Source code for alignparse.targets


Defines :class:`Targets`, which holds :class:`Target` objects that define
alignment targets. Each :class:`Target` has some :class:`Feature` regions.


import contextlib
import copy
import itertools
import os
import re
import tempfile

import Bio.SeqIO

import dna_features_viewer

import matplotlib.colors
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import pandas as pd

import pathos

import pysam

import yaml

from alignparse.constants import CBPALETTE
from alignparse.cs_tag import (

[docs]class Feature: """A sequence feature within a :class:`Target` sequence. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of feature. seq : str Sequence of feature. start: int Feature start in :class:`Target`, using Python-like 0, ... numbering. end : int Feature end in :class:`Target` using Python-like 0, ... numbering. Attributes ---------- name : str Name of feature. seq : str Sequence of feature. start : int Feature start in :class:`Target`, using Python-like 0, ... numbering. end : int Feature end in :class:`Target` using Python-like 0, ... numbering. length: int Length of feature. """ def __init__(self, *, name, seq, start, end): """See main class docstring.""" = name if "," in raise ValueError(f"comma not allowed in feature name: {}") self.seq = seq if end - start != len(seq): raise ValueError("length of `seq` not equal to `end` - `start`") self.end = end self.start = start self.length = end - start def __repr__(self): """Get string representation.""" return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}(name={}, seq={self.seq}, " f"start={self.start}, end={self.end})" )
[docs]class Target: """A single target sequence. Parameters ---------- seqrecord : Bio.SeqRecord.SeqRecord BioPython sequence record of target. Must have `seq`, `name`, and `features` attributes. Currently only handles + strand features. req_features : set or other iterable Required features in `seqrecord`. opt_features: set of other iterable Optional features in `seqrecord`. allow_extra_features : bool Can `seqrecord` have features not in `req_features` or `opt_features`? Attributes ---------- seq : str Full sequence of target. name : str Name of target. length : str Length of sequence. features : list List of all features as :class:`Feature` objects. feature_names : list List of names of all features. """ def __repr__(self): """Get string representation.""" return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}(name={}, seq={self.seq}, " f"features={self.features})" ) def __init__( self, *, seqrecord, req_features=frozenset(), opt_features=frozenset(), allow_extra_features=False, ): """See main class docstring.""" = self.get_name(seqrecord) if "," in raise ValueError(f"comma not allowed in target name: {}") if not hasattr(seqrecord, "seq"): raise ValueError("`seqrecord` does not define a seq") self.seq = str(seqrecord.seq) self.length = len(self.seq) allow_features = set(req_features) | set(opt_features) self._features_dict = {} self.features = [] self.feature_names = [] for bio_feature in seqrecord.features: feature_name = bio_feature.type if feature_name in self._features_dict: raise ValueError( f"duplicate feature {feature_name} when " f"creating Target {}" ) if not (allow_extra_features or (feature_name in allow_features)): raise ValueError(f"feature {feature_name} not allowed feature") if bio_feature.strand != 1: raise ValueError( f"feature {feature_name} of {} is - " "strand, but only + strand features handled" ) feature_seq = str(bio_feature.location.extract(seqrecord).seq) feature = Feature( name=feature_name, seq=feature_seq, start=bio_feature.location.start, end=bio_feature.location.end, ) self.features.append(feature) self.feature_names.append(feature_name) self._features_dict[feature_name] = feature missing_features = set(req_features) - set(self._features_dict) if missing_features: raise ValueError(f"{} lacks features: {missing_features}")
[docs] @classmethod def get_name(cls, seqrecord): """Get name of target from sequence record. Parameters ---------- seqrecord : Bio.SeqRecord.SeqRecord Sequence record as passed to :class:`Target`. Returns ------- str Name parsed from `seqrecord`. """ if not hasattr(seqrecord, "name"): raise ValueError("`seqrecord` does not define a name") else: return
[docs] def has_feature(self, name): """Check if a feature is defined for this target. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of :class:`Feature`. Returns ------- bool `True` if target has feature of this name, `False` otherwise. """ return name in self._features_dict
[docs] def get_feature(self, name): """Get :class:`Feature` by name. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of :class:`Feature`. Returns ------- :class:`Feature` Returns the feature, or raises `ValueError` if no such feature. """ if self.has_feature(name): return self._features_dict[name] else: raise ValueError(f"Target {} has no feature {name}")
[docs] def image(self, *, color_map=None, feature_labels=None, plots_indexing="genbank"): """Get image of the target. Parameters ---------- color_map : None or dict To specify colors for each feature, provide a dict mapping feature names to colors. Otherwise automatically chosen. feature_labels : None or dict Map feature names to text labels shown on plot. Otherwise features just labeled by name. plots_indexing : {'biopython', 'genbank'} Does image use 0-based ('biopython') or 1-based ('genbank') indexing of nucleotide sites? Returns ------- dna_features_viewer.GraphicRecord.GraphicRecord Image of target, which has `.plot` and `.plot_with_bokeh` methods: """ if color_map is None: if len(self.features) < len(CBPALETTE): color_map = { CBPALETTE[i + 1] for i, feature in enumerate(self.features) } else: cmap = color_map = { matplotlib.colors.to_hex(cmap(i / len(self.features))) for i, feature in enumerate(self.features) } else: missing_colors = [ for feature in self.features if not in color_map ] if missing_colors: raise ValueError(f"no `color_map` entry for {missing_colors}") if feature_labels is None: feature_labels = {} for feature in self.features: if not in feature_labels: feature_labels[] = graph_features = [] for feature in self.features: graph_features.append( dna_features_viewer.GraphicFeature( start=feature.start, end=feature.end, label=feature_labels[], color=color_map[], strand=1, ) ) graph_record = dna_features_viewer.GraphicRecord( sequence_length=self.length, features=graph_features, sequence=self.seq, plots_indexing=plots_indexing, ) return graph_record
[docs]class Targets: """Collection of :class:`Target` sequences. Parameters ---------- seqsfile : str or list Name of file specifying the targets, or list of such files. So if multiple targets they can all be in one file or in separate files. feature_parse_specs : dict or str How :meth:`Targets.parse_alignment` parses alignments. Specify dict or name of YAML file. Keyed by names of targets, values target-level dicts keyed by feature names. The feature-level dicts have two keys: - 'filter': dict keyed by 'clip5', 'clip3', 'mutation_nt_count', and 'mutation_op_count' giving max clipping at each end, number of nucleotide mutations, and number of ``cs`` tag mutation operations allowed for feature. If 'filter' itself or any of the keys are missing, the value is set to zero. If the value is `None` ('null' in YAML notation), then no filter is applied. - 'return': str or list of strings indicating what to return for this feature. If 'returns' is absent or the value is `None` ('null' in YAML notation), nothing is returned for this feature. Otherwise list one or more of 'sequence', 'mutations', 'accuracy', 'cs', 'clip5', and 'clip3' to get the sequence, mutation string, ``cs`` tag, or number of clipped nucleotides from each end. In addition, target-level dicts should have keys 'query_clip5' and 'query_clip3' which give the max amount that can be clipped from each end of the query prior to the alignment. Use a value of `None` ('null' in YAML notation) to have no filter on this clipping. Filters will be applied in the order the features appear in the `feature_parse_specs`. allow_extra_features : bool Can targets have features not in `feature_parse_specs`? seqsfileformat : {'genbank'} Format of `seqsfile`. Currently, 'genbank' is the only supported option. The GenBank Flat File format is described `here <>`_, but not all fields are required. The documentation includes `examples <>`_ that show what fields should typically be included. GenBank files can be readily generated using several sequence editing programs, such as `ApE <>`_ or `Benchling <>`_. allow_clipped_muts_seqs : bool Returning sequence or mutations for features where non-zero clipping is allowed is dangerous, since as described in :meth:`Targets.parse_alignment` these will only be for unclipped region and so are easy to mis-interpret. So you must explicitly set this option to `True` in order to allow return of mutations / sequences for features with clipping allowed; otherwise you'll get an error if you try to recover such sequences / mutations. ignore_feature_parse_specs_keys : None or list Ignore these target-level keys in `feature_parse_specs`. Useful for YAML with default keys that don't represent actual targets. select_target_names : None or list If `None`, the created object is for all sequences in `seqsfile`. Otherwise pass a list with names of just the sequences of interest. Attributes ---------- targets : list List of all :class:`Target` objects. target_names : list List of names of all targets. target_seqs : dict Keyed by target name, value is sequence as str. """ def __repr__(self): """Get string representation.""" return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(targets={self.targets})" def __init__( self, *, seqsfile, feature_parse_specs, allow_extra_features=False, seqsfileformat="genbank", allow_clipped_muts_seqs=False, ignore_feature_parse_specs_keys=None, select_target_names=None, ): """See main class docstring.""" # read feature_parse_specs if isinstance(feature_parse_specs, str): with open(feature_parse_specs) as f: self._feature_parse_specs = yaml.safe_load(f) else: self._feature_parse_specs = copy.deepcopy(feature_parse_specs) if ignore_feature_parse_specs_keys: for key in ignore_feature_parse_specs_keys: if key in self._feature_parse_specs: del self._feature_parse_specs[key] else: raise KeyError( f"`feature_parse_specs` lacks key {key} " "in `ignore_feature_parse_specs_keys`" ) # names of parse alignment columns with clipping self._clip_cols = ["query_clip5", "query_clip3"] # reserved columns for parsing, cannot be name of a feature self._reserved_cols = ["query_name"] + self._clip_cols # suffixes in feature columns returned parse_alignment self._return_suffixes = [ "_mutations", "_sequence", "_accuracy", "_cs", "_clip5", "_clip3", ] # valid filtering keys self._filterkeys = ["clip5", "clip3", "mutation_nt_count", "mutation_op_count"] # get targets from seqsfile if select_target_names is not None: if not ( isinstance(select_target_names, list) and len(select_target_names) >= 1 ): raise ValueError( "`select_target_names` must be none or " "non-empty list" ) if isinstance(seqsfile, str): seqrecords = list(Bio.SeqIO.parse(seqsfile, format=seqsfileformat)) else: seqrecords = [] for f in seqsfile: seqrecords += list(Bio.SeqIO.parse(f, format=seqsfileformat)) self.targets = [] self._target_dict = {} for seqrecord in seqrecords: tname = Target.get_name(seqrecord) if select_target_names and (tname not in select_target_names): continue target = Target( seqrecord=seqrecord, req_features=self.features_to_parse(tname, "name"), allow_extra_features=allow_extra_features, ) if in self._target_dict: raise ValueError(f"duplicate target name of {}") self.targets.append(target) self._target_dict[] = target # ensure feature names are not reserved or have reserved suffix for feature in target.features: if in self._reserved_cols: raise ValueError(f"feature cannot be named {}") if "|".join(s + "$" for s in self._return_suffixes), ): raise ValueError( "feature name cannot end in " + str(self._return_suffixes) ) self.target_names = [ for target in self.targets] self.target_seqs = { target.seq for target in self.targets} if not self.targets: raise ValueError("no targets found") # check needed for `to_csv` option of `parse_alignment`. if len(self.target_names) != len( {tname.replace(" ", "_") for tname in self.target_names} ): raise ValueError( "target names must be unique even after " "replacing spaces with underscores." ) # make sure we have all targets to parse extra_targets = set(self._feature_parse_specs) - set(self.target_names) if extra_targets: raise ValueError( "`feature_parse_specs` includes non-existent " f"targets {extra_targets}" ) self._set_feature_parse_specs_defaults() self._set_parse_filters() # check we are not set to return sequence / mutations for clipped # features unless flag to do this explicitly set if not allow_clipped_muts_seqs: for t in self.target_names: for f in self.features_to_parse(t, "name"): for return_name in ["sequence", "mutations"]: if return_name in self._parse_returnvals(t, f): filt = self._parse_filters[t][f] if any( c not in filt or filt[c] > 0 for c in ["clip5", "clip3"] ): raise ValueError( f"You asked to return {return_name} " f"for {t}, {f}, but clipping is not " "0 for this feature. To do this, set" "`allow_clipped_muts_seqs` to `True`" ) def _set_parse_filters(self): """Set `_parse_filters` attribute. This is dict keyed by targetname, then keyed by feature name, then keyed by each parameter to filter on with value being max allowed. If the value is `None` (no filter), it is not in dict. This is a simpler-to-access version of information in `feature_parse_specs`. """ self._parse_filters = {} for tname in self.target_names: self._parse_filters[tname] = {} for fname in self.features_to_parse(tname, "name"): self._parse_filters[tname][fname] = {} filterspecs = self._feature_parse_specs[tname][fname]["filter"] for k, v in filterspecs.items(): if v is not None: if not isinstance(v, int): raise ValueError( "`feature_parse_spec` filter for" f" {tname}, {fname}, {k} is not " f"`None` or an integer: {v}" ) self._parse_filters[tname][fname][k] = v def _set_feature_parse_specs_defaults(self): """Set missing values in `feature_parse_specs` to defaults. These defaults are described in the main :class:`Targets` docs. """ for tname, tspecs in self._feature_parse_specs.items(): if set(self._clip_cols) - set(tspecs): raise ValueError( f"`feature_parse_specs` for {tname} " f"lacks {self._clip_cols}" ) for fname, fdict in tspecs.items(): if fname in self._clip_cols: continue if set(fdict.keys()) - {"return", "filter"}: raise ValueError( f"`feature_parse_specs` for {tname} " f"{fname} has extra keys: only 'return' " "and 'filter' are allowed." ) if "return" not in fdict: fdict["return"] = [] else: if isinstance(fdict["return"], str): fdict["return"] = [fdict["return"]] for returnval in fdict["return"]: if returnval not in [ suffix[1:] for suffix in self._return_suffixes ]: raise ValueError( f"`feature_parse_specs` of {tname} {fname}" f" has invalid return type {returnval}" ) if "filter" not in fdict: fdict["filter"] = {} if set(fdict["filter"].keys()) - set(self._filterkeys): raise ValueError( f"`feature_parse_specs` for {tname} " f"{fname} has invalid filter type. Only " f"{self._filterkeys} are allowed." ) for filterkey in self._filterkeys: if filterkey not in fdict["filter"]: fdict["filter"][filterkey] = 0
[docs] def features_to_parse(self, targetname, feature_or_name="feature"): """Features to parse for a target. Parameters ---------- targetname : str Name of target. feature_or_name : {'feature', 'name'} Get the :class:`Feature` objects themselves or their names. Returns ------- list Features to parse for this target, as specified in :meth:`Targets.feature_parse_specs`. """ if feature_or_name == "name": if not hasattr(self, "_fnames_to_parse"): self._fnames_to_parse = {} for tname, tdict in self._feature_parse_specs.items(): self._fnames_to_parse[tname] = [ f for f in tdict if f not in self._clip_cols ] try: return self._fnames_to_parse[targetname] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"target {targetname} not in " "`feature_parse_specs`") elif feature_or_name == "feature": if not hasattr(self, "_features_to_parse"): self._features_to_parse = {} for tname, tdict in self._feature_parse_specs.items(): target = self.get_target(tname) self._features_to_parse[tname] = [ target.get_feature(f) for f in tdict if f not in self._clip_cols ] try: return self._features_to_parse[targetname] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"target {targetname} not in " "`feature_parse_specs`") else: raise ValueError(f"invalid `feature_or_name` {feature_or_name}")
[docs] def feature_parse_specs(self, returntype): """Get the feature parsing specs. Note ---- Filters will be applied in the order they are listed in the `feature_parse_specs` `yaml` file or `dict`. Once a read fails a filter, other filters will not be applied. As such, it is recommended to have features with filters for 5' and 3' clipping listed first. Parameters ---------- returntype : {'dict', 'yaml'} Return a Python `dict` or a YAML string representation. Returns ------- dict or str The feature parsing specs set by the `feature_parse_specs` at :class:`Targets` initialization, but with any missing default values explicitly filled in. """ if returntype == "dict": return copy.deepcopy(self._feature_parse_specs) elif returntype == "yaml": return yaml.dump( self._feature_parse_specs, default_flow_style=False, sort_keys=False ) else: raise ValueError(f"invalid `returntype` of {returntype}")
[docs] def get_target(self, name): """Get :class:`Target` by name. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of :class:`Target`. Returns ------- :class:`Target` Returns the target, or raises `ValueError` if no such target. """ if name in self._target_dict: return self._target_dict[name] else: raise ValueError(f"no target named {name}")
[docs] def write_fasta(self, fastafile): """Write all targets to a FASTA file. Parameters ---------- filename : str or writable file-like object Write targets to this file. """ try: for target in self.targets: fastafile.write(f">{}\n{target.seq}\n") fastafile.flush() except AttributeError: with open(fastafile, "w") as f: for target in self.targets: f.write(f">{}\n{target.seq}\n")
[docs] def plot(self, *, sharex=True, ax_width=5, ax_height=3, hspace=0.4, **kwargs): """Plot all the targets. Note ---- For more customizable plots, call :meth:`Target.image` for individual targets. Parameters ---------- sharex : bool Share x-axis among plots for each target? ax_width : float Width of each axis in inches. ax_height : float Height of each axis in inches. hspace : float Vertical space between axes as fraction of `ax_height`. ``**kwargs`` Keyword arguments passed to :meth:`Target.image`. Returns ------- matplotlib.pyplot.figure Figure showing all targets. """ fig, axes = plt.subplots( nrows=len(self.targets), ncols=1, sharex=False, squeeze=False, gridspec_kw={"hspace": hspace}, figsize=(ax_width, len(self.targets) * ax_height), ) for ax, target in zip(axes.ravel(), self.targets): image = target.image(**kwargs) image.plot(ax=ax) ax.set_title( return fig
[docs] def align(self, queryfile, alignmentfile, mapper): """Align query sequences to targets. Parameters ---------- queryfile : str The query sequences to align (FASTQ or FASTA, can be gzipped). alignmentfile : str SAM file created by `mapper` with alignments of queries to the target sequences within this :class:`Targets` object. mapper : :class:`alignparse.minimap2.Mapper` Mapper that runs ``minimap2``. Alignment options set when creating this mapper. """ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w", suffix=".fa") as targetfile: self.write_fasta(targetfile) mapper.map_to_sam(, queryfile, alignmentfile)
[docs] def align_and_parse( self, df, mapper, outdir, *, name_col="name", queryfile_col="queryfile", group_cols=None, to_csv=False, overwrite=False, multi_align="primary", filtered_cs=False, skip_sups=True, ncpus=-1, ): """Align query sequences and then parse alignments. Note ---- This is a convenience method to run :meth:`Targets.align` and :meth:`Targets.parse_alignment` on multiple queries and collate the results. It also allows multiple queries to be handled simultaneously using multiprocessing. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame Data frame with information on queries to align. mapper : :class:`alignparse.minimap2.Mapper` Mapper that runs ``minimap2``. Alignment options set when creating this mapper. outdir : str Name of directory with created alignments and parsing files. Created if it does not exist. name_col : str Column in `df` with the name of each set of queries. queryfile_col :str Column in `df` with FASTQ file with queries. group_cols : `None` or str or list Columns in `df` used to "group" results. These columns are in all created data frames. For instance, might specify different libraries or samples. to_csv : bool Write CSV files rather than return data frames. Useful to avoid reading large data frames into memory. overwrite : bool If some of the created output files already exist, do we overwrite them or raise and error? multi_align : {'primary'} How to handle multiple alignments. Currently only option is 'primary', which ignores all secondary alignments. filtered_cs : bool Add `cs` tag that failed the filter to filtered dataframe along with filter reason. Allows for more easily investigating why reads are failing the filters. skip_sups : bool Whether or not to skip supplementary alignments when parsing. Supplementary alignments are additional possible alignments for a read due to the read potentially being a chimeric. The default is to skip these alignments and *not* parse them. ncpus : int Number of CPUs to use; -1 means all available. Returns ------- (readstats, aligned, filtered) : tuple Same meaning as for :meth:`Targets.parse_alignment` except the data frames / CSV files all have additional columns indicating name of each query set (`name_cols`) as well as any `group_cols`. """ # check columns in `df` if not group_cols: addtl_cols = [name_col] else: if isinstance(group_cols, str): group_cols = [group_cols] addtl_cols = group_cols + [name_col] if len(set(addtl_cols)) != len(addtl_cols): raise ValueError( "`name_col` and `group_cols` have redundant " f"entries: {addtl_cols}" ) expected_cols = addtl_cols + [queryfile_col] if not set(df.columns).issuperset(set(expected_cols)): raise ValueError( "`df` does not contain all expected columns: " + str(expected_cols) ) os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True) # For each query we create a "full name" that includes name + # grouping cols, a subdirectory that holds all files # for this query, and the samfile for the alignments. reserved_cols = {"fullname", "subdir", "samfile"} if set(expected_cols).intersection(reserved_cols): raise ValueError(f"`df` cannot have columns: {reserved_cols}") df = ( df[expected_cols] .astype(str) .assign( fullname=lambda x: x.apply( lambda r: "_".join(r[c] for c in addtl_cols), axis=1 ), subdir=lambda x: x["fullname"].map(lambda n: os.path.join(outdir, n)), samfile=lambda x: x["subdir"].map( lambda d: os.path.join(d, "alignments.sam") ), ) .reset_index(drop=True) ) if len(df) != df["fullname"].nunique(): raise ValueError( "Names the queries are not unique even after " "adding grouping columns." ) if any(df[col].str.contains(",").any() for col in df.columns): raise ValueError('`name_col` and `group_cols` entry contains ","') # set up multiprocessing pool if ncpus == -1: ncpus = pathos.multiprocessing.cpu_count() else: ncpus = min(pathos.multiprocessing.cpu_count(), ncpus) if ncpus < 1: raise ValueError("`ncpus` must be >= 1") if ncpus > 1: pool = pathos.pools.ProcessPool(ncpus) map_func = else: def map_func(f, *args): return [f(*argtup) for argtup in zip(*args)] # now make the alignments for tup in df.itertuples(): os.makedirs(tup.subdir, exist_ok=True) if os.path.isfile(tup.samfile): if overwrite: os.remove(tup.samfile) else: raise IOError(f"file {tup.samfile} already exists") _ = map_func( self.align, df[queryfile_col], df["samfile"], itertools.repeat(mapper) ) assert all(os.path.isfile(f) for f in df["samfile"]) # now parse the alignments parse_results = map_func( self.parse_alignment, df["samfile"], itertools.repeat(multi_align), itertools.repeat(True), df["subdir"], itertools.repeat(overwrite), itertools.repeat(filtered_cs), itertools.repeat(skip_sups), ) # close, clear pool: if ncpus > 1: pool.close() pool.join() pool.clear() # Set up to gather overall readstats, aligned, and filtered by # getting and checking column names: readstatcols = ["category", "count"] alignedcols = {t: self._parse_returnvals(t) for t in self.target_names} filteredcols = ["query_name", "filter_reason"] disallowedcols = readstatcols + filteredcols for tc in alignedcols.values(): disallowedcols += tc if set(addtl_cols).intersection(set(disallowedcols)): raise ValueError( "`name_col`, `group_cols` cannot have any of " + str(disallowedcols) ) alignedcols = {t: addtl_cols + tc for t, tc in alignedcols.items()} filteredcols = addtl_cols + filteredcols # set up data frames or names of files filtered = { t: os.path.join(outdir, t.replace(" ", "_") + "_filtered.csv") for t in self.target_names } aligned = { t: os.path.join(outdir, t.replace(" ", "_") + "_aligned.csv") for t in self.target_names } for f in list(filtered.values()) + list(aligned.values()): if os.path.isfile(f): if not overwrite: raise IOError(f"file {f} already exists.") else: os.remove(f) # collect read stats for all runs readstats = [] for i, (ireadstats, _, _) in enumerate(parse_results): readstats.append( ireadstats.assign(**{c:[i, c] for c in addtl_cols})[ addtl_cols + readstatcols ] ) readstats = pd.concat(readstats, ignore_index=True).assign( count=lambda x: x["count"].astype(int) ) # collect aligned and filtered for all runs for t in self.target_names: with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack: # Define callback to delete CSV files on error. See here: # def delete_files_on_err(t): for fname in [aligned[t], filtered[t]]: if os.path.isfile(fname): os.remove(fname) stack.callback(delete_files_on_err, t=t) alignedfile = stack.enter_context(open(aligned[t], "w")) filteredfile = stack.enter_context(open(filtered[t], "w")) alignedfile.write(",".join(alignedcols[t]) + "\n") filteredfile.write(",".join(filteredcols) + "\n") for i, (_, ialigned, ifiltered) in enumerate(parse_results): addtl_text = ",".join([i, c] for c in addtl_cols) for fin_name, fout, cols in [ (ialigned[t], alignedfile, alignedcols[t]), (ifiltered[t], filteredfile, filteredcols), ]: with open(fin_name) as fin: firstline = fin.readline() assert ( firstline[:-1].split(",") == cols[len(addtl_cols) :] ), fin_name for line in fin: fout.write(addtl_text) fout.write(",") fout.write(line) fout.flush() stack.pop_all() # no callback to delete files if reached here if not to_csv: aligned = {t: pd.read_csv(f).fillna("") for t, f in aligned.items()} filtered = {t: pd.read_csv(f) for t, f in filtered.items()} return readstats, aligned, filtered
[docs] def parse_alignment( self, samfile, multi_align="primary", to_csv=False, csv_dir=None, overwrite_csv=False, filtered_cs=False, skip_sups=True, ): """Parse alignment features as specified in `feature_parse_specs`. Parameters ---------- samfile : str SAM file with ``minimap2`` alignments with ``cs`` tag, typically created by :meth:`Targets.align`. multi_align : {'primary'} How to handle multiple alignments. Currently only option is 'primary', which ignores all secondary alignments. to_csv : bool Return CSV file names rather than return data frames. Useful to avoid reading large data frames into memory. csv_dir : None or str If `to_csv` is `True`, name of directory to which we write CSV files (created if needed). If `None`, write to current directory. overwrite_csv : bool If using `to_csv`, do we overwrite existing CSV files or raise an error if they already exist? filtered_cs : bool Add `cs` tag that failed the filter to filtered dataframe along with filter reason. Allows for more easily investigating why reads are failing the filters. skip_sups : bool Whether or not to skip supplementary alignments when parsing. Supplementary alignments are additional possible alignments for a read due to the read potentially being a chimeric. The default is to skip these alignments and *not* parse them. Returns ------- (readstats, aligned, filtered) : tuple - `readstats` is `pandas.DataFrame` with numbers of unmapped reads, and for each target the number of mapped reads that are validly aligned and that fail filters in `feature_parse_specs`. - `aligned` is a dict keyed by name of each target. Entries are `pandas.DataFrame` with rows for each validly aligned read. Rows give query name, query clipping at each end of alignment, and any feature-level info specified for return in `feature_parse_specs` in columns with names equal to feature suffixed by '_sequence', '_mutations', '_accuracy', '_cs', '_clip5', and '_clip3'. and '_clip3'. - `filtered` is a dict keyed by name of each target. Entries are `pandas.DataFrame` with a row for each filtered aligned read giving the query name and the reason it was filtered. If `filtered_cs` is `True` then, add a column to the "filtered" `pandas.DataFrame`s with the `cs` tag that failed the filter. If `to_csv` is `True`, then `aligned` and `filtered` give names of CSV files holding data frames. Note ---- The ``cs`` tags are in the short format returned by ``minimap2``; see here for details: When parsing features, if an insertion occurs between two features, it is assigned to the end of the first feature. Returned sequences, mutation strings, and ``cs`` tags are only for for the portion of the feature that aligns, and do **not** indicate clipping, which you instead get in the '_clip*' columns. The sequences are simply what the ``cs`` tag implies, indels / mutations are not indicated in this column. Mutation strings are space-delimited with these operations in **1-based** (1, 2, ...) numbering from start of the feature: - 'A2G' : substitution at site 2 from A to G - 'ins5TAA' : insertion of 'TAA' starting at site 5 - 'del5to6' : deletion of sites 5 to 6, inclusive The returned accuracy is the average accuracy of the aligned query sites as calculated from the Q-values, and is `nan` if there are no aligned query sites. """ if multi_align == "primary": primary_only = True else: raise ValueError(f"invalid `multi_align` {multi_align}") if csv_dir is None: csv_dir = "" elif csv_dir: os.makedirs(csv_dir, exist_ok=True) unmapped = 0 readstats = {t: {"filtered": 0, "aligned": 0} for t in self.target_names} if filtered_cs: filtered_cols = ["query_name", "filter_reason", "filter_cs"] else: filtered_cols = ["query_name", "filter_reason"] if to_csv: filtered = { t: os.path.join(csv_dir, t.replace(" ", "_") + "_filtered.csv") for t in self.target_names } aligned = { t: os.path.join(csv_dir, t.replace(" ", "_") + "_aligned.csv") for t in self.target_names } filenames = list(filtered.values()) + list(aligned.values()) if (not overwrite_csv) and any(map(os.path.isfile, filenames)): raise IOError(f"existing file with name in: {filenames}") else: filtered = {t: [] for t in self.target_names} aligned = {t: [] for t in self.target_names} # Iterate samfile in contextlib so can handle files if using `to_csv`. with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack: # Define callback to delete CSV files on error. See here: # @stack.callback def delete_files_on_err(): if to_csv: for fname in filenames: if os.path.isfile(fname): os.remove(fname) if to_csv: # add files to stack so they are closed at end: # filtered_files = { t: stack.enter_context(open(f, "w")) for t, f in filtered.items() } for f in filtered_files.values(): f.write(",".join(filtered_cols) + "\n") aligned_files = { t: stack.enter_context(open(f, "w")) for t, f in aligned.items() } for t, f in aligned_files.items(): f.write(",".join(self._parse_returnvals(t)) + "\n") # iterate over samfile and process each alignment for aligned_seg in pysam.AlignmentFile(samfile): if aligned_seg.is_unmapped: unmapped += 1 continue if aligned_seg.is_supplementary and skip_sups: continue if aligned_seg.is_secondary and primary_only: continue a = Alignment( aligned_seg, introns_to_deletions=True, target_seqs=self.target_seqs ) tname = a.target_name is_filtered, parse_tup = self._parse_single_Alignment( a, tname, filtered_cs ) if is_filtered: readstats[tname]["filtered"] += 1 if to_csv: filtered_files[tname].write(",".join(map(str, parse_tup))) filtered_files[tname].write("\n") else: filtered[tname].append(parse_tup) else: readstats[tname]["aligned"] += 1 if to_csv: aligned_files[tname].write(",".join(map(str, parse_tup))) aligned_files[tname].write("\n") else: aligned[tname].append(parse_tup) # Done iterating over `samfile`, get values ready to return readstats = pd.concat( [ pd.DataFrame(readstats) .reset_index() .melt(id_vars="index", value_name="count") .assign(category=lambda x: (x["index"] + " " + x["variable"]))[ ["category", "count"] ], pd.DataFrame({"category": "unmapped", "count": [unmapped]}), ], ignore_index=True, ) if not to_csv: filtered = { t: pd.DataFrame(tlist, columns=filtered_cols) for t, tlist in filtered.items() } aligned = { t: pd.DataFrame(tlist, columns=self._parse_returnvals(t)) for t, tlist in aligned.items() } else: for f in list(aligned_files.values()) + list(filtered_files.values()): f.flush() stack.pop_all() # no callback to delete CSV files if reached here return readstats, aligned, filtered
def _parse_returnvals(self, targetname, featurename=None): """Values to return when parsing alignment. Parameters ---------- targetname : str featurename : str or None Returns ------- list If `featurename` is not `None`, gets list of all values to return for this feature and targets from `feature_parse_specs`. If `featurename` is `None`, gets list of all values for all features in target, prefixing with the feature name. """ if featurename is None: returnlist = ["query_name", "query_clip5", "query_clip3"] for featurename in self.features_to_parse(targetname, "name"): for val in self._parse_returnvals(targetname, featurename): returnlist.append(f"{featurename}_{val}") return returnlist else: return self._feature_parse_specs[targetname][featurename]["return"] def _parse_single_Alignment(self, a, targetname, filtered_cs=False): """Parse a single alignment. Parameters ---------- a : :class:`alignparse.cs_tag.Alignment` targetname : str filtered_cs : bool Returns -------- 2-tuple Tuple `(is_filtered, parse_tup)` where `is_filtered` is bool indicating if alignment fails `feature_parse_specs` filters. If it fails and `filtered_cs` is `False`, `parse_tup` is 2-tuple `(query_name, filter_reason)`. If it fails and `filtered_cs` is `True`, `parse_tup` is tuple `(query_name, filter_reason, filtered_cs)`. If it passes, `parse_tup` is list giving values specified by :meth:`_parse_returnvals` for `targetname`. """ query_name = a.query_name parse_tup = [query_name] # get and filter on query clipping for clip in ["query_clip5", "query_clip3"]: clipval = getattr(a, clip) clipmax = self._feature_parse_specs[targetname][clip] if (clipmax is None) or clipval <= clipmax: parse_tup.append(clipval) else: return True, (query_name, clip) # get and filter on features target_parse_filters = self._parse_filters[targetname] for feature in self.features_to_parse(targetname): feat_info = a.extract_cs(feature.start, feature.end) if feat_info is None: # feature is fully clipped, determine which end if a.target_clip5 >= feature.end: clip5 = feature.length clip3 = 0 cs = "" elif a.target_lastpos <= feature.start: clip5 = 0 clip3 = feature.length cs = "" else: raise ValueError( f"Should not get here:\ntarget = {targetname}:\n" f"feature = {feature}\n" f"target_clip5 = {a.target_clip5}\n" f"lastpos = {a.target_lastpos}\n" ) else: cs, clip5, clip3 = feat_info # apply filters featurename = filter_vals = { "clip5": clip5, "clip3": clip3, "mutation_nt_count": cs_to_nt_mutation_count(cs), "mutation_op_count": cs_to_op_mutation_count(cs), } for key, valmax in target_parse_filters[featurename].items(): if filter_vals[key] > valmax: if filtered_cs: return True, (query_name, f"{featurename} {key}", cs) else: return True, (query_name, f"{featurename} {key}") # get return values for return_name in self._parse_returnvals(targetname, featurename): if return_name == "clip5": parse_tup.append(clip5) elif return_name == "clip3": parse_tup.append(clip3) elif return_name == "mutations": parse_tup.append(cs_to_mutation_str(cs, clip5)) elif return_name == "cs": parse_tup.append(cs) elif return_name == "sequence": clippedseq = feature.seq[clip5 : feature.length - clip3] parse_tup.append(cs_to_sequence(cs, clippedseq)) elif return_name == "accuracy": parse_tup.append(a.get_accuracy(feature.start, feature.end)) else: allowednames = [name[1:] for name in self._return_suffixes] raise ValueError( f"invalid `return_name` {return_name}, " f"should be one of {allowednames}" ) # if here, alignment not filtered: return it return False, parse_tup def _parse_alignment_cs(self, samfile, *, multi_align="primary", skip_sups=True): """Parse alignment feature ``cs`` strings for aligned queries. Note ---- This method returns the same information that can be better obtained via :meth:`Targets.parse_alignment` by setting to return 'cs', 'clip5', 'clip3' for every feature. It is currently retained only for debugging / testing purposes, and may eventually be removed. Parameters ---------- See parameter definitions in :meth:`Targets.parse_alignment`. Returns ------- dict Keyed be each target name. If there are no alignments for that target, value is `None`. Otherwise, value is a pandas DataFrame with a row for each feature in each query. The columns in this data frame are: - 'query_name' : name of query in `samfile` - 'query_clip5' : length at 5' end of query not in alignment - 'query_clip3' : length at 3' end of query not in alignment - for each feature listed for that target in :meth:`Target.feature_parse_specs`, columns with name of the feature and the following suffixes: - '_cs' : the ``cs`` string for the aligned portion of the target. - '_clip5' : number of nucleotides clipped from 5' end of feature in alignment. - '_clip3' : number of nucleotides clipped from 3' end of feature in alignment. If the feature is not aligned at all, then the '_cs' suffix column is an empty str, and either '_clip5' or '_clip3' will be the whole length of feature depending on if feature is upstream or downstream of aligned region. The returned dict also has a key 'unmapped' which gives the number of unmapped reads. """ suffixes = self._return_suffixes[3:] d = {target: None for target in self.target_names} if "unmapped" in self.target_names: raise ValueError('cannot have a target named "unmapped"') else: d["unmapped"] = 0 if multi_align == "primary": primary_only = True else: raise ValueError(f"invalid `multi_align` {multi_align}") for aligned_seg in pysam.AlignmentFile(samfile): if aligned_seg.is_unmapped: d["unmapped"] += 1 else: if primary_only and aligned_seg.is_secondary: continue if skip_sups and aligned_seg.is_supplementary: continue a = Alignment( aligned_seg, introns_to_deletions=True, target_seqs=self.target_seqs ) tname = a.target_name if d[tname] is None: d[tname] = {col: [] for col in self._reserved_cols} for feature in self.features_to_parse(tname): fname = for suffix in suffixes: d[tname][fname + suffix] = [] d[tname]["query_name"].append(a.query_name) d[tname]["query_clip5"].append(a.query_clip5) d[tname]["query_clip3"].append(a.query_clip3) for feature in self.features_to_parse(tname): feat_info = a.extract_cs(feature.start, feature.end) fname = if feat_info is None: d[tname][fname + "_cs"].append("") if a.target_clip5 >= feature.end: d[tname][fname + "_clip5"].append(feature.length) d[tname][fname + "_clip3"].append(0) elif a.target_lastpos <= feature.start: d[tname][fname + "_clip5"].append(0) d[tname][fname + "_clip3"].append(feature.length) else: raise ValueError( f"Should never get here for target {tname}:\n" f"feature = {feature}\n" f"target_clip5 = {a.target_clip5}\n" f"lastpos = {a.target_lastpos}\n" ) else: d[tname][fname + "_cs"].append(feat_info[0]) d[tname][fname + "_clip5"].append(feat_info[1]) d[tname][fname + "_clip3"].append(feat_info[2]) for target in d.keys(): if target != "unmapped": if d[target] is not None: d[target] = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d[target]) return d
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