Source code for dms_tools2.sra


Functions for downloading / handling data from the 
`Sequence Read Archive <>`_ (SRA).

import distutils.version
import multiprocessing
import os
import shutil
import subprocess

[docs]def fastqFromSRA(samples, fastq_dump, fastqdir, aspera=None, overwrite=False, passonly=True, no_downloads=False, ncpus=1): """Download data from SRA and extract FASTQ files. Currently only works for runs containing paired-end reads. Args: `samples` (`pandas.DataFrame`) A dataframe that must have columns named `run` and `name`. The `run` column gives SRA run accessions (e.g., `SRR5241726`), and the `name` column gives the name for the run used in the final FASTQ files. Will be modified to include `R1` and `R2` columns. `fastq_dump` (str) Path to ``fastq-dump`` executable. Requires a version >= 2.8. `fastqdir` (str) Directory in which to place the FASTQ files. Created if it does not already exist. `aspera` (`None` or 2-tuple) If `None`, use ``fastq-dump`` for downloads (this is slower). However, downloads are faster with `aspera <>`_ To use aspera, specify the 2-tuple `(ascp, asperakey)` where `ascp` is path to ``ascp`` executable, and `asperakey` is the `key <>`_. `overwrite` (bool) If file already exists, do we overwrite it or just use the existing one? If `False` and all output files already exist, then nothing is done and `fastq_dump` no longer even needs to be a valid path. `passonly` (bool) Keep only reads with a passing `READ_FILTER` value. `no_downloads` (bool) If `True`, do **not** actually download the files, but instead just add the columns to `samples`. `ncpus` (int) Use this many CPUs to parallelize downloads, downgrades number if it exceeds max available. Result: Upon completion, the directory `fastqdir` contains files of the form ``<name>_R1.fastq.gz`` and ``<name>_R2.fastq.gz`` for all names in `samples`. These names have been added as the columns `R1` and `R2` to `samples`. Note that the file names but **not** the directory names are added. """ assert {'run', 'name'} <= set(samples.columns), \ '`samples` does not have columns `run` and `name`' samples['R1'] = samples['name'] + '_R1.fastq.gz' samples['R2'] = samples['name'] + '_R2.fastq.gz' if (all([os.path.isfile(os.path.join(fastqdir, f)) for r in ['R1', 'R2'] for f in samples[r]]) and not overwrite): return # all files already present, nothing to do if no_downloads: return # don't do anything assert shutil.which(fastq_dump), ("fastq-dump not installed in a " "location accessible with command {0}".format(fastq_dump)) fastq_dump_version = (subprocess.check_output([fastq_dump, '--version']) .decode('utf-8').split(':')) if len(fastq_dump_version) == 2: fastq_dump_version = fastq_dump_version[1].strip() else: fastq_dump_version = (subprocess.check_output([fastq_dump, '--help']) .decode('utf-8').split(':')[-1].strip()) fastq_dump_minversion = '2.8' if not (distutils.version.LooseVersion(fastq_dump_version) >= distutils.version.LooseVersion(fastq_dump_minversion)): raise RuntimeError("fastq-dump version {0} is installed. You need " "at least version {1}".format(fastq_dump_version, fastq_dump_minversion)) if aspera is not None: (ascp, asperakey) = aspera assert shutil.which(ascp), "ascp is not installed at {0}".format(ascp) assert os.path.isfile(asperakey), "no aspera key {0}".format(asperakey) if not os.path.isdir(fastqdir): os.mkdir(fastqdir) args_list = [] expect_files = [] for row in samples.iterrows(): row = row[1] (run, name, r1base, r2base) = ( row['run'], row['name'], row['R1'], row['R2']) r1 = os.path.join(fastqdir, r1base) r2 = os.path.join(fastqdir, r2base) expect_files += [r1, r2] if (not overwrite) and os.path.isfile(r1) and os.path.isfile(r2): continue # files already exist else: args_list.append((fastqdir, run, passonly, aspera, overwrite, fastq_dump, r1, r2, )) ncpus = min(ncpus, multiprocessing.cpu_count()) if ncpus == 1: for args in args_list: _getSingleFastqFromSRA(*args) else: with multiprocessing.Pool(ncpus) as pool: pool.starmap(_getSingleFastqFromSRA, args_list) missing_files = [f for f in expect_files if not os.path.isfile(f)] if missing_files: raise RuntimeError('Failed to create these files:\n ' + '\n '.join(missing_files))
def _getSingleFastqFromSRA(fastqdir, run, passonly, aspera, overwrite, fastq_dump, r1, r2, ): """Helper function for :func:`fastqFromSRA`.""" # names of files produced by fastq-dump r1init = os.path.join(fastqdir, '{0}{1}_1.fastq.gz'.format( run, {True:'_pass', False:''}[bool(passonly)])) r2init = os.path.join(fastqdir, '{0}{1}_2.fastq.gz'.format( run, {True:'_pass', False:''}[bool(passonly)])) if aspera is not None: # use aspera to download (ascp, asperakey) = aspera # directory name explanation here: # target = ('' '/sra/sra-instant/reads/ByRun/sra/SRR/{0}/{1}' '/{1}.sra'.format(run[ : 6], run)) asperacmds = [ascp, '--overwrite', {True:'always', False:'never'}[bool(overwrite)], '-T', '-q', # quiet mode '--policy', 'fair', '-l500m', '-i', asperakey, target, fastqdir] asperaout = subprocess.check_call(asperacmds) downloadedrun = os.path.join(fastqdir, run + '.sra') assert os.path.isfile(downloadedrun) else: downloadedrun = None # run fastq-dump cmds = [fastq_dump, '--outdir', fastqdir, '--gzip', '--readids', '--skip-technical', '--dumpbase', '--clip', '--split-files', ] if passonly: cmds += ['--read-filter', 'pass'] if downloadedrun: cmds.append(downloadedrun) else: cmds.append(run) out = subprocess.check_output(cmds) os.rename(r1init, r1) os.rename(r2init, r2) if downloadedrun: os.remove(downloadedrun) if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod()