
Functions to manipulate PDB files.

dms_variants.pdb_utils.reassign_b_factor(input_pdbfile, output_pdbfile, df, metric_col, *, site_col='site', chain_col='chain', missing_metric=0, model_index=0)[source]

Reassign B factors in PDB file to some other metric.

B-factor re-assignment is useful because PDB images can be colored by B factor using programs such as pymol using commands like:

show surface, RBD; spectrum b, white red, RBD, minimum=0, maximum=1
  • input_pdbfile (str) – Path to input PDB file.

  • output_pdbfile (str) – Name of created output PDB file with re-assigned B factors.

  • df (pandas.DataFrame) – Data frame with metric used to re-assign B factor.

  • metric_col (str) – Name of column in df that has the numerical metric that the B factor is re-assigned to.

  • site_col (str) – Name of column in df with site numbers, which should map numbers used in PDB.

  • chain_col (str) – Name of column in df with chain labels.

  • missing_metric (float or dict) – How do we handl sites that are missing in df? If a float, reassign B factors for all missing sites to this value. If a dict, should be keyed by chain and assign all missing sites in each chain to indicated value.

  • model_index (int) – Which model in the PDB to use. If a X-ray structure, there is probably just one model so you can use default of 0.

Return type:



Create data frame df that assigns metric to two sites in chain E:

>>> df = pd.DataFrame({'chain': ['E', 'E'],
...                    'site': [333, 334],
...                    'metric': [0.5, 1.2]})

Create dict missing_metric that assigns -1 to sites with missing metrics in chain E, and 0 to sites in other chains:

>>> missing_metric = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0)
>>> missing_metric['E'] = -1

Download PDB, do the re-assignment of B factors, read the lines from the resulting re-assigned PDB:

>>> pdb_url = 'https://files.rcsb.org/download/6M0J.pdb'
>>> r = requests.get(pdb_url)
>>> with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
...    original_pdbfile = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'original.pdb')
...    with open(original_pdbfile, 'wb') as f:
...        _ = f.write(r.content)
...    reassigned_pdbfile = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'reassigned.pdb')
...    reassign_b_factor(input_pdbfile=original_pdbfile,
...                      output_pdbfile=reassigned_pdbfile,
...                      df=df,
...                      metric_col='metric',
...                      missing_metric=missing_metric)
...    pdb_text = open(reassigned_pdbfile).readlines()

Now spot check some key lines in the output PDB. Chain A has all sites with B factors (last entry) re-assigned to 0:

>>> print(pdb_text[0].strip())
ATOM      1  N   SER A  19     -31.455  49.474   2.505  1.00  0.00           N

Chain E has sites 333 and 334 with B-factors assigned to values in df, and other sites (such as 335) assigned to -1:

>>> print('\n'.join(line.strip() for line in pdb_text[5010: 5025]))
ATOM   5010  O   THR E 333     -34.954  13.568  46.370  1.00  0.50           O
ATOM   5011  CB  THR E 333     -33.695  14.409  48.627  1.00  0.50           C
ATOM   5012  OG1 THR E 333     -34.797  14.149  49.507  1.00  0.50           O
ATOM   5013  CG2 THR E 333     -32.495  14.879  49.438  1.00  0.50           C
ATOM   5014  N   ASN E 334     -35.532  15.604  45.605  1.00  1.20           N
ATOM   5015  CA  ASN E 334     -36.287  15.087  44.474  1.00  1.20           C
ATOM   5016  C   ASN E 334     -35.475  15.204  43.182  1.00  1.20           C
ATOM   5017  O   ASN E 334     -34.533  15.994  43.076  1.00  1.20           O
ATOM   5018  CB  ASN E 334     -37.622  15.823  44.337  1.00  1.20           C
ATOM   5019  CG  ASN E 334     -38.660  15.006  43.586  1.00  1.20           C
ATOM   5020  OD1 ASN E 334     -38.568  13.776  43.514  1.00  1.20           O
ATOM   5021  ND2 ASN E 334     -39.649  15.686  43.016  1.00  1.20           N
ATOM   5022  N   LEU E 335     -35.849  14.391  42.194  1.00 -1.00           N
ATOM   5023  CA  LEU E 335     -35.084  14.305  40.955  1.00 -1.00           C
ATOM   5024  C   LEU E 335     -35.466  15.426  39.992  1.00 -1.00           C