Source code for dms_tools2.compareprefs


Compare site-specific amino-acid preferences among homologs.

import math
import tempfile
import io
import functools
import itertools

import natsort
import numpy
import pandas

import dms_tools2

[docs]def divJensenShannon(p1, p2): """Jensen-Shannon divergence between two distributions. The logarithms are taken to base 2, so the result will be between 0 and 1. Args: `p1` and `p2` (array-like) The two distributions for which we compute divergence. Returns: The Jensen-Shannon divergence as a float. >>> p1 = [0.5, 0.2, 0.2, 0.1] >>> p2 = [0.4, 0.1, 0.3, 0.2] >>> p3 = [0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.6] >>> numpy.allclose(divJensenShannon(p1, p1), 0, atol=1e-5) True >>> numpy.allclose(divJensenShannon(p1, p2), 0.035789, atol=1e-5) True >>> numpy.allclose(divJensenShannon(p1, p3), 0.392914, atol=1e-5) True """ p1 = numpy.array(p1) p2 = numpy.array(p2) def _kldiv(a, b): with numpy.errstate(all='ignore'): kl = numpy.sum([v for v in a * numpy.log2(a / b) if not numpy.isnan(v)]) return kl m = 0.5 * (p1 + p2) return 0.5 * (_kldiv(p1, m) +_kldiv(p2, m))
[docs]def computeRMS(v): """The root mean square (RMS) of a list of values Args: `v` (array-like) Values for which we compute the RMS. Returns: The RMS of the values. >>> v = [1.2, 3.5, 6.8, 1.1] >>> numpy.allclose(computeRMS(v), 3.9096, atol=1e-4) True """ v = numpy.array(v) assert len(v) > 0 return math.sqrt((v**2).sum() / len(v))
[docs]def prefDistance(pi1, pi2, distmetric): """Computes the distance between two arrays of preferences. Args: `pi1` and `pi2` (array-like) Two arrays of preferences. `distmetric` (string) Distance metric to use. Can be: - `half_sum_abs_diff`: half sum absolute value of difference - `JensenShannon`: square root of Jensen-Shannon divergence Returns: The distance between `pi1` and `pi2`. >>> pi1 = [0.5, 0.2, 0.3] >>> pi2 = [0.2, 0.4, 0.4] >>> numpy.allclose(prefDistance(pi1, pi1, 'half_sum_abs_diff'), 0) True >>> numpy.allclose(prefDistance(pi1, pi1, 'JensenShannon'), 0) True >>> numpy.allclose(prefDistance(pi1, pi2, 'half_sum_abs_diff'), 0.3) True >>> numpy.allclose(prefDistance(pi1, pi2, 'JensenShannon'), 0.2785483) True """ pi1 = numpy.array(pi1) pi2 = numpy.array(pi2) assert len(pi1) == len(pi2) assert numpy.allclose(pi1.sum(), 1, atol=0.005) assert numpy.allclose(pi2.sum(), 1, atol=0.005) assert numpy.all(pi1 >= 0) assert numpy.all(pi2 >= 0) if distmetric == 'half_sum_abs_diff': dist = (numpy.fabs(pi1 - pi2)).sum() / 2.0 elif distmetric == 'JensenShannon': dist = math.sqrt(divJensenShannon(pi1, pi2)) else: raise ValueError('Invalid `distmetric` {0}'.format(distmetric)) return dist
[docs]def comparePrefs(prefs1, prefs2, sites=None, distmetric='half_sum_abs_diff', chars=dms_tools2.AAS): """Compute error-corrected distance between two sets of preferences. Designed for the situation in which you have made replicate measurements of the amino-acid preferences for two protein homologs, and want to estimate the difference in preferences at each site while correcting for experimental error as quantified by the replicate measurements. The *distance* between each pair of replicates at each site is computed using `prefDistance` with `distmetric`. We then compute the RMS distance between all pairs for the same homolog to get `RMSDwithin`, and all pairs of different homologs to get `RMSDbetween`. We calculate `RMSDcorrected` as `RMSDbetween - RMSDwithin`. We also compute the mean (across replicates) preference for homolog 1 minus the mean for homolog 2, scaled so that the total height in each direction equals `RMSDcorrected`. These values are an error-corrected estimate of the difference in preference for each amino acid between homologs. Args: `prefs1` (list) Files giving replicate measurements of preferences for homolog 1 in the CSV format returned by ``dms2_prefs``. `prefs2` (list) Files giving measurements for homolog 2. `sites` (list or `None`) If `None`, compare all sites shared between the two homolog preference sites. Otherwise should be a list of the sites to compare. `distmetric` (string) Distance metric to use. Can be any valid option for the argument of the same name to `prefDistance`. `chars` (list) List of characters for which we analyze the preferences. For instance, all 20 amino acids. Returns: A `pandas.DataFrame` giving the distances at each site, as well as the replicate mean difference between preferences for homolog 1 minus homolog 2 for each amino acid at each site scaled to height of `RMSDcorrected` in each direction. Example calculation for two character sequences and two replicates for each homolog: >>> TF = functools.partial(tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile, mode='w') >>> with TF() as p1_1, TF() as p1_2, TF() as p2_1, TF() as p2_2: ... n = p1_1.write('''site, A, C ... 1, 0.8, 0.2 ... 2, 0.3, 0.7'''.replace(' ', '')) ... p1_1.flush() ... n = p1_2.write('''site, A, C ... 1, 0.8, 0.2 ... 2, 0.4, 0.6'''.replace(' ', '')) ... p1_2.flush() ... n = p2_1.write('''site, A, C ... 2, 0.4, 0.6 ... 1, 0.6, 0.4'''.replace(' ', '')) ... p2_1.flush() ... n = p2_2.write('''site, A, C ... 1, 0.6, 0.4 ... 1a, 0.4, 0.6 ... 2, 0.5, 0.5'''.replace(' ', '')) ... p2_2.flush() ... diffs = comparePrefs([,], ... [,], ... chars=['A', 'C']) >>> print(diffs.to_string(float_format=lambda x: '{0:.2f}'.format(x))) site RMSDcorrected RMSDbetween RMSDwithin A C 0 1 0.20 0.20 0.00 0.20 -0.20 1 2 0.02 0.12 0.10 -0.02 0.02 """ assert len(prefs1) > 1, "provide prefs for multiple replicates" assert len(prefs2) > 1, "provide prefs for multiple replicates" # read in all preferences prefs = [] expectcols = ['site'] + chars for (homolog, homologprefs) in enumerate([prefs1, prefs2], 1): for (rep, repprefs) in enumerate(homologprefs, 1): iprefs = pandas.read_csv(repprefs) iprefs['site'] = iprefs['site'].astype('str') assert set(iprefs.columns) <= set(expectcols), \ "{0} missing expected columns".format(repprefs) prefs.append(iprefs[expectcols] .assign(homolog=homolog, replicate=rep) ) # get only desired sites if sites is None: # use sites shared among all preference sets sites = list(set.intersection(*[set(p['site']) for p in prefs])) assert isinstance(sites, list) and len(sites), "no `sites` to analyze" sites = natsort.realsorted(list(map(str, sites))) # merge preferences for desired sites assert all([set(p['site']) >= set(sites) for p in prefs]),\ "not all prefs have all sites" prefs = [p[p['site'].isin(sites)] for p in prefs] prefs = pandas.concat(prefs) prefs['site'] = pandas.Categorical(prefs['site'], sites) prefs = prefs.sort_values('site').set_index('site') # compute RMSDs dists = {'within':[], 'between':[]} for ((hi, repi), (hj, repj)) in itertools.combinations( [(h, rep) for h in [1, 2] for rep in prefs.query('homolog == @h')['replicate'].unique()], 2): prefsi = (prefs.query('homolog == @hi and replicate == @repi') [chars]) prefsj = (prefs.query('homolog == @hj and replicate == @repj') [chars]) assert prefsi.index.equals(prefsj.index) disttype = {True:'within', False:'between'}[hi == hj] dists[disttype].append( [prefDistance(prefsi.loc[r], prefsj.loc[r], distmetric) for r in sites] ) for (disttype, dist) in dists.items(): distseries = (pandas.DataFrame(dist, columns=sites) .transpose() .apply(computeRMS, axis=1) ) prefs['RMSD' + disttype] = distseries prefs['RMSDcorrected'] = prefs['RMSDbetween'] - prefs['RMSDwithin'] rmsds = ['RMSDcorrected', 'RMSDbetween', 'RMSDwithin'] # compute RMSDcorrected-scaled diff between homologs for each pref prefmeans = {} for homolog in [1, 2]: prefmeans[homolog] = (prefs.reset_index() .query('homolog == @homolog') .groupby('site') [chars] .mean() ) prefs = prefs[~prefs.index.duplicated(keep='first')][rmsds] dprefs = prefmeans[1] - prefmeans[2] # normalize so sums to one in each direction dprefs = dprefs.div(dprefs.abs().sum(axis=1), axis=0).mul(2).fillna(0) dprefs = dprefs.mul(prefs['RMSDcorrected'], axis=0) prefs = prefs.join(dprefs) return prefs[rmsds + chars].reset_index()
if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod()