

The dms2_logoplot program makes logo-plot visualizations of the data. It uses a slightly modified version of weblogo to make the logo plots themselves.

If you run it using --prefs to specify the input file, then the plot will visualize Amino-acid preferences.

If you run it using --muteffects to specify the input file, then the plot will visualize the logarithm base 2 of the mutational effect. You can calculate mutational effects from Amino-acid preferences using the function dms_tools2.prefs.prefsToMutFromWtEffects(). The mutational effect calculated by this function is just the ratio of the preference for the mutant amino acid over the preference for the wildtype amino acid.

If you run it using --diffsel to specify the input file, then the plot will visualize Differential selection.

If you run it using --fracsurvive to specify the input file, then the plot will visualize the Fraction surviving for each mutation.

If you run it using --diffprefs to specify the input file, then the plot will show the difference between preferences, showing negative and positive values.

Command-line usage

Create logo plot visualization. Part of dms_tools2 (version 2.6.6) written by the Bloom Lab.

usage: dms2_logoplot [-h] [--outdir OUTDIR] [--ncpus NCPUS]
                     [--use_existing {yes,no}] [-v]
                     (--prefs PREFS | --diffsel DIFFSEL | --fracsurvive FRACSURVIVE | --diffprefs DIFFPREFS | --muteffects MUTEFFECTS)
                     --name NAME [--nperline NPERLINE]
                     [--numberevery NUMBEREVERY] [--excludestop {yes,no}]
                     [--stringency STRINGENCY]
                     [--restrictdiffsel {all,positive,negative}]
                     [--diffselrange MINDIFFSEL MAXDIFFSEL]
                     [--muteffectrange MINMUTEFFECT MAXMUTEFFECT]
                     [--fracsurvivemax FRACSURVIVEMAX] [--sortsites {yes,no}]
                     [--mapmetric {kd,mw,charge,functionalgroup,singlecolor}]
                     [--colormap COLORMAP]
                     [--overlay1 FILE SHORTNAME LONGNAME]
                     [--overlay2 FILE SHORTNAME LONGNAME]
                     [--overlay3 FILE SHORTNAME LONGNAME]
                     [--underlay {yes,no}] [--scalebar BARHEIGHT LABEL]
                     [--overlaycolormap OVERLAYCOLORMAP]
                     [--letterheight LETTERHEIGHT]
                     [--ignore_extracols {yes,no}] [--sepline {yes,no}]

Named Arguments


Output files to this directory (create if needed).


Number of CPUs to use, -1 is all available.

Default: -1


Possible choices: yes, no

If files with names of expected output already exist, do not re-run.

Default: “no”

-v, --version

show program’s version number and exit


CSV file of amino-acid preferences.


CSV file of amino-acid differential selection.


CSV file of amino-acid fraction surviving.


CSV file of differences in amino-acid preferences.


CSV file of amino-acid mutational effects.


Name used for output files.

This name should only contain letters, numbers, dashes, and spaces. Underscores are not allowed as they are a LaTex special character.


Number of sites per line.

Default: 70


Number sites at this interval.

Default: 10


Possible choices: yes, no

Exclude stop codons as possible amino acid?

Default: “no”


Stringency parameter to re-scale prefs.

Default: 1


Possible choices: all, positive, negative

Plot all diffsel, or only positive or negative.

Default: “all”


Specify a fixed range for diffsel. Otherwise determined from data range.


Specify a fixed range for muteffects. Otherwise determined from data range.


Specify maximum value for fracsurvive. Otherwise determined from data range.


Possible choices: yes, no

Sort sites from first to last before plotting.

Default: “yes”


Possible choices: kd, mw, charge, functionalgroup, singlecolor

Color amino acids by Kyte-Doolittle hydrophobicity, molecular weight, charge, or functional group.

Default: “functionalgroup”


matplotlib color map for amino acids when –mapmetric is ‘kd’ or ‘mw’; name of single color when it is ‘singlecolor’.

Default: “jet”


Color bar above logo plot to denote per-residue property. FILE is CSV format with column names site and SHORTNAME. SHORTNAME is <= 5 character property name. LONGNAME is longer name for legend. Sites not in FILE are colored white. To show wildtype identity, make SHORTNAME and LONGNAME both wildtype and have this column in FILE give 1-letter wildtype amino-acid code. To show omegabysite.txt file from phydms, give that file and set both SHORTNAME and LONGNAME to omegabysite.


Second overlay color bar.


Third overlay color bar.


Possible choices: yes, no

Plot underlay rather than overlay bars.

Default: “no”


Plot a scale bar indicating BARHEIGHT with LABEL. Only for diffsel, fracsurvive, and muteffects.


matplotlib color map for overlay bars (e.g., ‘jet’ or ‘YlOrRd’).

Default: “jet”


Relative height of letter stacks in logo plot.

Default: 1


Possible choices: yes, no

Ignore extra columns in data

Default: “no”


Possible choices: yes, no

Separate positive and negative diffsel with black line?

Default: “yes”

Output files

Running dms2_logoplot produces output files in the directory specified by --outdir, and with the prefix specified by --name.

There will be a log file with the suffix .log summarizing the program’s progress.

If you run with --prefs, then the logo plot will be in a file with the suffix _prefs.pdf. An example of such a logo plot is in the Doud2016 example.

If you run with --diffsel, then the logo plot will be a file with the suffix _diffsel.pdf. An example of such a logo plot is in the Doud2017 example.

If you run with --fracsurvive, then the logo plot will be a file with the suffix _fracsurvive.pdf.

If you run with --muteffects, then the logo plot will be a file with the suffix _muteffects.pdf.

If you run with --diffprefs, then the logo plot will be a file with the suffix _diffprefs.pdf.