": raise ValueError(f"invalid spline member `i` of {i}") elif invalid_i == "zero": return 0 else: raise ValueError(f"invalid `invalid_i` of {invalid_i}") if k is None: k = self.order if not 1 <= k <= self.order: raise ValueError(f"invalid spline order `k` of {k}") tiplusk = self.knots[i + k - 1] ti = self.knots[i - 1] if tiplusk == ti: return 0 boolindex = self._ti_le_x_lt_tiplusk(ti, tiplusk) if k == 1: res = numpy.where(boolindex, 1.0 / (tiplusk - ti), 0.0) res.flags.writeable = False return res else: assert k > 1 res = numpy.where( boolindex, ( k * ( (self.x - ti) * self.M(i, k - 1) + (tiplusk - self.x) * self.M(i + 1, k - 1, invalid_i="zero") ) / ((k - 1) * (tiplusk - ti)) ), 0.0, ) res.flags.writeable = False return res
[docs] def dM_dx(self, i, k=None, invalid_i="raise"): r"""Derivative of :meth:`Msplines.M` by to :attr:`Msplines.x`. Parameters ---------- i : int Same as for :meth:`Msplines.M`. k : int or None Same as for :meth:`Msplines.M`. invalid_i : {'raise', 'zero'} Same as for :meth:`Msplines.M`. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Derivative of M-spline with respect to :attr:`Msplines.x`. Note ---- The derivative is calculated from the equation in :meth:`Msplines.M`: .. math:: \frac{\partial M_i\left(x \mid k=1\right)}{\partial x} &=& 0 \\ \frac{\partial M_i\left(x \mid k > 1\right)}{\partial x} &=& \begin{cases} \frac{k\left[\left(x - t_i\right) \frac{\partial M_i\left(x \mid k-1\right)}{\partial x} + M_i\left(x \mid k-1\right) + \left(t_{i+k} -x\right) \frac{\partial M_{i+1}\left(x \mid k-1\right)} {\partial x} - M_{i+1}\left(x \mid k-1\right) \right]} {\left(k - 1\right)\left(t_{i + k} - t_i\right)}, & \rm{if\;} t_i \le x < t_{i+1} \\ 0, & \rm{otherwise} \end{cases} """ args = (i, k, invalid_i) if args not in self._dM_cache: if len(self._dM_cache) > self._max_cache_size: self._dM_cache = {} self._dM_cache[args] = self._calculate_dM_dx(*args) return self._dM_cache[args]
def _calculate_dM_dx(self, i, k, invalid_i): """Calculate :meth:`Msplines.dM_dx` with results caching.""" if not (1 <= i <= self.n): if invalid_i == "raise": raise ValueError(f"invalid spline member `i` of {i}") elif invalid_i == "zero": return 0 else: raise ValueError(f"invalid `invalid_i` of {invalid_i}") if k is None: k = self.order if not 1 <= k <= self.order: raise ValueError(f"invalid spline order `k` of {k}") tiplusk = self.knots[i + k - 1] ti = self.knots[i - 1] if tiplusk == ti or k == 1: return 0 else: assert k > 1 boolindex = self._ti_le_x_lt_tiplusk(ti, tiplusk) res = numpy.where( boolindex, ( k * ( (self.x - ti) * self.dM_dx(i, k - 1) + self.M(i, k - 1) + (tiplusk - self.x) * self.dM_dx(i + 1, k - 1, invalid_i="zero") - self.M(i + 1, k - 1, invalid_i="zero") ) / ((k - 1) * (tiplusk - ti)) ), 0.0, ) res.flags.writeable = False return res
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()