dms_tools2 is written by the Bloom Lab.
If you use dms_tools2 in your research, please cite the following reference:
Bloom JD. “Software for the analysis and visualization of deep mutational scanning data.”. BMC Bioinformatics, 16:168 (2015).
This citation is not an up-to-date description of the current capabilities of dms_tools2 (for that, see these docs) – in fact, the citation actually describes the older dms_tools software. However, it is the scientific citation for dms_tools2 since we are not trying to keep the citations up-to-date with the rapidly developing software. So please cite this paper!
Also, consider citing these papers if you use the relevant functionality:
The dms2_logoplot program utilizes a slightly modified version of the weblogo package, so if you use dms2_logoplot please also cite the reference for weblogo.
If you use the rplot module to run ggseqlogo, please cite the reference for ggseqlogo.
If you use the minimap2 module to run minimap2, please cite the reference for minimap2.
For the full list of contributors to dms_tools2, see here. Much of the code is based on the earlier dms_tools software, so also see the contributors to that earlier project.