Source code for dms_tools2.parseargs


Argument parsing for the executable scripts in ``dms_tools2``.

import re
import argparse
import dms_tools2

[docs]def checkName(name, nametype): """Check if `name` is an allowable name. Allowed names can contain most characters but **not** LaTex special characters. Args: `name` (str) Name to check `nametype` (str) If we print an exception what do we call the parameter that failed? For instance, `name` or `group`. Returns: Returns `True` if `name` is an allowable name. Otherwise raises a `ValueError` explaining why the `name` is invalid. >>> checkName('sample-1', 'name') True >>> checkName('sample 1', 'name') True >>> checkName('PGT151 - 5 nM', 'name') True >>> checkName('sample_1', 'name') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: name sample_1 contains following illegal characters: _ >>> checkName('sample_1', 'group') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: group sample_1 contains following illegal characters: _ """ if not name or name.isspace(): raise ValueError("{0} is all whitespace".format(nametype)) illegal_chars = [c for c in name if'^[a-zA-Z0-9\- \.]$', c) is None] if illegal_chars: raise ValueError("{0} {1} contains following illegal characters: " "{2}".format(nametype, name, ', '.join(illegal_chars))) return True
[docs]def parentParser(): """Returns parent parser with some common options added. Returns: `argparse.ArgumentParser` with the following arguments already added: - ``--outdir`` - ``--ncpus`` - ``--use_existing`` - ``-v / --version`` """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) parser.add_argument('--outdir', help='Output files to this directory (create if needed).') parser.add_argument('--ncpus', type=int, default=-1, help="Number of CPUs to use, -1 is all available.") parser.add_argument('--use_existing', choices=['yes', 'no'], default='no', help=('If files with names of expected ' 'output already exist, do not re-run.')) parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s {0}'.format(dms_tools2.__version__)) return parser
[docs]def parserDescription(description): """Augments description with program information. Args: `description` (str) Description of program Returns: A string with `description` augmented with information on the `dms_tools2` package / version. """ return ("{0} Part of `{1} <{4}>`_ (version {2}) written by {3}." .format(description, dms_tools2.__name__, dms_tools2.__version__, dms_tools2.__author__, dms_tools2.__url__))
[docs]def bcsubampParentParser(): """Parent parser for ``dms2_bcsubamp`` / ``dms2_batch_bcsubamp``.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( parents=[parentParser()], formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--refseq', required=True, help='Align subamplicons to gene in this FASTA file.') parser.add_argument('--alignspecs', required=True, nargs='+', help=("Subamplicon alignment positions as " "'REFSEQSTART,REFSEQEND,R1START,R2START'. " "REFSEQSTART is nt (1, 2, ... numbering) in " "'refseq' where nt R1START in R1 aligns. " "REFSEQEND is nt in 'refseq' where nt R2START " "in R2 aligns.'")) parser.add_argument('--bclen', type=int, default=8, help='Length of NNN... barcode at start of each read. ' 'Assumed to be same for R1 and R2, use `--bclen2` ' 'if this is not the case.') parser.add_argument('--fastqdir', help='R1 and R2 files in this directory.') parser.add_argument('--R2', nargs='+', help=("Read 2 (R2) FASTQ " "files assumed to have same names as R1 but with " "'_R1' replaced by '_R2'. If that is not case, provide " "names here.")) parser.add_argument('--R1trim', type=int, nargs='+', help=("Trim R1 from 3' end to this length. One value for all " "reads or values for each subamplicon in ``--alignspecs``.")) parser.add_argument('--R2trim', type=int, nargs='+', help="Like '--R1trim', but for R2.") parser.add_argument('--bclen2', type=int, help='If R1 and R2 have ' 'different length barcodes, use `--bclen` for R1 length ' 'and `--bclen2` for R2 length.') parser.add_argument('--chartype', default='codon', choices=['codon'], help='Character type for which we count mutations.') parser.add_argument('--maxmuts', type=int, default=4, help=("Max allowed mismatches in alignment of subamplicon; " "mismatches counted in terms of character '--chartype'.")) parser.add_argument('--minq', type=int, default=15, help="Only call nucleotides with Q score >= this.") parser.add_argument ('--minreads', type=int, default=2, help=("Require this many reads in a barcode to agree to " "call consensus nucleotide identity.")) parser.add_argument('--minfraccall', type=float, default=0.95, help=("Retain only barcodes where trimmed consensus " "sequence for each read has >= this frac sites called.")) parser.add_argument('--minconcur', default=0.75, type=float, help=('Only call consensus identity for barcode when >= ' 'this fraction of reads concur.')) parser.add_argument('--sitemask', help='Use to only consider ' 'mutations at a subset of sites. Should be a CSV file ' 'with column named `site` listing all sites to include.') parser.add_argument('--purgeread', type=float, default=0, help=("Randomly purge read pairs with this probability " "to subsample data.")) parser.add_argument('--purgebc', type=float, default=0, help=("Randomly purge barcodes with this probability to " "subsample data.")) parser.set_defaults(bcinfo=False, bcinfo_csv=False) parser.add_argument('--bcinfo', dest='bcinfo', action='store_true', help=("Create file with suffix 'bcinfo.txt.gz' with info " "about each barcode.")) parser.add_argument('--bcinfo_csv', dest='bcinfo_csv', action='store_true', help=("Store 'bcinfo' file as a csv " "with the suffix 'bcinfo.csv.gz'. Only has an effect if " "`--bcinfo` is used.")) return parser
[docs]def bcsubampParser(): """Returns `argparse.ArgumentParser` for ``dms2_bcsubamp``.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=parserDescription( 'Align barcoded subamplicons and count mutations.'), parents=[bcsubampParentParser()], conflict_handler='resolve', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--name', required=True, help='Sample name used for output files.') parser.add_argument('--R1', required=True, nargs='+', help="Read 1 (R1) FASTQ files, can be gzipped. " "See also '--fastqdir'.") return parser
[docs]def batch_bcsubampParser(): """Returns `argparse.ArgumentParser` for ``dms2_batch_bcsubamp``.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=parserDescription( 'Perform many runs of ``dms2_bcsubamp`` and plot results.'), parents=[bcsubampParentParser()], conflict_handler='resolve', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--batchfile', help="CSV file specifying each " "``dms2_bcsubamp`` run. Must have these columns: " "`name`, `R1`. Can optionally have columns `R1trim` and " "`R2trim` with spaces delimiting subamplicon-specific trimming. " "If `R1trim` / `R2trim` in batch file, do **not** " "also give values for ``--R1trim`` and ``--R2trim``. " "Other columns are ignored, so other " "``dms2_bcsubamp`` args should be passed as separate " "command line args rather than in ``--batchfile``.", required=True) parser.add_argument('--summaryprefix', required=True, help="Prefix of output summary plots.") return parser
[docs]def prefsParentParser(): """Parent parser for ``dms2_prefs`` / ``dms2_batch_prefs``.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( parents=[parentParser()], formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--method', default='bayesian', choices=['ratio', 'bayesian'], help="Method to " "estimate preferences: normalized enrichment ratios " "or Bayesian inference.") parser.add_argument('--indir', help="Input counts files in this " "directory.") parser.add_argument('--chartype', default='codon_to_aa', choices=['codon_to_aa'], help="Characters for which " "preferences are estimated. `codon_to_aa` = amino acids " "from codon counts.") parser.add_argument('--excludestop', default='yes', choices=['yes', 'no'], help="Exclude stop codons as a possible amino acid?") parser.add_argument('--conc', nargs=3, default=[1, 1, 1], type=float, metavar=('Cprefs', 'Cmut', 'Cerr'), help="Concentration parameters for priors for " "``--method bayesian``. Priors are over preferences, " "mutagenesis rate, and error rate(s).") parser.add_argument('--pseudocount', default=1, help="Pseudocount used with ``--method ratio``.") return parser
[docs]def prefsParser(): """Returns `argparse.ArgumentParser` for ``dms2_prefs``.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=parserDescription( 'Estimate preferences from mutation counts.'), parents=[prefsParentParser()], conflict_handler='resolve', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--pre', required=True, help='Pre-selection counts file or prefix used when creating ' 'this file.') parser.add_argument('--post', required=True, help='Like ``--pre`` but for post-selection counts.') parser.add_argument('--name', required=True, help='Name used for output files.') parser.add_argument('--err', nargs=2, metavar=('ERRPRE', 'ERRPOST'), help="Like ``--pre`` but for counts for error control(s) for " "``--pre`` and ``--post``. Specify same file twice for same " "control for both.") return parser
[docs]def batch_prefsParser(): """Returns `argparse.ArgumentParser` for ``dms2_batch_prefs``.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=parserDescription( 'Perform many runs of ``dms2_prefs`` and summarize results.'), parents=[prefsParentParser()], conflict_handler='resolve', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--batchfile', help="CSV file specifying each " "``dms2_prefs`` run. Must have these columns: " "`name`, `pre`, `post`. Can also have these columns: " "`err` or `errpre` and `errpost`. Other columns are ignored, " "so other ``dms2_prefs`` args should be passed as separate " "command line args rather than in ``--batchfile``.", required=True) parser.add_argument('--summaryprefix', required=True, help="Prefix of output summary files and plots.") parser.set_defaults(no_corr=False) parser.add_argument('--no_corr', dest='no_corr', action='store_true', help='Do not create correlation plot.') parser.set_defaults(no_avg=False) parser.add_argument('--no_avg', dest='no_avg', action='store_true', help='Do not create average prefs CSV.') return parser
[docs]def diffselParentParser(): """Parent parser for ``dms2_diffsel`` / ``dms2_batch_diffsel``.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( parents=[parentParser()], formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--indir', help="Input counts files in this " "directory.") parser.add_argument('--chartype', default='codon_to_aa', choices=['codon_to_aa'], help="Characters for which " "differential selection is estimated. `codon_to_aa` = amino " "acids from codon counts.") parser.add_argument('--excludestop', default='yes', choices=['yes', 'no'], help="Exclude stop codons as a possible amino acid?") parser.add_argument('--pseudocount', default=5, type=float, help="Pseudocount added to each count for sample with smaller " "depth; pseudocount for other sample scaled by relative depth.") parser.add_argument('--mincount', default=0, type=float, help="Report as `NaN` the diffsel of mutations for which both " "selected and mock-selected samples have < this many counts.") return parser
[docs]def diffselParser(): """Returns `argparse.ArgumentParser` for ``dms2_diffsel``.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=parserDescription( 'Estimate differential selection from mutation counts.'), parents=[diffselParentParser()], conflict_handler='resolve', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--name', required=True, help='Name used for output files.') parser.add_argument('--sel', required=True, help="Post-selection " "counts file or prefix used when creating this file.") parser.add_argument('--mock', required=True, help="Like ``--sel``, " "but for mock-selection counts.") parser.add_argument('--err', help="Like ``--sel`` but for " "error-control to correct mutation counts.") return parser
[docs]def batch_diffselParser(): """Returns `argparse.ArgumentParser` for ``dms2_batch_diffsel``.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=parserDescription( 'Perform many runs of ``dms2_diffsel`` and summarize results.'), parents=[diffselParentParser()], conflict_handler='resolve', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--batchfile', required=True, help='CSV file ' 'specifying each ``dms2_diffsel`` run. Must have these ' 'columns: `name`, `sel`, `mock`. Can also have these: ' '`err`, `group`, `grouplabel`. If `group` is used, ' 'samples are grouped in summary plots labeled by `group`, ' 'or by `grouplabel` if specified. Other columns are ignored, ' 'so other ``dms2_diffsel`` args should be passed as separate ' 'command line args rather than in ``--batchfile``.') parser.add_argument('--summaryprefix', required=True, help='Prefix of output summary files and plots.') return parser
[docs]def fracsurviveParser(): """Returns `argparse.ArgumentParser` for ``dms2_fracsurvive``.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=parserDescription( 'Estimate fraction surviving for each mutation.'), parents=[fracsurviveParentParser()], conflict_handler='resolve', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--name', required=True, help='Name used for output files.') parser.add_argument('--sel', required=True, help="Post-selection " "counts file or prefix used when creating this file.") parser.add_argument('--mock', required=True, help="Like ``--sel``, " "but for mock-selection counts.") parser.add_argument('--libfracsurvive', required=True, type=float, help='Overall fraction of total library surviving selection ' 'versus mock condition. Should be between 0 and 1.') parser.add_argument('--err', help="Like ``--sel`` but for " "error-control to correct mutation counts.") return parser
[docs]def batch_fracsurviveParser(): """Returns `argparse.ArgumentParser` for ``dms2_batch_fracsurvive``""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=parserDescription( 'Perform runs of ``dms2_fracsurvive`` and summarize results.'), parents=[fracsurviveParentParser()], conflict_handler='resolve', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--batchfile', required=True, help='CSV file ' 'specifying each ``dms2_fracsurvive`` run. Must have these ' 'columns: `name`, `sel`, `mock`, `libfracsurvive`. Can also ' 'have these `err`, `group`, `grouplabel`. If `group` is used, ' 'samples are grouped in summary plots labeled by `group`, or by ' '`grouplabel` if it is specified. Other columns are ignored, so ' 'other ``dms2_fracsurvive`` args should be passed as separate ' 'command line args rather than in ``--batchfile``.') parser.add_argument('--summaryprefix', required=True, help='Prefix of output summary files and plots.') return parser
[docs]def fracsurviveParentParser(): """Parent parser ``dms2_fracsurvive`` / ``dms2_batch_fracsurvive``""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( parents=[parentParser()], formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--indir', help="Input counts files in this " "directory.") parser.add_argument('--chartype', default='codon_to_aa', choices=['codon_to_aa'], help="Characters for which " "fraction surviving selection is estimated. `codon_to_aa` =" " amino acids from codon counts.") parser.add_argument('--aboveavg', default='no', choices=['yes', 'no'], help="Report fracsurvive **above** the library average " "rather than direct fracsurvive values.") parser.add_argument('--excludestop', default='yes', choices=['yes', 'no'], help="Exclude stop codons as a possible amino acid?") parser.add_argument('--pseudocount', default=5, type=float, help="Pseudocount added to each count for sample with smaller " "depth; pseudocount for other sample scaled by relative depth.") parser.add_argument('--mincount', default=0, type=float, help="Report as `NaN` the fracsurvive of mutations for which " "both selected and mock-selected samples have < this many counts.") return parser
[docs]def logoplotParser(): """Returns `argparse.ArgumentParser` for ``dms2_logoplot``.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=parserDescription( 'Create logo plot visualization.'), parents=[parentParser()], formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) group.add_argument('--prefs', help='CSV file of amino-acid preferences.') group.add_argument('--diffsel', help='CSV file of amino-acid ' 'differential selection.') group.add_argument('--fracsurvive', help='CSV file of amino-acid ' 'fraction surviving.') group.add_argument('--diffprefs', help='CSV file of differences in ' 'amino-acid preferences.') group.add_argument('--muteffects', help='CSV file of amino-acid ' 'mutational effects.') parser.add_argument('--name', required=True, help='Name used for output files.') parser.add_argument('--nperline', help='Number of sites per line.', type=int, default=70) parser.add_argument('--numberevery', type=int, default=10, help='Number sites at this interval.') parser.add_argument('--excludestop', choices=['yes', 'no'], default='no', help='Exclude stop codons as possible amino ' 'acid?') parser.add_argument('--stringency', type=float, default=1, help='Stringency parameter to re-scale prefs.') parser.add_argument('--restrictdiffsel', default='all', choices=['all', 'positive', 'negative'], help='Plot all diffsel, or only positive or negative.') parser.add_argument('--diffselrange', nargs=2, type=float, metavar=('MINDIFFSEL', 'MAXDIFFSEL'), help='Specify a fixed range for `diffsel`. Otherwise ' 'determined from data range.') parser.add_argument('--muteffectrange', nargs=2, type=float, metavar=('MINMUTEFFECT', 'MAXMUTEFFECT'), help='Specify a fixed range for `muteffects`. Otherwise ' 'determined from data range.') parser.add_argument('--fracsurvivemax', type=float, help='Specify maximum value for `fracsurvive`. ' 'Otherwise determined from data range.') parser.add_argument('--sortsites', choices=['yes', 'no'], default='yes', help='Sort sites from first to last ' 'before plotting.') parser.add_argument('--mapmetric', default='functionalgroup', choices=[ 'kd', 'mw', 'charge', 'functionalgroup', 'singlecolor'], help='Color amino acids ' 'by Kyte-Doolittle hydrophobicity, molecular weight, charge, ' 'or functional group.') parser.add_argument('--colormap', default='jet', help="`matplotlib " "color map <>`_ for" " amino acids when `--mapmetric` is 'kd' or 'mw'; name of " "single color when it is 'singlecolor'.") parser.add_argument('--overlay1', nargs=3, metavar=('FILE', 'SHORTNAME', 'LONGNAME'), help="Color bar above logo plot to denote per-residue " "property. FILE is CSV format with column names `site` " "and SHORTNAME. SHORTNAME is <= 5 character property name. " "LONGNAME is longer name for legend. Sites not in FILE " "are colored white. To show wildtype identity, make " "SHORTNAME and LONGNAME both `wildtype` and have this " "column in FILE give 1-letter wildtype amino-acid code. " "To show ``omegabysite.txt`` file from ``phydms``, " "give that file and set both SHORTNAME and LONGNAME " "to `omegabysite`.") parser.add_argument('--overlay2', default=None, nargs=3, metavar=('FILE', 'SHORTNAME', 'LONGNAME'), help='Second overlay color bar.') parser.add_argument('--overlay3', default=None, nargs=3, metavar=('FILE', 'SHORTNAME', 'LONGNAME'), help='Third overlay color bar.') parser.add_argument('--underlay', default='no', choices=['yes', 'no'], help='Plot underlay rather than overlay bars.') parser.add_argument('--scalebar', default=None, nargs=2, metavar=('BARHEIGHT', 'LABEL'), help='Plot a scale bar ' 'indicating BARHEIGHT with LABEL. Only for `diffsel`, ' '`fracsurvive`, and `muteffects`.') parser.add_argument('--overlaycolormap', default='jet', help="`matplotlib " "color map <>`_ for" " overlay bars (e.g., 'jet' or 'YlOrRd').") parser.add_argument('--letterheight', type=float, default=1, help="Relative height of letter stacks in logo plot.") parser.add_argument('--ignore_extracols', default='no', choices=['yes', 'no'], help='Ignore extra columns in data') parser.add_argument('--sepline', default='yes', choices=['yes', 'no'], help="Separate positive and negative diffsel with black line?") return parser
if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod()