Source code for dms_variants.plotnine_themes


Defines `plotnine <>`_ themes.

See here for details on how to use the themes for plotting:


import plotnine as p9

[docs] class theme_graygrid(p9.themes.theme_matplotlib): """Plot theme with a light gray grid and axes. Example ------- .. plot:: You can set this theme using the `plotnine.theme_set` command: >>> import pandas as pd >>> from plotnine import * >>> from dms_variants.plotnine_themes import theme_graygrid >>> df = pd.DataFrame({'x': [1, 2, 3, 4], 'y': [1, 4, 9, 16]}) >>> theme_set(theme_graygrid()) >>> p = (ggplot(df, aes('x', 'y')) + ... geom_point(size=3, color='orange') + ... theme(figure_size=(2, 2)) ... ) >>> _ = p.draw(show=True) Get rid of the vertical grid lines: >>> p_novertgrid = p + theme(panel_grid_major_x=element_blank()) >>> _ = p_novertgrid.draw(show=True) Get rid of the axes border: >>> p_noborder = p + theme(panel_border=element_blank()) >>> _ = p_noborder.draw(show=True) """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """See main class docstring.""" p9.theme_matplotlib.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) gray = "#D9D9D9" # gray used in themes.theme_matplotlib self.add_theme( p9.theme( panel_border=p9.element_rect(color=gray, size=0.7), axis_line=p9.element_blank(), axis_ticks_length=0, axis_ticks=p9.element_blank(), panel_grid_major=p9.element_line(color=gray, size=0.7), panel_grid_minor=p9.element_blank(), panel_ontop=True, # plot panel on top of grid ), )
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()