Source code for neutcurve.curvefits

Defines :class:`CurveFits` to fit curves and display / plot results.

import collections
import copy
import itertools
import math

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D

import pandas as pd

import neutcurve
from neutcurve.colorschemes import CBMARKERS, CBPALETTE

[docs] class CurveFits: """Fit and display :class:`neutcurve.hillcurve.HillCurve` curves. Args: `data` (pandas DataFrame) Tidy dataframe with data. `conc_col` (str) Column in `data` with concentrations of serum. `fracinf_col` (str) Column in `data` with fraction infectivity. `serum_col` (str) Column in `data` with serum name. `virus_col` (str) Column in `data` with name of virus being neutralized. `replicate_col` (str`) Column in data with name of replicate of this measurement. Replicates can **not** be named 'average' as we compute the average from the replicates. `fixbottom` (`False` or float or 2-tuple) Same meaning as for :class:`neutcurve.hillcurve.HillCurve`. `fixtop` (`False` or float or 2-tuple) Same meaning as for :class:`neutcurve.hillcurve.HillCurve`. `fixslope` (`False` or float or 2-tuple) Same meaning as for :class:`neutcurve.hillcurve.HillCurve`. `infectivity_or_neutralized` ({'infectivity', 'neutralized'}) Same meaning as for :class:`neutcurve.hillcurve.HillCurve`. `fix_slope_first` (bool) Same meaning as for :class:`neutcurve.hillcurve.HillCurve`. `init_slope` (float) Same meaning as for :class:`neutcurve.hillcurve.HillCurve`. `allow_reps_unequal_conc` (bool) Allow replicates for the same serum/virus to have unequal concentrations; otherwise all replicates for a serum/virus must have measurements at same concentrations. Attributes of a :class:`CurveFits` include all args except `data` plus: `df` (pandas DataFrame) Copy of `data` that only has relevant columns, has additional rows with `replicate_col` of 'average' that hold replicate averages, and added columns 'stderr' (standard error of fraction infectivity for 'average' if multiple replicates, otherwise `nan`). `sera` (list) List of all serum names in `serum_col` of `data`, in order they occur in `data`. `viruses` (dict) For each serum in `sera`, `viruses[serum]` gives all viruses for that serum in the order they occur in `data`. `replicates` (dict) `replicates[(serum, virus)]` is list of all replicates for that serum and virus in the order they occur in `data`. `allviruses` (list) List of all viruses. """ # names commonly used for wildtype virus _WILDTYPE_NAMES = ("WT", "wt", "wildtype", "Wildtype", "wild type", "Wild type")
[docs] @staticmethod def combineCurveFits( curvefits_list, *, sera=None, viruses=None, serum_virus_replicates_to_drop=None, ): """ Args: `curvesfit_list` (list) List of :class:`CurveFits` objects that are identical other than the data they contain and have unique virus/serum/replicate combinations. They can differ in `fixtop` and `fixbottom`, but then those will be set to `None` in the returned object. `sera` (None or list) Only keep fits for sera in this list, or keep all sera if `None`. `viruses` (None or list) Only keep fits for viruses in this list, or keep all sera if `None`. `serum_virus_replicates_to_drop` (None or list) If a list, should specify `(serum, virus, replicates)` tuples, and those particular fits are dropped. Returns: combined_fits (:class:`CurveFits`) A :class:`CurveFits` object that combines all the virus/serum/replicate combinations in `curvefits_list`. """ if not ( len(curvefits_list) >= 1 and all(isinstance(c, CurveFits) for c in curvefits_list) ): raise ValueError(f"{curvefits_list=} not list of at least one `CurveFits`") attrs_must_be_same = [ # attributes that must be same among all objects "conc_col", "fracinf_col", "serum_col", "virus_col", "replicate_col", "_infectivity_or_neutralized", "_fix_slope_first", "_init_slope", ] attrs_can_differ = [ # attributes that can differ among objects "fixbottom", "fixtop", "fixslope", "df", "sera", "allviruses", "viruses", "replicates", "_hillcurves", "_fitparams", ] all_attrs = set(attrs_must_be_same + attrs_can_differ) assert all(set(c.__dict__) == all_attrs for c in curvefits_list) # make new object we will then adjust attributes combined_fits = copy.deepcopy(curvefits_list[0]) for attr in attrs_must_be_same: if any( getattr(combined_fits, attr) != getattr(c, attr) for c in curvefits_list ): raise ValueError(f"objects in `curvefits_list` differ in {attr}") for attr in attrs_can_differ: delattr(combined_fits, attr) # fixtop, fixbottom, fixslope are kept at shared value or None for attr in ["fixtop", "fixbottom", "fixslope"]: if any( getattr(curvefits_list[0], attr) != getattr(c, attr) for c in curvefits_list ): setattr(combined_fits, attr, None) else: setattr(combined_fits, attr, getattr(curvefits_list[0], attr)) # combine df assert all( all(getattr(curvefits_list[0], "df").columns == getattr(c, "df").columns) for c in curvefits_list ) combined_fits.df = pd.concat( [getattr(c, "df") for c in curvefits_list], ignore_index=False, sort=False, ).drop(columns="stderr") combined_fits.df = combined_fits.df[ combined_fits.df[combined_fits.replicate_col] != "average" ] for col, keeplist in [ (combined_fits.serum_col, sera), (combined_fits.virus_col, viruses), ]: if keeplist is not None: combined_fits.df = combined_fits.df[ combined_fits.df[col].isin(keeplist) ] if serum_virus_replicates_to_drop: assert "tup" not in set(combined_fits.df.columns) combined_fits.df = ( combined_fits.df.assign( tup=lambda x: list( x[ [ combined_fits.serum_col, combined_fits.virus_col, combined_fits.replicate_col, ] ].itertuples(index=False, name=None) ), ) .query("tup not in @serum_virus_replicates_to_drop") .drop(columns="tup") ) combined_fits.df = combined_fits._get_avg_and_stderr_df(combined_fits.df) if len(combined_fits.df) != len( combined_fits.df.groupby( [ combined_fits.serum_col, combined_fits.virus_col, combined_fits.replicate_col, combined_fits.conc_col, ] ) ): raise ValueError("duplicated sera/virus/replicate in `curvefits_list`") # combine sera combined_fits.sera = combined_fits.df[combined_fits.serum_col].unique().tolist() # combine allviruses combined_fits.allviruses = ( combined_fits.df[combined_fits.virus_col].unique().tolist() ) # combine viruses and replicates assert combined_fits.serum_col != "viruses" combined_fits.viruses = ( combined_fits.df.groupby(combined_fits.serum_col, sort=False) .aggregate( viruses=pd.NamedAgg( combined_fits.virus_col, lambda s: s.unique().tolist(), ), )["viruses"] .to_dict() ) assert combined_fits.serum_col != "replicate" assert combined_fits.virus_col != "replicate" combined_fits.replicates = ( combined_fits.df[combined_fits.df[combined_fits.replicate_col] != "average"] .groupby([combined_fits.serum_col, combined_fits.virus_col], sort=False) .aggregate( replicates=pd.NamedAgg( combined_fits.replicate_col, lambda s: s.unique().tolist(), ), )["replicates"] .to_dict() ) for serum, virus in combined_fits.replicates: combined_fits.replicates[(serum, virus)].append("average") serum_virus_rep_tups = [ (serum, virus, rep) for (serum, virus), reps in combined_fits.replicates.items() for rep in reps ] assert len(serum_virus_rep_tups) == len(set(serum_virus_rep_tups)) combined_fits_tups = set( combined_fits.df[ [ combined_fits.serum_col, combined_fits.virus_col, combined_fits.replicate_col, ] ].itertuples(index=False, name=None) ) assert ( set(serum_virus_rep_tups) == combined_fits_tups ), f"{combined_fits_tups=}\n\n{serum_virus_rep_tups=}" assert set(combined_fits.allviruses).issubset( v for f in curvefits_list for s in f.viruses.values() for v in s ) # get all the HillCurve objects that have been pre-computed from prior # objects being concatenated, except any "average" ones combined_fits._hillcurves = {} for c in curvefits_list: for (serum, virus, replicate), curve in c._hillcurves.items(): if ( (serum in combined_fits.sera) and (virus in combined_fits.allviruses) and (replicate in combined_fits.replicates[(serum, virus)]) and (replicate != "average") ): combined_fits._hillcurves[(serum, virus, replicate)] = curve combined_fits._fitparams = {} # clear this cache assert set(combined_fits.__dict__) == all_attrs return combined_fits
def __init__( self, data, *, conc_col="concentration", fracinf_col="fraction infectivity", serum_col="serum", virus_col="virus", replicate_col="replicate", infectivity_or_neutralized="infectivity", fix_slope_first=True, init_slope=1.5, fixbottom=0, fixtop=1, fixslope=False, allow_reps_unequal_conc=False, ): """See main class docstring.""" # make args into attributes self.conc_col = conc_col self.fracinf_col = fracinf_col self.serum_col = serum_col self.virus_col = virus_col self.replicate_col = replicate_col self.fixbottom = fixbottom self.fixtop = fixtop self.fixslope = fixslope self._infectivity_or_neutralized = infectivity_or_neutralized self._fix_slope_first = fix_slope_first self._init_slope = init_slope # check for required columns cols = [ self.serum_col, self.virus_col, self.replicate_col, self.conc_col, self.fracinf_col, ] if len(cols) != len(set(cols)): raise ValueError("duplicate column names:\n\t" + "\n\t".join(cols)) if not (set(cols) <= set(data.columns)): raise ValueError( "`data` lacks required columns, which are:\n\t" + "\n\t".join(cols) ) # create `self.df`, ensure that replicates are str rather than number self.df = data[cols].assign( **{replicate_col: lambda x: (x[replicate_col].astype(str))} ) # create sera / viruses / replicates attributes, error check them self.sera = self.df[self.serum_col].unique().tolist() self.viruses = {} self.replicates = {} for serum in self.sera: serum_data = self.df.query(f"{self.serum_col} == @serum") serum_viruses = serum_data[self.virus_col].unique().tolist() self.viruses[serum] = serum_viruses for virus in serum_viruses: virus_data = serum_data.query(f"{self.virus_col} == @virus") virus_reps = virus_data[self.replicate_col].unique().tolist() if "average" in virus_reps: raise ValueError( 'A replicate is named "average". This is ' "not allowed as that name is used for " "replicate averages." ) self.replicates[(serum, virus)] = virus_reps + ["average"] for i, rep1 in enumerate(virus_reps): conc1 = ( virus_data.query(f"{self.replicate_col} == @rep1")[ self.conc_col ] .sort_values() .tolist() ) if len(conc1) != len(set(conc1)): raise ValueError( f"duplicate concentrations for {serum=}, {virus=}, {rep1=}" ) if not allow_reps_unequal_conc: for rep2 in virus_reps[i + 1 :]: conc2 = ( virus_data.query(f"{self.replicate_col} == @rep1")[ self.conc_col ] .sort_values() .tolist() ) if conc1 != conc2: raise ValueError( f"{rep1=}, {rep2=} differ conc {serum=} {virus=}\n" "Replicates for serum/virus must have same " "concentrations unless allow_reps_unequal_conc=True" ) self.allviruses = collections.OrderedDict() for serum in self.sera: for virus in self.viruses[serum]: self.allviruses[virus] = True self.allviruses = list(self.allviruses.keys()) if pd.isnull(self.allviruses).any(): raise ValueError(f"a virus has name NaN:\n{self.allviruses}") if pd.isnull(self.sera).any(): raise ValueError(f"a serum has name NaN:\n{self.sera}") # compute replicate average and add 'stderr' self.df = self._get_avg_and_stderr_df(self.df) self._hillcurves = {} # curves computed by `getCurve` cached here self._fitparams = {} # cache data frame computed by `fitParams` def _get_avg_and_stderr_df(self, df): """Adds average rows and stderr column.""" if "stderr" in df.columns: raise ValueError('`data` has column "stderr"') avg_df = ( df.groupby([self.serum_col, self.virus_col, self.conc_col], observed=True)[ self.fracinf_col ] # sem is sample stderr, evaluates to NaN when just 1 rep .aggregate(["mean", "sem"]) .rename( columns={ "mean": self.fracinf_col, "sem": "stderr", } ) .reset_index() .assign(**{self.replicate_col: "average"}) ) df = pd.concat( [df, avg_df], ignore_index=True, sort=False, ) return df
[docs] def getCurve(self, *, serum, virus, replicate): """Get the fitted curve for this sample. Args: `serum` (str) Name of a valid serum. `virus` (str) Name of a valid virus for `serum`. `replicate` (str) Name of a valid replicate for `serum` and `virus`, or 'average' for the average of all replicates. Returns: A :class:`neutcurve.hillcurve.HillCurve`. """ key = (serum, virus, replicate) if key not in self._hillcurves: if serum not in self.sera: raise ValueError(f"invalid {serum=}") if virus not in self.viruses[serum]: raise ValueError(f"invalid {virus=} for {serum=}") if replicate not in self.replicates[(serum, virus)]: raise ValueError(f"invalid {replicate=} for {serum=} {virus=}") idata = self.df.query( f"({self.serum_col} == @serum) & " f"({self.virus_col} == @virus) & " f"({self.replicate_col} == @replicate)" ) if len(idata) < 1: raise ValueError(f"no data for {serum=} {virus=}") if idata["stderr"].isna().any(): fs_stderr = None # cannot use stderr if any concentrations lack it else: fs_stderr = idata["stderr"] try: curve = neutcurve.HillCurve( cs=idata[self.conc_col], fs=idata[self.fracinf_col], fs_stderr=fs_stderr, fixbottom=self.fixbottom, fixtop=self.fixtop, fixslope=self.fixslope, infectivity_or_neutralized=self._infectivity_or_neutralized, fix_slope_first=self._fix_slope_first, init_slope=self._init_slope, ) except neutcurve.HillCurveFittingError as e: idata.to_csv("_temp.csv", index=False) # following here: raise neutcurve.HillCurveFittingError( f"Error fitting HillCurve for {serum=} {virus=} {replicate=}\n" f"Data are:\n{idata}" ) from e self._hillcurves[key] = curve return self._hillcurves[key]
[docs] def fitParams( self, *, average_only=True, no_average=False, ics=(50,), ics_precision=0, ic50_error=None, ): """Get data frame with curve fitting parameters. Args: `average_only` (bool) If `True`, only get parameters for average across replicates. `no_average` (bool) Do not include average across replicates. Mutually incompatible with `average_only`. `ics` (iterable) Include ICXX for each number in this list, where the number is the percent neutralized. So if `ics` only contains 50, we include the IC50. If it includes 95, we include the IC95. `ics_precision` (int) Include this many digits after decimal when creating the ICXX columns. ic50_error {`None`, 'fit_stdev'} Include estimated error on IC50 as standard deviation of fit parameter; note that we recommend instead just taking standard error of replicate IC50s. Returns: A pandas DataFrame with fit parameters for each serum / virus / replicate as defined for a :mod:`neutcurve.hillcurve.HillCurve`. Columns: - 'serum' - 'virus' - 'replicate' - 'nreplicates': number of replicates for average, NaN otherwise. - 'icXX': ICXX or its bound as a number, where `XX` is each number in `ics`. - 'icXX_bound': string indicating if ICXX interpolated from data, or is an upper or lower bound. - 'icXX_str': ICXX represented as string, with > or < indicating if it is an upper or lower bound. - 'midpoint': midpoint of curve, same as IC50 only if bottom and top are 0 and 1. - 'midpoint_bound': midpoint bounded by range of fit concentrations - 'midpoint_bound_type': string indicating if midpoint is interpolated from data or is an upper or lower bound. - 'slope': Hill slope of curve. - 'top': top of curve. - 'bottom': bottom of curve. - 'r2': coefficient of determination of fit - 'rmsd': root-mean square deviation of fits """ if ic50_error not in {None, "fit_stdev"}: raise ValueError(f"invalid {ic50_error=}") ics = tuple(ics) ic_colprefixes = [f"ic{{:.{ics_precision}f}}".format(ic) for ic in ics] if len(ic_colprefixes) != len(set(ic_colprefixes)): raise ValueError( "column names for ICXX not unique.\n" "Either you have duplicate entries in `ics` " "or you need to increase `ics_precision`." ) if average_only and no_average: raise ValueError("both `average_only` and `no_average` are `True`") key = (average_only, no_average, ics, ics_precision, ic50_error) if key not in self._fitparams: d = collections.defaultdict(list) params = [ "midpoint", "midpoint_bound", "midpoint_bound_type", "slope", "top", "bottom", "r2", "rmsd", ] for serum in self.sera: for virus in self.viruses[serum]: replicates = self.replicates[(serum, virus)] nreplicates = sum(r != "average" for r in replicates) assert nreplicates == len(replicates) - 1 if no_average: replicates = [r for r in replicates if r != "average"] if average_only: replicates = ["average"] for replicate in replicates: curve = self.getCurve( serum=serum, virus=virus, replicate=replicate ) d["serum"].append(serum) d["virus"].append(virus) d["replicate"].append(replicate) if replicate == "average": d["nreplicates"].append(nreplicates) else: d["nreplicates"].append(float("nan")) for ic, colprefix in zip(ics, ic_colprefixes): f = ic / 100 d[colprefix].append(curve.icXX(f, method="bound")) d[f"{colprefix}_bound"].append(curve.icXX_bound(f)) d[f"{colprefix}_str"].append(curve.icXX_str(f)) if ic50_error == "fit_stdev": d["ic50_error"].append(curve.ic50_stdev()) for param in params: d[param].append(getattr(curve, param)) ic_cols = [] for prefix in ic_colprefixes: ic_cols += [prefix, f"{prefix}_bound", f"{prefix}_str"] if ic50_error == "fit_stdev": ic_cols.append("ic50_error") if len(d): self._fitparams[key] = pd.DataFrame(d)[ ["serum", "virus", "replicate", "nreplicates"] + ic_cols + params ].assign(nreplicates=lambda x: (x["nreplicates"].astype("Int64"))) else: self._fitparams[key] = pd.DataFrame( columns=["serum", "virus", "replicate", "nreplicates"] + ic_cols + params, ) return self._fitparams[key]
[docs] def plotSera( self, *, ncol=4, nrow=None, sera="all", viruses="all", ignore_serum_virus=None, colors=CBPALETTE, markers=CBMARKERS, virus_to_color_marker=None, max_viruses_per_subplot=5, multi_serum_subplots=True, all_subplots=_WILDTYPE_NAMES, titles=None, vlines=None, **kwargs, ): """Plot grid with replicate-average of viruses for each serum. Args: `ncol`, `nrow` (int or `None`) Specify one of these to set number of columns or rows, other should be `None`. `sera` ('all' or list) Sera to include on plot, in this order. `viruses` ('all' or list) Viruses to include on plot, in this order unless one is specified in `all_subplots`. `ignore_serum_virus` (`None` or dict) Specific serum / virus combinations to ignore (not plot). Key by serum, and then list viruses to ignore. `colors` (iterable) List of colors for different viruses. `markers` (iterable) List of markers for different viruses. `virus_to_color_marker` (dict or `None`) Optionally specify a specific color and for each virus as 2-tuples `(color, marker)`. If you use this option, `colors` and `markers` are ignored. `max_viruses_per_subplot` (int) Maximum number of viruses to show on any subplot. `multi_serum_subplots` (bool) If a serum has more than `max_virus_per_subplot` viruses, do we make multiple subplots for it or raise an error? `all_subplots` (iterable) If making multiple subplots for serum, which viruses do we show on all subplots? These are also shown first. `titles` (`None` or list) Specify custom titles for each subplot different than `sera`. `vlines` (`None` or dict) Add vertical lines to plots. Keyed by serum name, values are lists of dicts with a key 'x' giving x-location of vertical line, and optional keys 'linewidth', 'color', and 'linestyle'. `**kwargs` Other keyword arguments that can be passed to :meth:`CurveFits.plotGrid`. Returns: The 2-tuple `(fig, axes)` of matplotlib figure and 2D axes array. """ sera, viruses = self._sera_viruses_lists(sera, viruses) viruses = list(collections.OrderedDict.fromkeys(viruses)) if titles is None: titles = sera elif len(sera) != len(titles): raise ValueError(f"`titles`, `sera` != length:\n{titles=}\n{sera=}") if max_viruses_per_subplot < 1: raise ValueError(f"{max_viruses_per_subplot=} must be at least 1") # get color scheme for viruses if virus_to_color_marker: extra_viruses = set(viruses) - set(virus_to_color_marker.keys()) if extra_viruses: raise ValueError( "viruses not in `virus_to_color_marker`: " + str(extra_viruses) ) elif len(viruses) <= min(len(colors), len(markers)): # can share scheme among subplots ordered_viruses = [v for v in viruses if v in all_subplots] + [ v for v in viruses if v not in all_subplots ] virus_to_color_marker = { v: (c, m) for (v, c, m) in zip(ordered_viruses, colors, markers) } elif min(len(colors), len(markers)) < max_viruses_per_subplot: raise ValueError( "`max_viruses_per_subplot` larger than " "number of colors or markers" ) else: virus_to_color_marker = None # Build a list of plots appropriate for `plotGrid`. # Code is complicated because we could have several curve # per serum, and in that case need to share viruses in # `all_subplots` among curves. plotlist = [] vlines_list = [] for serum, title in zip(sera, titles): if ignore_serum_virus and serum in ignore_serum_virus: ignore_virus = ignore_serum_virus[serum] else: ignore_virus = {} curvelist = [] ivirus = 0 serum_shared_viruses = [ v for v in self.viruses[serum] if (v in viruses) and (v in all_subplots) and (v not in ignore_virus) ] serum_unshared_viruses = [ v for v in self.viruses[serum] if (v in viruses) and (v not in all_subplots) and (v not in ignore_virus) ] unshared = int(bool(len(serum_unshared_viruses))) if len(serum_shared_viruses) > max_viruses_per_subplot - unshared: raise ValueError( f"{serum=} has too many subplot-shared " "viruses (in `all_subplots`) relative to " "value of `max_viruses_per_subplot`:\n" f"{serum_shared_viruses=} is more than " f"{max_viruses_per_subplot=} viruses." ) shared_curvelist = [] for virus in serum_shared_viruses + serum_unshared_viruses: if ivirus >= max_viruses_per_subplot: if multi_serum_subplots: plotlist.append((title, curvelist)) if vlines and (serum in vlines): vlines_list.append(vlines[serum]) else: vlines_list.append(None) curvelist = list(shared_curvelist) ivirus = len(curvelist) assert ivirus < max_viruses_per_subplot else: raise ValueError( f"{serum=} has more than " "`max_viruses_per_subplot` viruses " "and `multi_serum_subplots` is False" ) if virus_to_color_marker: color, marker = virus_to_color_marker[virus] else: color = colors[ivirus] marker = markers[ivirus] curvelist.append( { "serum": serum, "virus": virus, "replicate": "average", "label": virus, "color": color, "marker": marker, } ) if virus in serum_shared_viruses: shared_curvelist.append(curvelist[-1]) ivirus += 1 if curvelist: plotlist.append((title, curvelist)) if vlines and (serum in vlines): vlines_list.append(vlines[serum]) else: vlines_list.append(None) if not plotlist: raise ValueError("no curves for these sera / viruses") # get number of columns if (nrow is not None) and (ncol is not None): raise ValueError(f"either {ncol=} or {nrow=} must be `None`") elif isinstance(nrow, int) and nrow > 0: ncol = math.ceil(len(plotlist) / nrow) elif not (isinstance(ncol, int) and ncol > 0): raise ValueError(f"{nrow=} or {ncol=} must be integer > 0") # convert plotlist to plots dict for `plotGrid` plots = {} vlines_axkey = {} assert len(plotlist) == len(vlines_list) for iplot, (plot, ivline) in enumerate(zip(plotlist, vlines_list)): irow = iplot // ncol icol = iplot % ncol plots[(irow, icol)] = plot if ivline: vlines_axkey[(irow, icol)] = ivline if virus_to_color_marker and "orderlegend" not in kwargs: orderlegend = virus_to_color_marker.keys() kwargs["orderlegend"] = orderlegend return self.plotGrid( plots, vlines=vlines_axkey, **kwargs, )
[docs] def plotViruses( self, *, ncol=4, nrow=None, sera="all", viruses="all", ignore_virus_serum=None, colors=CBPALETTE, markers=CBMARKERS, serum_to_color_marker=None, max_sera_per_subplot=5, multi_virus_subplots=True, all_subplots=(), titles=None, vlines=None, **kwargs, ): """Plot grid with replicate-average of sera for each virus. Args: `ncol`, `nrow` (int or `None`) Specify one of these to set number of columns or rows, other should be `None`. `sera` ('all' or list) Sera to include on plot, in this order, unless one is specified in `all_subplots`. `viruses` ('all' or list) Viruses to include on plot, in this order. `ignore_virus_serum` (`None` or dict) Specific virus / serum combinations to ignore (not plot). Key by virus, and then list sera to ignore. `colors` (iterable) List of colors for different sera. `markers` (iterable) List of markers for different sera. `serum_to_color_marker` (dict or `None`) Optionally specify a specific color and for each serum as 2-tuples `(color, marker)`. If you use this option, `colors` and `markers` are ignored. `max_sera_per_subplot` (int) Maximum number of sera to show on any subplot. `multi_virus_subplots` (bool) If a virus has more than `max_sera_per_subplot` sera, do we make multiple subplots for it or raise an error? `all_subplots` (iterable) If making multiple subplots for virus, which sera do we show on all subplots? These are also shown first. `titles` (`None` or list) Specify custom titles for each subplot different than `viruses`. `vlines` (`None` or dict) Add vertical lines to plots. Keyed by virus name, values are lists of dicts with a key 'x' giving x-location of vertical line, and optional keys 'linewidth', 'color', and 'linestyle'. `**kwargs` Other keyword arguments that can be passed to :meth:`CurveFits.plotGrid`. Returns: The 2-tuple `(fig, axes)` of matplotlib figure and 2D axes array. """ sera, viruses = self._sera_viruses_lists(sera, viruses) viruses = list(collections.OrderedDict.fromkeys(viruses)) if titles is None: titles = viruses elif len(viruses) != len(titles): raise ValueError(f"`titles`, `viruses` != length:\n" f"{titles}\n{viruses}") if max_sera_per_subplot < 1: raise ValueError(f"{max_sera_per_subplot=} must be at least 1") # get color scheme for sera if serum_to_color_marker: extra_sera = set(sera) - set(serum_to_color_marker.keys()) if extra_sera: raise ValueError( "sera not in `serum_to_color_marker`: " + str(extra_sera) ) elif len(sera) <= min(len(colors), len(markers)): # can share scheme among subplots ordered_sera = [s for s in sera if s in all_subplots] + [ s for s in sera if s not in all_subplots ] serum_to_color_marker = { s: (c, m) for (s, c, m) in zip(ordered_sera, colors, markers) } elif min(len(colors), len(markers)) < max_sera_per_subplot: raise ValueError( "`max_sera_per_subplot` larger than " "number of colors or markers" ) else: serum_to_color_marker = None # Build a list of plots appropriate for `plotGrid`. # Code is complicated because we could have several curve # per virus, and in that case need to share sera in # `all_subplots` among curves. virus_sera = { v: [s for s in self.sera if v in self.viruses[s]] for v in self.allviruses } plotlist = [] vlines_list = [] for virus, title in zip(viruses, titles): if ignore_virus_serum and virus in ignore_virus_serum: ignore_serum = ignore_virus_serum[virus] else: ignore_serum = {} curvelist = [] iserum = 0 virus_shared_sera = [ s for s in virus_sera[virus] if (s in sera) and (s in all_subplots) and (s not in ignore_serum) ] virus_unshared_sera = [ s for s in virus_sera[virus] if (s in sera) and (s not in all_subplots) and (s not in ignore_serum) ] unshared = int(bool(len(virus_unshared_sera))) if len(virus_shared_sera) > max_sera_per_subplot - unshared: raise ValueError( f"{virus=} has too many subplot-shared " "sera (in `all_subplots`) relative to " "value of `max_sera_per_subplot`:\n" f"{virus_shared_sera=} is more than " f"{max_sera_per_subplot=} viruses." ) shared_curvelist = [] for serum in virus_shared_sera + virus_unshared_sera: if iserum >= max_sera_per_subplot: if multi_virus_subplots: plotlist.append((title, curvelist)) if vlines and (virus in vlines): vlines_list.append(vlines[virus]) else: vlines_list.append(None) curvelist = list(shared_curvelist) iserum = len(curvelist) assert iserum < max_sera_per_subplot else: raise ValueError( f"{virus=} has more than " "`max_sera_per_subplot` viruses " "and `multi_virus_subplots` is False" ) if serum_to_color_marker: color, marker = serum_to_color_marker[serum] else: color = colors[iserum] marker = markers[iserum] curvelist.append( { "serum": serum, "virus": virus, "replicate": "average", "label": serum, "color": color, "marker": marker, } ) if serum in virus_shared_sera: shared_curvelist.append(curvelist[-1]) iserum += 1 if curvelist: plotlist.append((title, curvelist)) if vlines and (virus in vlines): vlines_list.append(vlines[virus]) else: vlines_list.append(None) if not plotlist: raise ValueError("no curves for these viruses / sera") # get number of columns if (nrow is not None) and (ncol is not None): raise ValueError(f"either {ncol=} or {nrow=} must be `None`") elif isinstance(nrow, int) and nrow > 0: ncol = math.ceil(len(plotlist) / nrow) elif not (isinstance(ncol, int) and ncol > 0): raise ValueError(f"{nrow=} or {ncol=} must be integer > 0") # convert plotlist to plots dict for `plotGrid` plots = {} vlines_axkey = {} assert len(plotlist) == len(vlines_list) for iplot, (plot, ivline) in enumerate(zip(plotlist, vlines_list)): irow = iplot // ncol icol = iplot % ncol plots[(irow, icol)] = plot if ivline: vlines_axkey[(irow, icol)] = ivline if serum_to_color_marker and "orderlegend" not in kwargs: orderlegend = serum_to_color_marker.keys() else: orderlegend = None return self.plotGrid( plots, orderlegend=orderlegend, vlines=vlines_axkey, **kwargs, )
[docs] def plotAverages( self, *, color="black", marker="o", **kwargs, ): """Plot grid with a curve for each serum / virus pair. Args: `color` (str) Color the curves. `marker` (str) Marker for the curves. `**kwargs` Other keyword arguments that can be passed to :meth:`CurveFits.plotReplicates`. Returns: The 2-tuple `(fig, axes)` of matplotlib figure and 2D axes array. """ return self.plotReplicates( average_only=True, colors=[color], markers=[marker], **kwargs )
[docs] def plotReplicates( self, *, ncol=4, nrow=None, sera="all", viruses="all", colors=CBPALETTE, markers=CBMARKERS, subplot_titles="{serum} vs {virus}", show_average=False, average_only=False, attempt_shared_legend=True, **kwargs, ): """Plot grid with replicates for each serum / virus on same plot. Args: `ncol`, `nrow` (int or `None`) Specify one of these to set number of columns or rows. `sera` ('all' or list) Sera to include on plot, in this order. `viruses` ('all' or list) Viruses to include on plot, in this order. `colors` (iterable) List of colors for different replicates. `markers` (iterable) List of markers for different replicates. `subplot_titles` (str) Format string to build subplot titles from *serum* and *virus*. `show_average` (bool) Include the replicate-average as a "replicate" in plots. `average_only` (bool) Show **only** the replicate-average on each plot. No legend in this case. `attempt_shared_legend` (bool) Do we attempt to share the same replicate key for all panels or give each its own? `**kwargs` Other keyword arguments that can be passed to :meth:`CurveFits.plotGrid`. Returns: The 2-tuple `(fig, axes)` of matplotlib figure and 2D axes array. """ try: subplot_titles.format(virus="dummy", serum="dummy") except KeyError: raise ValueError( f"{subplot_titles=} invalid. Should have keys only for virus and serum" ) sera, viruses = self._sera_viruses_lists(sera, viruses) # get replicates and make sure there aren't too many if average_only: replicates = ["average"] elif attempt_shared_legend: replicates = collections.OrderedDict() if show_average: replicates["average"] = True for serum, virus in itertools.product(sera, viruses): if virus in self.viruses[serum]: for replicate in self.replicates[(serum, virus)]: if replicate != "average": replicates[replicate] = True replicates = list(collections.OrderedDict(replicates).keys()) else: replicates_by_serum_virus = collections.defaultdict(list) for serum, virus in itertools.product(sera, viruses): key = (serum, virus) if virus in self.viruses[serum]: assert len(self.replicates[key]) if show_average: replicates_by_serum_virus[key].append("average") for replicate in self.replicates[(serum, virus)]: if replicate != "average": replicates_by_serum_virus[key].append(replicate) # build list of plots appropriate for `plotGrid` plotlist = [] for serum, virus in itertools.product(sera, viruses): if virus in self.viruses[serum]: title = subplot_titles.format(serum=serum, virus=virus) curvelist = [] if attempt_shared_legend: rep_list = replicates else: rep_list = replicates_by_serum_virus[(serum, virus)] assert len(rep_list) for i, replicate in enumerate(rep_list): if replicate in self.replicates[(serum, virus)]: curvelist.append( { "serum": serum, "virus": virus, "replicate": replicate, "label": {False: replicate, True: None}[average_only], "color": colors[i % len(colors)], "marker": markers[i % len(markers)], } ) if curvelist: plotlist.append((title, curvelist)) if not plotlist: raise ValueError("no curves for these sera / viruses") # get number of columns if (nrow is not None) and (ncol is not None): raise ValueError("either `ncol` or `nrow` must be `None`") elif isinstance(nrow, int) and nrow > 0: ncol = math.ceil(len(plotlist) / nrow) elif not (isinstance(ncol, int) and ncol > 0): raise ValueError(f"{nrow=} or {ncol=} must be integer > 0") # convert plotlist to plots dict for `plotGrid` plots = {} for iplot, plot in enumerate(plotlist): plots[(iplot // ncol, iplot % ncol)] = plot return self.plotGrid( plots, attempt_shared_legend=attempt_shared_legend, **kwargs, )
def _sera_viruses_lists(self, sera, viruses): """Check and build lists of `sera` and their `viruses`. Args: `sera` ('all' or list) `viruses` ('all' or list) Returns: The 2-tuple `(sera, viruses)` which are checked lists. """ if isinstance(sera, str) and sera == "all": sera = self.sera else: extra_sera = set(sera) - set(self.sera) if extra_sera: raise ValueError(f"unrecognized sera: {extra_sera}") allviruses = collections.OrderedDict() for serum in sera: for virus in self.viruses[serum]: allviruses[virus] = True allviruses = list(allviruses.keys()) if isinstance(viruses, str) and viruses == "all": viruses = allviruses else: extra_viruses = set(viruses) - set(allviruses) if extra_viruses: raise ValueError( "unrecognized viruses for specified " f"sera: {extra_viruses}" ) return sera, viruses
[docs] def plotGrid( self, plots, *, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, widthscale=1, heightscale=1, attempt_shared_legend=True, fix_lims=None, bound_ymin=0, bound_ymax=1, extend_lim=0.07, markersize=6, linewidth=1, linestyle="-", legendtitle=None, orderlegend=None, titlesize=14, labelsize=15, ticksize=12, legendfontsize=12, align_to_dmslogo_facet=False, despine=False, yticklocs=None, sharex=True, sharey=True, vlines=None, draw_in_bounds=False, ): """Plot arbitrary grid of curves. Args: `plots` (dict) Plots to draw on grid. Keyed by 2-tuples `(irow, icol)`, which give row and column (0, 1, ... numbering) where plot should be drawn. Values are the 2-tuples `(title, curvelist)` where `title` is title for this plot (or `None`) and `curvelist` is a list of dicts keyed by: - 'serum' - 'virus' - 'replicate' - 'label': label for this curve in legend, or `None` - 'color' - 'marker': `xlabel`, `ylabel` (`None`, str, or list) Labels for x- and y-axes. If `None`, use `conc_col` and `fracinf_col`, respectively. If str, use this shared for all axes. If list, should be same length as `plots` and gives axis label for each subplot. `widthscale`, `heightscale` (float) Scale width or height of figure by this much. `attempt_shared_legend` (bool) Share a single legend among plots if they all share in common the same label assigned to the same color / marker. `fix_lims` (dict or `None`) To fix axis limits, specify any of 'xmin', 'xmax', 'ymin', or 'ymax' with specified limit. `bound_ymin`, `bound_ymax` (float or `None`) Make y-axis min and max at least this small / large. Ignored if using `fix_lims` for that axis limit. `extend_lim` (float) For all axis limits not in `fix_lims`, extend this fraction of range above and below bounds / data limits. `markersize` (float) Size of point marker. `linewidth` (float) Width of line. `linestyle` (str) Line style. `legendtitle` (str or `None`) Title of legend. `orderlegend` (`None` or list) If specified, place legend labels in this order. `titlesize` (float) Size of subplot title font. `labelsize` (float) Size of axis label font. `ticksize` (float) Size of axis tick fonts. `legendfontsize` (float) Size of legend fonts. `align_to_dmslogo_facet` (`False` or dict) Make plot vertically alignable to ``dmslogo.facet_plot`` with same number of rows; dict should have keys for `height_per_ax`, `hspace`, `tmargin`, and `bmargin` with same meaning as ``dmslogo.facet_plot``. Also `right` and `left` for passing to ``subplots_adjust``. `despine` (bool) Remove top and right spines from plots. `yticklocs` (`None` or list) Same meaning as for :meth:`neutcurve.hillcurve.HillCurve.plot`. `sharex` (bool) Share x-axis scale among plots. `sharey` (bool) Share y-axis scale among plots. `vlines` (dict or `None`) Vertical lines to draw. Keyed by 2-tuples `(irow, icol)`, which give row and column of plot in grid (0, 1, ... numbering). Values are lists of dicts with a key 'x' giving the x-location of the vertical line, and optionally keys 'linewidth', 'color', and 'linestyle'. `draw_in_bounds` (bool) Same meaning as for meth:`neutcurve.hillcurve.HillCurve.plot`. Returns: The 2-tuple `(fig, axes)` of matplotlib figure and 2D axes array. """ vline_defaults = { "linewidth": 1.5, "color": "gray", "linestyle": "--", } if not plots: raise ValueError("empty `plots`") # get number of rows / cols, curves, and data limits nrows = ncols = None if fix_lims is None: fix_lims = {} lims = {key: {} for key in plots.keys()} for (irow, icol), (_title, curvelist) in plots.items(): if irow < 0: raise ValueError("invalid row index `irow` < 0") if icol < 0: raise ValueError("invalid row index `icol` < 0") if nrows is None: nrows = irow + 1 else: nrows = max(nrows, irow + 1) if ncols is None: ncols = icol + 1 else: ncols = max(ncols, icol + 1) for curvedict in curvelist: curve = self.getCurve( serum=curvedict["serum"], virus=curvedict["virus"], replicate=curvedict["replicate"], ) curvedict["curve"] = curve for lim, attr, f in [ ("xmin", "cs", min), ("xmax", "cs", max), ("ymin", "fs", min), ("ymax", "fs", max), ]: if lim in fix_lims: lims[(irow, icol)][lim] = fix_lims[lim] else: val = f(getattr(curve, attr)) if lim in lims[(irow, icol)]: val = f(val, lims[(irow, icol)][lim]) if lim == "ymin" and (bound_ymin is not None): lims[(irow, icol)][lim] = min(val, bound_ymin) elif lim == "ymax" and (bound_ymax is not None): lims[(irow, icol)][lim] = max(val, bound_ymax) else: lims[(irow, icol)][lim] = val for share, axtype in [(sharex, "x"), (sharey, "y")]: if share: for limtype, limfunc in [("min", min), ("max", max)]: lim = limfunc(lims[key][axtype + limtype] for key in lims) for key in lims.keys(): lims[key][axtype + limtype] = lim # check and then extend limits for key in plots.keys(): if lims[key]["xmin"] <= 0: raise ValueError("xmin <= 0, which is not allowed") yextent = lims[key]["ymax"] - lims[key]["ymin"] if yextent <= 0: raise ValueError("no positive extent for y-axis") if "ymin" not in fix_lims: lims[key]["ymin"] -= yextent * extend_lim if "ymax" not in fix_lims: lims[key]["ymax"] += yextent * extend_lim xextent = math.log(lims[key]["xmax"]) - math.log(lims[key]["xmin"]) if xextent <= 0: raise ValueError("no positive extent for x-axis") if "xmin" not in fix_lims: lims[key]["xmin"] = math.exp( math.log(lims[key]["xmin"]) - xextent * extend_lim ) if "xmax" not in fix_lims: lims[key]["xmax"] = math.exp( math.log(lims[key]["xmax"]) + xextent * extend_lim ) if align_to_dmslogo_facet: import dmslogo.facet hparams = dmslogo.facet.height_params( nrows, align_to_dmslogo_facet["height_per_ax"], align_to_dmslogo_facet["hspace"], align_to_dmslogo_facet["tmargin"], align_to_dmslogo_facet["bmargin"], ) height = hparams["height"] else: height = (1 + 2.25 * nrows) * heightscale width = (1 + 3 * ncols) * widthscale fig, axes = plt.subplots( nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey, squeeze=False, figsize=(width, height), ) # set limits for share axes for irow, icol in plots.keys(): axes[irow, icol].set_xlim( lims[irow, icol]["xmin"], lims[irow, icol]["xmax"] ) axes[irow, icol].set_ylim( lims[irow, icol]["ymin"], lims[irow, icol]["ymax"] ) # make plots shared_legend = attempt_shared_legend kwargs_tup_to_label = {} # used to determine if shared legend legend_handles = collections.defaultdict(list) shared_legend_handles = [] # handles if using shared legend for i, ((irow, icol), (title, curvelist)) in enumerate(plots.items()): ax = axes[irow, icol] ax.set_title(title, fontsize=titlesize) for curvedict in curvelist: kwargs = { "color": curvedict["color"], "marker": curvedict["marker"], "linestyle": linestyle, "linewidth": linewidth, "markersize": markersize, } if isinstance(xlabel, list): ixlabel = xlabel[i] else: ixlabel = None if isinstance(ylabel, list): iylabel = ylabel[i] else: iylabel = None curvedict["curve"].plot( ax=ax, xlabel=ixlabel, ylabel=iylabel, yticklocs=yticklocs, draw_in_bounds=draw_in_bounds, **kwargs, ) label = curvedict["label"] if label: handle = Line2D( xdata=[], ydata=[], label=label, **kwargs, ) legend_handles[(irow, icol)].append(handle) if shared_legend: kwargs_tup = tuple(sorted(kwargs.items())) if kwargs_tup in kwargs_tup_to_label: if kwargs_tup_to_label[kwargs_tup] != label: shared_legend = False else: kwargs_tup_to_label[kwargs_tup] = label shared_legend_handles.append(handle) ax.tick_params( "both", labelsize=ticksize, bottom=True, left=True, right=False, top=False, ) if despine: import dmslogo.utils dmslogo.utils.despine(ax=ax) if vlines and ((irow, icol) in vlines): for vline in vlines[(irow, icol)]: vline_d = vline_defaults.copy() for key, val in vline.items(): vline_d[key] = val ax.axvline( vline_d["x"], linestyle=vline_d["linestyle"], linewidth=vline_d["linewidth"], color=vline_d["color"], ) # draw legend(s) legend_kwargs = { "fontsize": legendfontsize, "numpoints": 1, "markerscale": 1, "handlelength": 1, "labelspacing": 0.1, "handletextpad": 0.4, "frameon": True, "borderaxespad": 0.1, "borderpad": 0.2, "title": legendtitle, "title_fontsize": legendfontsize + 1, "framealpha": 0.6, } def _ordered_legend(hs): """Get ordered legend handles.""" if not orderlegend: return hs else: order_dict = {h: i for i, h in enumerate(orderlegend)} h_labels = [h.get_label() for h in hs] extra_hs = set(h_labels) - set(orderlegend) if extra_hs: raise ValueError( "there are legend handles not in " f"`orderlegend`: {extra_hs}" ) return [ h for _, h in sorted( zip(h_labels, hs), key=lambda x: order_dict[x[0]] ) ] if shared_legend and shared_legend_handles: if align_to_dmslogo_facet: right = align_to_dmslogo_facet["right"] ranchor = right + 0.15 * (1 - right) else: ranchor = 1 shared_legend_handles = _ordered_legend(shared_legend_handles) # shared legend as here: fig.legend( handles=shared_legend_handles, labels=[h.get_label() for h in shared_legend_handles], loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(ranchor, 0.5), bbox_transform=fig.transFigure, **legend_kwargs, ) elif legend_handles: for (irow, icol), handles in legend_handles.items(): ax = axes[irow, icol] handles = _ordered_legend(handles) ax.legend( handles=handles, labels=[h.get_label() for h in handles], loc="lower left", **legend_kwargs, ) # hide unused axes for irow, icol in itertools.product(range(nrows), range(ncols)): if (irow, icol) not in plots: axes[irow, icol].set_axis_off() # common axis labels as here: bigax = fig.add_subplot(111, frameon=False) bigax.grid(False) bigax.tick_params( labelcolor="none", top=False, bottom=False, left=False, right=False, which="both", ) if xlabel is None: bigax.set_xlabel(self.conc_col, fontsize=labelsize, labelpad=10) elif not isinstance(xlabel, list): bigax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=labelsize, labelpad=10) if ylabel is None: bigax.set_ylabel(self.fracinf_col, fontsize=labelsize, labelpad=10) elif not isinstance(ylabel, list): bigax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=labelsize, labelpad=10) if align_to_dmslogo_facet: fig.subplots_adjust( hspace=hparams["hspace"], top=hparams["top"], bottom=hparams["bottom"], left=align_to_dmslogo_facet["left"], right=align_to_dmslogo_facet["right"], ) else: fig.tight_layout() return fig, axes
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()