Source code for alignparse.cs_tag


Parse SAM entries with ``cs`` short tag from
`minimap2 <>`_ output.

See `here <>`_ for details on
short ``cs`` tag format.


import functools

import numpy

import regex

import alignparse.utils

_CS_OPS = {
    "identity": ":[0-9]+",
    "substitution": r"\*[acgtn][acgtn]",
    "insertion": r"\+[acgtn]+",
    "deletion": r"\-[acgtn]+",
"""dict: Short ``cs`` tag operation regular expression matches."""

_INTRON_OP = r"\~[acgtn]{2}\d+[acgtn]{2}"
"""str: Short ``cs`` tag operation regular expression for intron."""

_INTRON_OP_REGEX = regex.compile(_INTRON_OP)
"""regex.Regex: matches short ``cs`` tag operation for intron."""

_CS_OPS_W_INTRON = dict(list(_CS_OPS.items()) + [("intron", _INTRON_OP)])
"""dict: ``cs`` tag operation regular expression matches including introns."""

_CS_STR_REGEX = regex.compile("(" + "|".join(list(_CS_OPS.values())) + ")*")
"""regex.Regex: matches full-length short ``cs`` tags."""

_CS_STR_REGEX_W_INTRON = regex.compile(
    "(" + "|".join(list(_CS_OPS_W_INTRON.values())) + ")*"
"""regex.Regex: matches full-length short ``cs`` tags including introns."""

_CS_OP_REGEX = regex.compile(
    "|".join(f"(?P<{op_name}>{op_str})" for op_name, op_str in _CS_OPS.items())
"""regex.Regex: matches single ``cs`` operation, group name is operation."""

_CS_OP_REGEX_W_INTRON = regex.compile(
    "|".join(f"(?P<{op_name}>{op_str})" for op_name, op_str in _CS_OPS_W_INTRON.items())
"""regex.Regex: matches single ``cs`` operation including introns,
group name is operation."""

[docs]@functools.lru_cache(maxsize=16384) def split_cs(cs_string, *, invalid="raise", allow_intron=False): """Split a short ``cs`` tag into its constituent operations. Parameters ---------- cs_string : str The short ``cs`` tag. invalid : {'raise', 'ignore'} If `cs_string` is not a valid string, raise an error or ignore it and return `None`. allow_intron : bool Are introns allowed as ``cs`` operations? Return ------ tuple or None Tuple of the individual ``cs`` operations, or `None` if invalid `cs_string` and `invalid` is 'ignore'. Example ------- >>> split_cs(':32*nt*na:10-gga:5+aaa:10') (':32', '*nt', '*na', ':10', '-gga', ':5', '+aaa', ':10') >>> split_cs('bad:32*nt*na:10-gga:5', invalid='ignore') is None True >>> split_cs('bad:32*nt*na:10-gga:5') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: invalid `cs_string` of bad:32*nt*na:10-gga:5 """ if allow_intron: m = _CS_STR_REGEX_W_INTRON.fullmatch(cs_string) else: m = _CS_STR_REGEX.fullmatch(cs_string) if m is None: if invalid == "ignore": return None elif invalid == "raise": raise ValueError(f"invalid `cs_string` of {cs_string}") else: raise ValueError(f"invalid `invalid` of {invalid}") else: return tuple(m.captures(1))
[docs]@functools.lru_cache(maxsize=16384) def cs_op_type(cs_op, *, invalid="raise"): """Get type of ``cs`` operation. Parameters ---------- cs_op : str A **single** operation in a short ``cs`` tag. invalid : {'raise', 'ignore'} If `cs_string` is not a valid string, raise an error or ignore it and return `None`. Returns ------- {'substitution', 'insertion', 'deletion', 'identity', None} Type of ``cs`` operation, or `None` if `cs_string` invalid and `invalid` is 'ignore'. Example ------- >>> cs_op_type('*nt') 'substitution' >>> cs_op_type(':45') 'identity' >>> cs_op_type('*nt:45') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: invalid `cs_op` of *nt:45 >>> cs_op_type('*nt:45', invalid='ignore') is None True """ m = _CS_OP_REGEX.fullmatch(cs_op) if m is None: if invalid == "ignore": return None elif invalid == "raise": raise ValueError(f"invalid `cs_op` of {cs_op}") else: raise ValueError(f"invalid `invalid` of {invalid}") else: return m.lastgroup
[docs]@functools.lru_cache(maxsize=16384) def cs_op_len_target(cs_op, *, invalid="raise"): """Get length of valid ``cs`` operation. Parameters ---------- cs_op : str A **single** operation in a short ``cs`` tag. invalid : {'raise', 'ignore'} If `cs_string` is not a valid string, raise an error or ignore it and return `None`. Returns ------- int or None Length of given cs_op. This length is based on the target sequence, so insertions in the query have length 0 and deletions are the length of the target sequence deleted from the query. 'None' if `cs_op` is invalid and `invalid` is `ignore`. Example ------- >>> cs_op_len_target('*nt') 1 >>> cs_op_len_target(':45') 45 >>> cs_op_len_target('-at') 2 >>> cs_op_len_target('+gc') 0 >>> cs_op_len_target('*nt:45') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: invalid `cs_op` of *nt:45 >>> cs_op_len_target('*nt:45', invalid='ignore') is None True """ op_type = cs_op_type(cs_op, invalid=invalid) if op_type == "identity": return int(cs_op[1:]) elif op_type == "substitution": return 1 elif op_type == "deletion": return len(cs_op) - 1 elif op_type == "insertion": return 0 elif op_type is None: return None else: raise ValueError(f"invalid `op_type` of {op_type}")
[docs]@functools.lru_cache(maxsize=16384) def cs_introns_to_deletions(cs, targetseq): """Convert introns to deletions in ``cs`` tag. Parameters ---------- cs : str Short-format ``cs`` tag. targetseq : str Region of target sequenced covered by `cs` alignment. Returns ------- str Version of `cs` where all introns have been converted to deletions. Examples -------- >>> cs_introns_to_deletions(':3-ggaac:2', 'ATGGGAACAT') ':3-ggaac:2' >>> cs_introns_to_deletions(':3~gg5ac:2', 'ATGGGAACAT') ':3-ggaac:2' >>> cs_introns_to_deletions(':2*ga~gg6ta:2-gc:2~at4cg:3', ... 'ATGGGCCTATTGCTAATCGAAA') ':2*ga-ggccta:2-gc:2-atcg:3' """ if not return cs itarget = 0 new_cs = [] for op in split_cs(cs, allow_intron=True): if _INTRON_OP_REGEX.fullmatch(op): op_len = int(op[3:-2]) target_subseq = _ambiguous_to_n( targetseq[itarget : itarget + op_len] ).lower() itarget += op_len new_cs.append(f"-{target_subseq}") assert target_subseq[:2] == op[1:3], "{target_subseq}\n{op}" assert target_subseq[-2:] == op[-2:], "{target_subseq}\n{op}" else: new_cs.append(op) itarget += cs_op_len_target(op) return "".join(new_cs)
def _ambiguous_to_n(seq): """Convert all ambiguous nucleotides to 'N'. Parameters ---------- seq : str Sequence. Returns ------- str Version of `seq` where all non-N IUPAC ambiguous nucleotides have been converted to 'N'. Example ------- >>> _ambiguous_to_n('ATGYCAkac') 'ATGNCANac' """ return regex.sub("[MmRrWwSsYyKkVvHhDdBb]", "N", seq)
[docs]class Alignment: """Process a SAM alignment with a ``cs`` tag to extract features. Parameters ---------- sam_alignment : pysam.AlignedSegment Aligned segment from `pysam <>`_, must have a short format ``cs`` tag (see This must be a mapped read, you will get an error if unmapped. introns_to_deletions : bool Convert all introns in the ``cs`` tag to deletions. target_seqs : dict Required if `introns_to_deletions` is `True`. Is keyed by target names with values target sequences as str. Attributes ---------- query_name : str Name of query in alignment. target_name : str Name of alignment target. cs : str The ``cs`` tag. query_clip5 : int Length at 5' end of query not in alignment. query_clip3 : int Length at 3' end of query not in alignment. target_clip5 : int Length at 5' end of target not in alignment. target_lastpos : int Last position of alignment in target (exclusive). orientation : {'+', '-'} Does query align to the target (+) or reverse complement (-). """ def __init__(self, sam_alignment, *, introns_to_deletions=False, target_seqs=None): """See main class docstring.""" if sam_alignment.is_unmapped: raise ValueError( f"`sam_alignment` {sam_alignment.query_name} " "is unmapped" ) self.query_name = sam_alignment.query_name self.target_name = sam_alignment.reference_name self.query_clip5 = sam_alignment.query_alignment_start self.query_clip3 = ( sam_alignment.query_length - sam_alignment.query_alignment_end ) self.target_clip5 = sam_alignment.reference_start self.target_lastpos = sam_alignment.reference_end if sam_alignment.is_reverse: self.orientation = "-" else: self.orientation = "+" self.cs = str(sam_alignment.get_tag("cs")) if introns_to_deletions: if target_seqs is None: raise ValueError("must set `target_seqs`") targetseq = target_seqs[self.target_name][ self.target_clip5 : self.target_lastpos ] self.cs = cs_introns_to_deletions(self.cs, targetseq) self._cs_ops = split_cs(self.cs) self._cs_ops_lengths_target = numpy.array( [cs_op_len_target(op) for op in self._cs_ops] ) # sites are 0-indexed and exclusive self._cs_ops_ends = self.target_clip5 + numpy.cumsum( self._cs_ops_lengths_target ) self._cs_ops_starts = numpy.append( numpy.array(self.target_clip5), self._cs_ops_ends[:-1] ) self._nops = len(self._cs_ops) assert self._nops == len(self._cs_ops_lengths_target) assert self._nops == len(self._cs_ops_ends) assert self._nops == len(self._cs_ops_starts) assert ( self._cs_ops_ends - self._cs_ops_starts == self._cs_ops_lengths_target ).all() self._sam_alignment = sam_alignment
[docs] def get_accuracy(self, targetstart, targetend): """Get accuracy of part of query aligned to a region of the target. Parameters ---------- targetstart : int Start of region in target in 0, 1, ... numbering. targetend : int End of region in target (not inclusive of this site). Returns ------- float or NaN The accuracy of the region, computed as the average of the Q-scores for all aligned sites in the query, or `NaN` if there are no query sites aligned to this region. """ if targetstart >= targetend: raise ValueError("`targetstart` must be < `targetend`") # if function hasn't yet been called, set up necessary variables if not hasattr(self, "_qs"): # array of all Q values in query self._qs = numpy.asarray(self._sam_alignment.query_qualities, dtype="int") # arrays of query and target sites that are aligned self._aligned_query, self._aligned_target = map( numpy.array, zip(*self._sam_alignment.get_aligned_pairs(matches_only=True)), ) assert len(self._aligned_query) == len(self._aligned_target) # get index of first aligned site >= targetstart, and last # aligned site <= targetend istart = numpy.searchsorted(self._aligned_target, targetstart) iend = numpy.searchsorted(self._aligned_target, targetend) n = len(self._aligned_query) - 1 istart = min(istart, n) iend = min(iend, n) assert istart >= 0 assert istart <= iend # compute accuracy return alignparse.utils.qvals_to_accuracy( self._qs[self._aligned_query[istart] : self._aligned_query[iend]] )
[docs] def extract_cs(self, start, end): """Extract ``cs`` tag corresponding to feature in target. Parameters ---------- start : int Start of feature in target in 0, 1, ... numbering. end : int End of feature in target (not inclusive of this site). Returns ------- tuple or None If feature is not present in alignment, return `None`. Otherwise, return `(cs, clip5, clip3)` where `cs` is the ``cs`` string for the aligned portion of the feature, and `clip5` and `clip3` are the lengths that must be clipped off the end of the feature to get to that alignment. Note ---- If an insertion is at the boundary of two features, it is assigned as being at the end of the first feature. """ if start < 0: raise ValueError(f"invalid `start` of {start}") if end <= start: raise ValueError(f"`end` {end} not > `start` {start}") if start >= numpy.amax(self._cs_ops_ends): # feature starts at or after end of last cs op return None if end <= numpy.amin(self._cs_ops_starts): # feature ends at or before beginning of first cs op return None clip5 = clip3 = 0 # Get `start_idx` as index of cs op that contains feature start # add to `feature_cs` overlapping part of first cs op start_idx = numpy.searchsorted(self._cs_ops_ends, start, side="right") start_op_start = self._cs_ops_starts[start_idx] start_op = self._cs_ops[start_idx] assert start_idx < self._nops feature_cs = [] if start_op_start > start: # feature starts before first cs op assert start_idx == 0, "5' clip not at 5' end." clip5 = start_op_start - start feature_cs.append(start_op) else: # feature starts at or within specific cs op start_op_end = self._cs_ops_ends[start_idx] assert start < start_op_end start_op_type = cs_op_type(start_op) if start_op_start == start and end >= start_op_end: feature_cs.append(start_op) elif start_op_type == "identity": feature_cs.append(f":{start_op_end - start}") elif start_op_type == "deletion": feature_cs.append(f"-{start_op[start - start_op_end:]}") elif start_op_type == "insertion": raise RuntimeError("insertion should not be feature start") else: raise RuntimeError(f"unrecognized op type of {start_op_type}") # Get `end_idx` as index of cs op that contains feature end, and # make `feat_cs_end` the overlapping part of this last cs op end_idx = max(0, numpy.searchsorted(self._cs_ops_ends, end, side="right") - 1) while (end > self._cs_ops_ends[end_idx]) and (end_idx + 1 < self._nops): end_idx += 1 end_op_start = self._cs_ops_starts[end_idx] end_op_end = self._cs_ops_ends[end_idx] end_op = self._cs_ops[end_idx] assert start_idx <= end_idx <= self._nops assert end <= end_op_end or end_idx == self._nops - 1 assert end >= end_op_start if end > end_op_end: assert end_idx == self._nops - 1, "clip3 not at end" clip3 = end - end_op_end feat_cs_end = end_op elif end == end_op_end: # feature ends at a specific cs op feat_cs_end = end_op else: # feature ends within specific cs op end_overlap = end - end_op_start end_op_type = cs_op_type(end_op) if end_op_type == "identity": feat_cs_end = f":{end_overlap}" elif end_op_type == "deletion": feat_cs_end = end_op[: end_overlap + 1] elif end_op_type == "insertion": raise RuntimeError("should not get here as end == end_op_end") else: raise RuntimeError(f"unrecognized op type of {end_op_type}") if start_idx == end_idx: # avoid double-counting feature, clip properly assert start_op == end_op op_type = cs_op_type(start_op) if op_type == "identity": feature_cs = f":{end - start - clip5 - clip3}" elif op_type == "substitution": feature_cs = end_op elif op_type == "deletion": del_start = max(0, start - start_op_start) del_end = end_op_end - end_op_start - max(0, end_op_end - end) feature_cs = "-" + end_op[del_start + 1 : del_end + 1] elif op_type == "insertion": raise RuntimeError("start_idx != end_idx for insertion") else: raise RuntimeError(f"unrecognized op type of {op_type}") else: feature_cs.extend(self._cs_ops[start_idx + 1 : end_idx]) feature_cs.append(feat_cs_end) feature_cs = "".join(feature_cs) # this next assert might be costly, so maybe remove eventually assert ( sum(cs_op_len_target(op) for op in split_cs(feature_cs)) + clip5 + clip3 == end - start ), f"{feature_cs},{clip5},{clip3}" return (feature_cs, clip5, clip3)
[docs]@functools.lru_cache(maxsize=16384) def cs_to_sequence(cs, seq): """Convert ``cs`` tag to a sequence. Parameters ---------- cs : str `cs` string seq : str Sequence of target for region corresponding to `cs` string. Returns ------- str Nucleotide sequence generated by applying `cs` to `seq`. Example ------- >>> cs_to_sequence(':4*nt-tc:2+g:2', 'CGGANTCCAAT') 'CGGATCAGAT' """ seq_loc = 0 seq_list = [] for cs_op in split_cs(cs): op_type = cs_op_type(cs_op) if op_type == "identity": op_len = cs_op_len_target(cs_op) seq_list.append(seq[seq_loc : seq_loc + op_len]) seq_loc += op_len elif op_type == "substitution": seq_list.append(cs_op[2]) seq_loc += 1 elif op_type == "insertion": seq_list.append(cs_op[1:]) elif op_type == "deletion": seq_loc += len(cs_op) - 1 else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid cs `op_type` of {op_type}") return "".join(seq_list).upper()
[docs]@functools.lru_cache(maxsize=16384) def cs_to_mutation_str(cs, offset=0): """Convert ``cs`` tag to a descriptive string of mutations. Parameters ---------- cs : str A ``cs`` tag. offset : int Mutations are numbered in 1, ... numbering **plus** this offset. Returns ------- str Space-delimited string of form 'A5T G86A ins7ACG del19to24' for all mutations specified in `cs`. Example ------- >>> cs_to_mutation_str(':4*nt-tc:2+ga:6') 'del6to7 ins10GA' >>> cs_to_mutation_str(':4*at-tc:2+ga:6') 'A5T del6to7 ins10GA' >>> cs_to_mutation_str(':4*at-tc:2+ga:6', offset=2) 'A7T del8to9 ins12GA' >>> cs_to_mutation_str(':45') '' Note ---- Mutation strings use "human readable" indexing, so the first nucleotide of the sequence is 1 and deletions are inclusive of the last number. Changes from ambiguous nucleotides to any other identity are **not** considered mutations in the returned strings. """ seq_loc = 1 + offset mut_strs_list = [] for cs_op in split_cs(cs): op_type = cs_op_type(cs_op) if op_type == "identity": seq_loc += cs_op_len_target(cs_op) elif op_type == "substitution": if cs_op[1] != "n": sub = "".join([cs_op[1], str(seq_loc), cs_op[2]]).upper() mut_strs_list.append(sub) seq_loc += 1 elif op_type == "insertion": ins = "".join(["ins", str(seq_loc), cs_op[1:].upper()]) mut_strs_list.append(ins) elif op_type == "deletion": deletion = "".join( ["del", str(seq_loc), "to", str(seq_loc + len(cs_op) - 2)] ) mut_strs_list.append(deletion) seq_loc += len(cs_op) - 1 else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid cs `op_type` of {op_type}") return " ".join(mut_strs_list)
[docs]@functools.lru_cache(maxsize=16384) def cs_to_nt_mutation_count(cs): """Count the number of nucleotide mutations in ``cs`` tag. Parameters ---------- cs : str `cs` string Returns ------- int Number of nucleotides that are mutated. Insertions / deletions are counted as the number of nucleotides in the indel. Changes from an ambiguous nucleotide to are **not** considered mutations. Example ------- >>> cs_to_nt_mutation_count(':4*nt-tc:2+g') 3 >>> cs_to_nt_mutation_count(':4*gt-tc:2+g') 4 """ nt_mut_count = 0 for cs_op in split_cs(cs): op_type = cs_op_type(cs_op) if op_type == "substitution": if cs_op[1] != "n": nt_mut_count += 1 elif op_type == "insertion" or op_type == "deletion": nt_mut_count += len(cs_op) - 1 elif op_type != "identity": raise ValueError(f"Invalid cs `op_type` of {op_type}.") return nt_mut_count
[docs]@functools.lru_cache(maxsize=16384) def cs_to_op_mutation_count(cs): """Count the number of mutation operations in ``cs`` tag. Parameters ---------- cs : str The ``cs`` tag. Returns ------- int Number of mutation operations in the query sequence. Each indel or substitution is counted as a single mutation operation regardless of how many mutations it contains. Changes from ambiguous nucleotides to another nucleotide are **not** counted. Example ------- >>> cs_to_op_mutation_count(':4*nt-tc:2+g') 2 >>> cs_to_op_mutation_count(':4*gt-tc:2+g') 3 """ op_mut_count = 0 for cs_op in split_cs(cs): op_type = cs_op_type(cs_op) if op_type == "substitution": if cs_op[1] != "n": op_mut_count += 1 elif op_type == "insertion" or op_type == "deletion": op_mut_count += 1 elif op_type != "identity": raise ValueError(f"Invalid cs `op_type` of {op_type}.") return op_mut_count
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()