Source code for pdb_prot_align.nglview_struct


Utilities for `nglview <>`_ structures.


import os
import re
import tempfile

import IPython.display

import nglview

import pandas as pd

import pdb_prot_align.colorschemes

[docs]def colorscheme_by_site(colorscheme_name, sites_df, color_by, ): """Add a color scheme to the color registry. The scheme can then be added to a `ngview.widget.NGLWidget` as described `here <>`_. For instance:: view.add_cartoon(color=colorscheme_name) Parameters ---------- colorscheme_name : str Name of the color scheme. sites_df : pandas.DataFrame or str Information on how to color sites. Can either be data frame or name of CSV file with data frame. Must have columns named 'pdb_chain' and 'pdb_site' as well as the column specified by `color_by`. color_by : str or 2-tuple How to color the sites. Can either specify as a str the name of a column in `sites_df` that has the name of a color for each site, or can be the 2-tuple `(val_col, color_map)`. In this case, `val_col` is name of column with numerical values, and `color_map` is a :class:`pdb_prot_align.colorschemes.ValueToColorMap` that maps the numbers in this column to colors. If colors are specified as str and are hex, then they need to be like this '#25828e'. """ site_col = 'pdb_site' chain_col = 'pdb_chain' if isinstance(sites_df, str): sites_df = pd.read_csv(sites_df) elif not isinstance(sites_df, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError('`sites_df` must be data frame or name of CSV file') if isinstance(color_by, str): color_col = color_by elif (len(color_by) == 2 and isinstance(color_by[0], str) and isinstance(color_by[1], pdb_prot_align.colorschemes.ValueToColorMap)): val_col = color_by[0] if val_col not in sites_df.columns: raise ValueError(f"`sites_df` lacks column {val_col}") color_map = color_by[1] color_col = 'color' if color_col in sites_df.columns: raise ValueError(f"`sites_df` can not have column {color_col} " 'if `color_by` is a 2-tuple') sites_df = (sites_df .assign( color=lambda x: x[val_col].map(color_map.val_to_color) ) ) cols = [site_col, chain_col, color_col] for col in cols: if col not in sites_df.columns: raise ValueError(f"`sites_df` lacks column {col}") # Drop duplicate and NaN rows, which could be case if data frame # is tidy and has amino acid identity, and ensure site is integer. sites_df = ( sites_df [cols] .drop_duplicates() .dropna() .assign(**{site_col: lambda x: x[site_col].astype('int')}) ) # make sure just one color per site / chain dups = (sites_df .groupby([chain_col, site_col]) .aggregate(nrows=pd.NamedAgg(color_col, 'count')) .query('nrows > 1') .reset_index() [[chain_col, site_col]] ) if len(dups): raise ValueError('non-unique colors for some sites:\n' + str(dups)) # Do the coloring; details on selection schemes: # colorscheme = [] for tup in sites_df.itertuples(): chain = getattr(tup, chain_col) resi = getattr(tup, site_col) if isinstance(resi, float): if resi != int(resi): raise ValueError(f"non-integer residue {resi}") resi = int(resi) sel_str = f":{chain} and {resi}" color = getattr(tup, color_col) colorscheme.append([color, sel_str]) nglview.color.ColormakerRegistry.add_scheme(colorscheme_name, colorscheme)
[docs]def render_html(view, *, html_file=None, orientation=None, remove_widget_view=False, returnval='display', ): """Render widget to HTML. Parameters ---------- view : ngview.widget.NGLWidget The structure widget to render. html_file : None or str If you want to also save to permanent HTML file, provide name here. orientation : list Set to this camera orientation (list of 16 numbers), fixing this bug: You can get the desired orientation by manually manipulating the widget in a Jupyter notebook and then calling `view._camera_orientation`. remove_widget_view : bool Remove the widget view lines, so the HTML just gives the widget state. Helpful if you want to embed widgets in HTML rendering without showing another time. returnval : {'display', 'HTML', 'none'} Return value (see Returns_). Returns ------- IPython.display.DisplayHandle or IPython.display.HTML or None. A handle for a Jupyter notebook, or `None` depending on value of `returnval`. """ with tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode='w+', suffix='.html') as f: nglview.write_html(f, view) f.flush() html_text = if orientation: if len(orientation) != 16: raise ValueError('`orientation` must be list of 16 numbers') html_text = re.sub(r'"_camera_orientation":\s+\[[^\]]*\]', '"_camera_orientation": [' + ', '.join(map(str, orientation)) + ']', html_text) if remove_widget_view: widget_view_regex = ( r'<script type="application/vnd\.jupyter\.widget\-view\+json">' r'\n.*?\n' '</script>' ) html_text = re.sub(widget_view_regex, '', html_text) if html_file: if os.path.splitext(html_file)[1] != '.html': raise ValueError(f"`html_file` needs extension .html: {html_file}") with open(html_file, 'w') as f_html: f_html.write(html_text) if returnval == 'display': return IPython.display.display(IPython.display.HTML(data=html_text)) elif returnval == 'HTML': return IPython.display.HTML(data=html_text) elif returnval == 'none': return None else: raise ValueError(f"invalid `returnval` {returnval}")
if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod()