Defines functions for parsing data directly from Excel in specific formats.
- neutcurve.parse_excel.parseRachelStyle2019(*, excelfile, sheet_mapping)[source]¶
Parse data from Rachel Eguia’s 2019-style assays on Bloom lab Tecan.
- Args:
- excelfile (str)
Excel file with data exactly as produced by plate reader.
- sheet_mapping (dict)
Describes data in each sheet of excelfile. There should be a key matching the name of each Excel sheet. The value for each key is another dict with the following keys / values describing the data for that plate (we assume one sheet per serum / virus pair):
‘serum’: name of serum.
‘virus’: name of virus.
‘dilution_factor’: fold-dilution of serum along plate.
‘initial_concentration’: serum concentration in first well used to start dilution series.
‘excluded_dilutions’ (optional) : list of dilutions to exclude from returned results, with 1 being least dilute and 12 being most dilute. Useful if some columns in plate have a known problem.
- Returns:
A pandas DataFrame in the tidy format read by